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Thread: Appendix Thread 2. ( Codes for other Threads, HTML Tables, etc.)

  1. #151
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    First macro attempt for this Thread

    When you add things in the F___ column, then things happen as explained here:

    _____ Workbook: FilTit.xlsm ( Using Excel 2010 32 bit )
    Row\Col A B C D E F G
    1 Fname FRegion FCountry Falan
    2 u
    3 rr sh
    4 ll Big
    Worksheet: Sheet1

    The examples used in the explanation work on the data table in the next post

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Rem 1 what cell changes don't interest me
     If Target.Cells.Count <> 1 Then Exit Sub '  More than one cell changed, for example by pasiting new range in
     If Target.Row = 1 Then Exit Sub '        '  Row 1 is always header so of no interst for adding data
     If Target.Value = "" Then Exit Sub '     '  If we empty a cell we don't want the macro to do anything
    Rem 2 find range to search
    Dim Hdr As String, HdRw() As Variant, Lc As Long, Lr As Long, Fc As Long, ClmsCnt As Long
     Let Hdr = Cells.Item(1, Target.Column).Value ' we get the header from the first row in the changed column
     Let Hdr = LCase(Mid(Hdr, 2))                ' take off the  F  at the start and change to lower case
     Let Lc = Cells.Item(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column  ' the last column in the worksheet that has something in the first row, so this will probably
     Let ClmsCnt = Cells.Item(1, Lc).CurrentRegion.Columns.Count '  Current region  is a square range that includes the cell its applied to and goes as far as there is a spreadsheet boundry of an empty column or row, so the column count of that range will likely tell us how many columns are in our table
     Let Fc = Lc - ClmsCnt + 1                                   ' This should get us the first column of out table
    Dim MtchRes As Variant
     Let MtchRes = Application.Match(Hdr, Cells.Item(1, Fc).Resize(1, ClmsCnt), 0)   '  Either this will return us an VBA error ( it won't actually error ) ,  or it will give a number of the "position along" of where it makes a match
        If IsError(MtchRes) Then MsgBox prompt:="I can't find " & Hdr & "": Exit Sub ' For the case of getting an VBA error returned I must have an incorrect header somewhere, maybe a typo in a header somewhere
    Dim SrchClm As Long: Let SrchClm = MtchRes + Fc - 1    '  This should give us the number of the column in the table that I want to search
     Let Lr = Cells.Item(Rows.Count, SrchClm).End(xlUp).Row ' This should return the last used row in that column
        If Cells.Item(Lr, SrchClm) = "" Then Let Lr = Cells.Item(Lr, SrchClm).End(xlUp).Row '  This sia bit of a bodge, and I am not sure yet why i nned this, but it appears that I first find the last row in the table if the last row is empty for this column.  Strange, but empirically it seems doing it again gets over this problem. I also saw that doing it again if I did get the correct last row with something in it, then doing it again will get me down to row 1.   So it looks like perhaps it initially gety the end of the table. That is OK if the column to search has a last table entry.  otherwise doing it again gets me down to the löast used row for that column
    Dim SrchRng As Range: Set SrchRng = Cells.Item(2, SrchClm).Resize(Lr - 1, 1) '  This will be the column range to search
    Dim arrSrch() As Variant: Let arrSrch() = SrchRng.Value '  gets an array of the search range
    Rem 3 Get array of matches by clever way that only Alan, The Fuhrer, knows about
    Dim arrSrchF() As Variant
     Let arrSrchF() = Evaluate("=IF({1},SEARCH(" & """" & Target.Value & """" & "," & SrchRng.Address & "))")
    Rem 4 Get results from arrHits()
    Dim TRws As Long, HitRws As Long, strHits As String
    Dim Cnt As Long   '      arrSrchF()  will look like this,  , each element has something similar to the  .Match  result, so we can use that to see if we got a match or not
        For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrSrchF(), 1)
            If IsError(arrSrchF(Cnt, 1)) Then
            ' if error than no hit
             Let strHits = strHits & arrSrch(Cnt, 1) & vbCr & vbLf  '  This gives the actual value of a hit, or rather adds it to a long text string for the output
            End If
        Next Cnt
     Let strHits = Left(strHits, Len(strHits) - 2)  ' This takes off the last  vbDr & vbLf  which we doin't need
    Rem 5 Final output
    Dim arrFnd() As String: Let arrFnd() = Split(strHits, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare) '  This splits the output string by the  line seperator, and returns a 1 dimansional array where each elemnt is effectively a matched row value.  The number of elements of this array will be a convenient way on the next line to get the numkber of row match results we got
     Let strHits = Hdr & " Filter by " & Target.Value & " will get " & UBound(arrFnd()) + 1 & " rows " & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & strHits & vbCr & vbLf
     Let strHits = strHits & vbCr & vbLf & "Total rows in " & Hdr & " column was " & Lr - 1
     MsgBox prompt:=strHits: Debug.Print strHits
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-22-2023 at 12:04 PM.

  2. #152
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    _____ Workbook: FilTit.xlsm ( Using Excel 2010 32 bit )
    Row\Col H I J K
    1 name region country alan
    2 Pascale Murray Västra Götalands län Mexico Big Cock
    3 Harrison Irwin South Gyeongsang Spain Big Brain
    4 Kim Buckner Irkutsk Oblast Indonesia Hansome
    5 Mia Cruz Nova Scotia Germany Big Castle
    6 Sierra Howe Oslo India
    7 Kyra Osborne Campania India
    8 Matthew Jenkins Texas Norway
    9 Adria Mayo Oaxaca Germany
    10 Patricia Rodriguez Junín Netherlands
    11 Nolan Hurst Azad Kashmir Peru
    12 Cleo Munoz Free State Brazil
    13 Scarlet David Ulster Belgium
    14 Madonna Parks Pernambuco Canada
    15 Derek Cain Donetsk oblast Norway
    16 Zorita Harvey Aisén Turkey
    17 Lev Stout Northern Cape Turkey
    18 George Blake San José Russian Federation
    19 Adele Burgess Victoria Singapore
    20 Curran Herring Prince Edward Island Philippines
    21 Jenette Stanton Cordillera Administrative Region Chile
    22 Katell Whitaker Flintshire Poland
    23 Phillip Hunter Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Norway
    24 Martena Cotton Western Australia Poland
    25 Brenda Mclaughlin Poitou-Charentes Netherlands
    26 Brett Blackwell San José China
    27 Alma Curtis Innlandet Ireland
    28 Ainsley Battle Lubelskie South Africa
    29 Glenna Gregory Pernambuco Sweden
    30 Julian Castillo Yucatán Italy
    31 Beatrice Whitley Bremen China
    32 Brooke Daniel Uttarakhand Chile
    33 Nicholas Douglas Australian Capital Territory Turkey
    34 Kelly Ware Vestland United States
    35 Peter Velazquez Nevada Ireland
    36 Erasmus Hughes Friesland South Africa
    37 Reese Bray Andhra Pradesh China
    38 MacKenzie Ray La Libertad Chile
    39 Audra Nolan Central Region Germany
    40 Jin Mcmillan Cajamarca South Korea
    41 Alec Guzman São Paulo Brazil
    42 Ciara Hurst Michoacán Vietnam
    43 Yasir Rollins Noord Brabant Italy
    44 Logan Lara Zeeland Sweden
    45 Wayne Holcomb Andaman and Nicobar Islands Pakistan
    46 Madonna Ayers Northern Cape Nigeria
    47 Christian Graves North Region Belgium
    48 Ingrid Harper Westmorland China
    49 Rafael Emerson Ð?ng Nai France
    50 Chandler Burks South Island Chile
    51 Jaquelyn Hendrix Vorarlberg Spain
    52 Roanna Reynolds Niger Sweden
    53 Chandler Baldwin Henegouwen Poland
    54 Wanda Luna Western Australia New Zealand
    55 Blake Herring Franche-Comté Ireland
    56 Odette Gordon Metropolitana de Santiago Australia
    57 Ignacia Randolph Loreto Russian Federation
    58 Haley Ewing lódzkie France
    59 Keaton Mckay Queensland New Zealand
    60 Yeo Allen Kirkcudbrightshire Brazil
    61 Chester Whitfield Sevastopol City Belgium
    62 Kadeem Calhoun Ontario Colombia
    63 Clinton Mcgowan Chhattisgarh Norway
    64 Macon Burke Nariño Chile
    65 Yen Griffin Ulyanovsk Oblast Peru
    66 Dieter Christensen Marche Chile
    67 Rafael Ferguson Gelderland South Korea
    68 Rana Graves Piura Sweden
    69 Hilel Marshall Tasmania India
    70 Lev Osborne Berlin Belgium
    71 Amela Benjamin Hamburg Sweden
    72 Brock Gomez Niedersachsen Ukraine
    73 Raphael Gonzalez Östergötlands län Vietnam
    74 Armando Roach Boyacá Spain
    75 Iona Glenn Zhongnán Ireland
    76 Rose Brennan Qu?ng Ngãi Sweden
    77 Adara Mcguire La Rioja New Zealand
    78 Jarrod Mccarthy Pomorskie Colombia
    79 Aiko Hardy Ulster Norway
    80 Blythe Knapp Catalunya Poland
    81 Jameson Ramsey Massachusetts Canada
    82 Idona Flynn Noord Holland India
    83 Rogan Mcneil Mpumalanga Belgium
    84 Kiayada Spencer Vichada Nigeria
    85 Dillon Dunlap Waals-Brabant Belgium
    86 Anastasia Powers Hessen Italy
    87 Neil Walter Yukon Norway
    88 Jin Gilliam Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Norway
    89 Stephanie Mann Puntarenas South Africa
    90 Petra Sellers Queensland Colombia
    91 Armando Fuentes Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Peru
    92 Amy Eaton Westmorland Peru
    93 Kessie Parsons San José United Kingdom
    94 Bo Irwin Kherson oblast Pakistan
    95 Ariel Rice Huádong India
    96 Chancellor Ratliff Poltava oblast Ireland
    97 Jana Hickman Kirov Oblast Vietnam
    98 Halla Hodges Podkarpackie Austria
    99 Tiger Gay Chiapas China
    100 Kenneth Delacruz Newfoundland and Labrador Indonesia
    101 Mikayla Pacheco Donetsk oblast Nigeria
    Worksheet: Sheet1
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-22-2023 at 10:07 AM.

  3. #153
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    For later

  4. #154
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Second main macro attempt for this Thread

    Note: This only filters by the last things added in the Filters. See here

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Rem 1 what cell changes don't interest me
     If Target.Cells.Count <> 1 Then Exit Sub '  More than one cell changed, for example by pasiting new range in
     If Target.Row = 1 Then Exit Sub '        '  Row 1 is always header so of no interst for adding data
    ' If Target.Value = "" Then Exit Sub '     '  If we empty a cell we don't want the macro to do anything
    Rem 2 Put main range in dictionary
    Dim arrOut() As Variant, Ws3 As Worksheet: Set Ws3 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(3)
    Ws3.Columns(Ws3.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count + 1).Resize(, 40).EntireColumn.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
    Dim ClCnt As Long
     Let arrOut() = Ws3.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value2
     Let ClCnt = UBound(arrOut(), 2)
    Dim Dick As Object
     Set Dick = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim Cnt As Long
        For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 1)
    '    Dim Ex As Variant
    '     Let Ex = Dick(Haray(Cnt))
        Dick.Add Key:=Cnt, Item:=Application.Index(arrOut(), Cnt, 0) ' Each item in the dictionary is a 1 dimensional array of a single row of the data range
        Next Cnt
    Debug.Print Dick.Count
    Dim strRes As String
     Let strRes = "Total rows: " & UBound(arrOut(), 1) - 1 & vbCr & vbLf  '  This is the final main output string.  I do this here as the original main data range row cpunt is wanted in the results
    Rem 3 determine Ffilters
    Dim Lc As Long:  Let Lc = Cells.Item(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column  ' the last column in the worksheet that has something in the first row, so this will probably be last filter
    'Dim Cnt As Long
     Let Cnt = 1
        Do While Cnt <= Lc ' this should keep going until I have considered all the  "to filter by"  columns
            If Cells.Item(1, Cnt) = "" Then
            ' I ignore empty columns
            Dim strFfts As String, strFtBy As String '  The header of the filter column ,  the value  "to be filtered by"
             Let strFtBy = Cells.Item(Rows.Count, Cnt).End(xlUp).Value ' This will be the last value, so presumably what the user last put in
                If strFtBy = Cells.Item(1, Cnt).Value Then
                ' this would be the case if the "to filter by" column was empty, ( other than the heading )
                Let strFfts = strFfts & Cells.Item(1, Cnt).Value & "," & strFtBy & " " ' For covenience later, a string has the  heading  and the  "to filter by"  together seperated by a  comma  ,
                End If
            End If
         Let Cnt = Cnt + 1
        Loop ' While Cnt <= Lc
     Let strFfts = Left(strFfts, Len(strFfts) - 1) '  take off the last space  " "   or else by spliting in next line I will get an extra empty array element
    Dim Flts() As String: Let Flts() = Split(strFfts, " ", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    Rem 4  main loop for all filter columns
     Dim Ft As Long
        For Ft = 0 To UBound(Flts()) ' ===========================================================================
        Dim arrIn() As Variant
         Let arrIn() = Dick.items() '  Dick.Itams()   returns a 1 dimensional array, and in our case we put a 1 dimensional array in each item, so we have a 1 dimansional array of 1 domansional arrays, and super Alan figured out a way in the next line to turn it into a two dimensional array
         Let arrOut() = Application.Index(arrIn(), Evaluate("Row(1:" & UBound(arrIn()) + 1 & ")"), Evaluate("Column(A:" & Split(Cells(1, ClCnt).Address, "$", -1, vbBinaryCompare)(1) & ")"))
        ' At this point we made a new array from the dictionary items remaining.  The key, pseudo the index will be fucked up, example,  6  items left might have keys   1 3 4 6 8 9  but they are in order ( I hope )
         Set Dick = Nothing: Set Dick = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 1) '   This  is necersary to get the  array  row number and the dictionary key  in wach
        '    Dim Ex As Variant
        '     Let Ex = Dick(Haray(Cnt))
            Dick.Add Key:=Cnt, Item:=Application.Index(arrOut(), Cnt, 0) ' Each item in the dictionary is a 1 dimensional array of a single row of the data range
            Next Cnt
         Let Ws3.UsedRange.Offset(0, Ws3.UsedRange.Columns.Count + 1).Resize(UBound(arrOut(), 1), 4) = arrOut()
        Dim Hdr As String
         Let Hdr = Split(Flts(Ft), ",", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(0)
         Let strFtBy = Split(Flts(Ft), ",", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(1)
         Let Hdr = LCase(Mid(Hdr, 2))                ' take off the  F  at the start and change to lower case
        Dim MtchRes As Variant
         Let MtchRes = Application.Match(Hdr, Application.Index(arrOut(), 1, 0), 0)   '  Either this will return us an VBA error ( it won't actually error ) ,  or it will give a number of the "position along" of where it makes a match
            If IsError(MtchRes) Then MsgBox prompt:="I can't find " & Hdr & "": Exit Sub ' For the case of getting an VBA error returned I must have an incorrect header somewhere, maybe a typo in a header somewhere
        Dim Rw As Long
            For Rw = 2 To UBound(arrOut(), 1) ' -------------------------------------------------------
                If InStr(1, arrOut(Rw, MtchRes), strFtBy, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                'I have not found a data row in the column with the  "to be filtered by"  text
                Dim strHits As String
                 Let strHits = strHits & arrOut(Rw, MtchRes) & vbCr & vbLf  '  This gives the actual value of a hit, or rather adds it to a long text string for the output
                 Dick.Remove Key:=Rw '  I remove this data line from the dictionary
                End If
            Next Rw ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Debug.Print Dick.Count
            If strHits <> "" Then Let strHits = Left(strHits, Len(strHits) - 2)   ' This takes off the last  vbCr & vbLf  which we don't need
        Dim Ws2 As Worksheet: Set Ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(2)
        Dim Lr2 As Long: Let Lr2 = Ws2.Range("C" & Ws2.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
         Let Ws2.Range("C" & Lr2 + 1 & "").Offset(0, Ft + 1) = "Filtered by F" & Hdr & vbCr & vbLf & strFtBy & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & strHits
        ' Main output string
        Dim arrFnd() As String: Let arrFnd() = Split(strHits, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare) '  This splits the output string by the  line seperator, and returns a 1 dimansional array where each elemnt is effectively a matched row value.  The number of elements of this array will be a convenient way on the next line to get the numkber of row match results we got
        'Dim strRes As String
         Let strRes = strRes & Hdr & " filter by " & strFtBy & ": " & Dick.Count - 1 & " Left / Filtered " & UBound(arrFnd()) + 1 & vbCr & vbLf
        Debug.Print strRes
         Let strHits = ""
        Next Ft ' ================================================================================================
     Let arrIn() = Dick.items() '  Dick.Itams()   returns a 1 dimensional array, and in our case we put a 1 dimensional array in each item, so we have a 1 dimansional array of 1 domansional arrays, and super Alan figured out a way in the next line to turn it into a two dimensional array
     Let arrOut() = Application.Index(arrIn(), Evaluate("Row(1:" & UBound(arrIn()) + 1 & ")"), Evaluate("Column(A:" & Split(Cells(1, ClCnt).Address, "$", -1, vbBinaryCompare)(1) & ")"))
     Let Ws3.UsedRange.Offset(0, Ws3.UsedRange.Columns.Count + 1).Resize(UBound(arrOut(), 1), 4) = arrOut()
     Set Dick = Nothing
    Rem 6 Final Results
    'Dim Ws2 As Worksheet: Set Ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(2)
    'Dim Lr2 As Long: Let Lr2 = Ws2.Range("C" & Ws2.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
     Let Ws2.Range("C" & Lr2 + 1 & "") = strRes
     Ws2.Range("C" & Lr2 + 1 & "").Select
    End Sub
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-23-2023 at 03:21 PM.

  5. #155
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
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    For this post:

    ' 3rd macro
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Rem 0 worksheets info, misc temporary stuff
    Dim Ws3 As Worksheet: Set Ws3 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(3)
     Ws3.Columns(Ws3.Range("A5").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count + 1).Resize(, 40).EntireColumn.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft   '  Clear out all but first full table in Temporary worksheet
    Dim Ws2 As Worksheet: Set Ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(2)
    Dim Lr2 As Long, Ws2COf As Long, strWs2 As String
     Let Lr2 = Ws2.Range("C" & Ws2.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
    Dim NxtRsRw As Long: Let NxtRsRw = Lr2 + 1
    Rem 1 what cell changes don't interest me
         If Target.Cells.Count <> 1 Then Exit Sub '  More than one cell changed, for example by pasiting new range in
         If Target.Row = 1 Then Exit Sub '        '  Row 1 is always header so of no interst for adding data
        ' If Target.Value = "" Then Exit Sub '     '  If we empty a cell we don't want the macro to do anything
    Rem 2 Getting test data, in a way that might be adjusted to do without Temporary worksheet
    '2a this can be replaced later by text file read, either into the array or directly into the rows/lines/items of the dictionary
    Dim arrOut() As Variant
     Let arrOut() = Ws3.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value2
    Dim ClCnt As Long
     Let ClCnt = UBound(arrOut(), 2)
    Dim Dik As Object
     Set Dik = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim DikCnt As Long
        For DikCnt = 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 1)
    '    Dim Ex As Variant
    '     Let Ex = Dick(Haray(Cnt))
        Dik.Add Key:=DikCnt, Item:=Application.Index(arrOut(), DikCnt, 0) ' Each item in the dictionary is a 1 dimensional array of a single row of the data range
        Next DikCnt
    Debug.Print Dik.Count
    Rem 3 determine Ffilters
    Dim Lc As Long:  Let Lc = Cells.Item(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column  ' the last column in the worksheet that has something in the first row, so this will probably be last filter
    Dim CCnt As Long: Let CCnt = 1
        Do While CCnt <= Lc ' this should keep going until I have considered all the  "to filter by"  columns
            If Cells.Item(1, CCnt).Value = "" Then
            ' I ignore empty column cells
            Dim FHd As String: Let FHd = Cells.Item(1, CCnt).Value
            Dim LFt As Long: Let LFt = Cells.Item(Cells.Rows.Count, CCnt).End(xlUp).Row
            Dim FtCnt As Long, strFts As String: Let strFts = FHd  ' This will become string containing  FHeader  and  all, if any  "text to be filtered by"
                For FtCnt = 2 To LFt
                    If Cells.Item(FtCnt, CCnt).Value = "" Then
                    ' I ignore empty  "to be filtered by" cells
                     Let strFts = strFts & "," & Cells.Item(FtCnt, CCnt).Value
                    End If
                Next FtCnt
            Dim strFtBy As String
             Let strFtBy = strFtBy & strFts & "|"
            End If
         Let strFts = ""
         Let CCnt = CCnt + 1
        Loop ' While CCnt <= Lc
     Let strFtBy = Left(strFtBy, Len(strFtBy) - 1)
    ' At this point I have all my filters data in a full string of this type  Fname,rr,ll|FRegion,sh|FCountry,us|Falan,big  so the different filters are seperated by a  |
    Rem 4  main loops for all filter bys in all columns
    '4a) F___      '                      Looping for each filter ' =======================
    Dim arrF__() As String: Let arrF__() = Split(strFtBy, "|", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    Dim F_ As Long
        For F_ = 0 To UBound(arrF__()) '  Looping for each filter by considering every elemnt of a string type array made by splitting  Fname,rr,ll|FRegion,sh|FCountry,us|Falan,big  by  |
        Dim Hdr As String
         Let Hdr = arrF__(F_)
         Let Hdr = Mid(Hdr, 2)  ' This will either be like  Fname,rr,ll  or for no "to be filtered by", it will be the filter column, header , like   Fname    then  in next loop like   FRegion,sh  or  just  FRegion   if the second filter column has not  "to be filtered by"
         Dim Ftd As Long: Let Ftd = 0 '  Set the count of things filterd for the header  to 0   before we go further to see if we have any, so that we can also use it in the final string result if we did not have anything  "to be filtered by"
            If InStr(1, Hdr, ",", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
            ' no things to filter by for this header and Hdr is the final header already
            Dim arrFby() As String ' array of the header , and to filter bys  for this Header     It must have at least 2 elements at this stage, the header and at least 1  "to be filtered by"
             Let arrFby() = Split(Hdr, ",", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
             Let Hdr = arrFby(0) '  get the filter column header for the case that there is also some  "things to be filtered by"
            Dim MtchRes As Variant
             Let MtchRes = Application.Match(Hdr, Application.Index(arrOut(), 1, 0), 0)   '  Either this will return us an VBA error ( it won't actually error ) ,  or it will give a number of the "position along" of where it makes a match
                If IsError(MtchRes) Then MsgBox prompt:="I can't find " & Hdr & "": Exit Sub ' For the case of getting an VBA error returned I must have an incorrect header somewhere, maybe a typo in a header somewhere
            '4c) This loops as many times as we have  "to be filterd bys"  for a particular filter column
            Dim FbyCnt As Long  ' Looking for each "to be filtered by" in the table +++++++
                For FbyCnt = 1 To UBound(arrFby()) ' Note 1 is the second one, which is the first thing to filter by
                 Let Ws2COf = Ws2COf + 1 ' running offset for temporary extra Ws2 output
                'Dim strFtBy As String
                 Let strFtBy = arrFby(FbyCnt) ' strFtBy  is now the single value
                Dim Rw As Long ' This loop effectively removes / filters out  lines/rows  by removing the line from the dictionary ,  2 beacuse we don't consider the header row
                    For Rw = 2 To UBound(arrOut(), 1) ' -------------------------------------------------------
                        If InStr(1, arrOut(Rw, MtchRes), strFtBy, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                        'I have not found a data row in the column with the  "to be filtered by"  text
                        Dim strHits As String
                         Let strHits = strHits & arrOut(Rw, MtchRes) & vbCr & vbLf  '  This gives the actual value of a hit, or rather adds it to a long text string for the output, the individual values seperated by  a  line ( vbCr & vbLf)    This can be used conveniantly by spliting by the line to get the  count
                         Dik.Remove Key:=Rw '  I remove this data line from the dictionary
                        End If
                    Next Rw ' -------------------------------------------------------------
                '4d)  results info from each  "to be filtered by"
                Debug.Print Dik.Count ' this will be 1 more than the rows we are intersted in ( 1 more because we don't consider the header row )
                     If strHits <> "" Then Let strHits = Left(strHits, Len(strHits) - 2)   ' This takes off the last  vbCr & vbLf  which we don't need
                Dim arrFnd() As String: Let arrFnd() = Split(strHits, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare) '  This splits the output string by the  line seperator, and returns a 1 dimansional array where each elemnt is effectively a matched row value.  The number of elements of this array will be a convenient way on the next line to get the numkber of row match results we got
                 Let Ws2.Range("C" & NxtRsRw & "").Offset(0, Ws2COf) = "Total rows: " & UBound(arrOut(), 1) - 1 & vbCr & vbLf & "F" & Hdr & " filterd by " & strFtBy & ":" & vbCr & vbLf & (UBound(arrOut(), 1) - 1) - (UBound(arrFnd()) + 1) & " Left / Filtered " & UBound(arrFnd()) + 1 & vbCr & vbLf & strHits  ' ths is a temporary output that gives info for each filter by result
                 Let Ftd = Ftd + UBound(arrFnd()) + 1
                '4e) At this point we have done a Filter, reduced the elements in the dictionary, so we must remake the main array again
                Dim arrIn() As Variant
                 Let arrIn() = Dik.items() '  Dik.Itams()   returns a 1 dimensional array, and in our case we put a 1 dimensional array in each item, so we have a 1 dimansional array of 1 domansional arrays, and super Alan figured out a way in the next line to turn it into a two dimensional array
                 Let arrOut() = Application.Index(arrIn(), Evaluate("Row(1:" & UBound(arrIn()) + 1 & ")"), Evaluate("Column(A:" & Split(Cells(1, ClCnt).Address, "$", -1, vbBinaryCompare)(1) & ")"))
                    With Ws3.UsedRange
                     Let .Offset(0, .Columns.Count + 1 + F_).Resize(1, 1) = "Total rows: " & UBound(arrOut(), 1) - 1 & vbCr & vbLf & "F" & Hdr & " filterd by " & strFtBy & ":" & vbCr & vbLf & (UBound(arrOut(), 1) - 1) - (UBound(arrFnd()) + 1) & " Left / Filtered " & UBound(arrFnd()) + 1 & vbCr & vbLf & strHits
                     Let .Offset(5, .Columns.Count + 1).Resize(UBound(arrOut(), 1), 4) = arrOut()
                    End With
                 Let strHits = ""
                ' At this point we made a new array from the dictionary items remaining.  The key, pseudo the index will be fucked up, example,  6  items left might have keys   1 3 4 6 8 9  but they are in order ( I hope )
                 Set Dik = Nothing: Set Dik = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
                    For DikCnt = 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 1) '   This  is necersary to get the  array  row number and the dictionary key  in wach
                '    Dim Ex As Variant
                '     Let Ex = Dick(Haray(Cnt))
                    Dik.Add Key:=DikCnt, Item:=Application.Index(arrOut(), DikCnt, 0) ' Each item in the dictionary is a 1 dimensional array of a single row of the data range
                    Next DikCnt
                Dim strFbys As String
                 Let strFbys = strFbys & strFtBy & " " '  this gives us a string like for example if there were two "to be filtered by things"  rr  and  ll   then the string will finally be   rr ll
                Next FbyCnt '  ' Looking for each "to be filtered by" in the table ++++++++
            Dim strRes As String
    '         Let strRes = strRes & Hdr & " filter: " & Dik.Count - 1 & " Left / Filtered " & Ftd & vbCr & vbLf
            End If
         Let strRes = strRes & Hdr & " filter " & strFbys & ": " & Dik.Count - 1 & " Left / Filtered " & Ftd & vbCr & vbLf  '  This is the main wanted output  - total for each filter     The  Dik.Count  at this point will be from the last made which will be what left after we went through all the  "to be filtered by"    The  Ftd  was a running total  for the  filter header   and the   strFbys  a string with all the "things to be filtered by" seperated by a space
         Let strFbys = ""
        Next F_  ' ==== looping for each filter ===========================================
    Rem 5  Main output results
    Debug.Print strRes
     Let Ws2.Range("C" & NxtRsRw & "") = strRes
     Ws2.Range("C" & NxtRsRw & "").Select
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-24-2023 at 03:27 PM.

  6. #156
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    lateragain vg 6T Qh Hw Xc Sq r6 XI 3f nH Xa G8


  7. #157
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Some extended explanations for this post

    This is approximately what it does/ should do.…………..
    There are filter columns in the first worksheet, Filters Something like this

    There is a table somewhere, something like this:

    Here are both the filter tables and the and main table, shown together for clarity, , but note we would not normally see the main table as that would likely be in a text file somewhere.

    We consider all text in a filter, starting from the left and then move on to the next filter. The text in the filter is the text to find in a particular column, and if we find it in a row, then we remove/filter out that entire row of the table

    Simplified example
     Before filtering
    F1   F2   F3                              1       2       3
    a     b    cc                             xy    yx     xy
    d                                          af    ff     cch
    rr                                          xy    vx     zy
                                                ax    tt     tt
                                                ww   rt     ff
                                                gg   btt    gg                                     
                                               xxx   yy     zz
                                               Trr    gg    gg    
    After filtering
    F1   F2   F3                             1      2      3
    a     b    cc                            xy    yx      xy                                          
    d                                         xy    vx     zy
                                              ww    rt     ff
                                              xxx   yy     zz
    (colours are just added for demonstration purposes)
    In that example,
    _ for Filter1 , the a filtered out the second and forth rows, - in the results they have gone/been removed/ deleted. Similarly the rr in the first filter resulted in the last row being removed.
    _ In Filter2 , the b was responsible for filtering out a row
    _ Filter3 did nothing: Despite the presence of a cc in the second line of the original table, by the time we considered the third filter, the original second line had already been removed by Filter1

    Some underlining coding ideas
    Collecting/ Text/ Split stuff ("Dictionaries")

    As we proceed in the coding we will collect information, often in the forms of long text strings, in a particular format. For example if we collected this
    "af ff cc" & vbCr & vbLf & "ax tt tt"
    , then we have a chance to display directly those rows, since the two characters, vbCr and vbLf are "invisible characters" which create a new line in many pront or display options, so we would typically see it displayed as
    af ff cc
    ax tt tt

    In addition we have a particularly useful function , Split , which allows us to split by any character or characters, so that, in that example a split by vbCr & vbLf would give as a 1 dimensional array like this sort of representation in coding,
    Arr(0)="af ff cc"
    Arr(1)="ax tt tt"

    or like this
    {"af ff cc" , "ax tt tt"}
    That further lends itself to useful things like counting the array elements and storing and manipulating 1 dimensional arrays, which computers do very well: Text and 1 dimensional arrays seem to be fundamental computers. In addition I have found some neat ways to turn 1 dimensional arrays into 2 dimensional arrays, ( and visa versa ) , which is what we as humans like to see, in Tables and things

    The final output wanted is collected in a single text string at various tines as we go along.

    I introduce the first time a thing called a dictionary. For now will leave it at that is it like an internal held in computer memory list, not directly a VBA thing, but accessible from VBA

    More specific coding description
    This is approximately how it works , in simple words.

    Rem 0

    I have to tell Excel a bit about some things/objects/variables, For example I say where worksheets are, or what names they have.
    It makes it easier and safer sometimes to get some things well defined from the start
    The coding is designed to be as flexible and dynamic as possible, so that it requires no or little change to work on, for example, more added Filter columns. So we try to get the filter array in such a way that will work for different filters and table size.
    In this section we produce a single string of all the filter information we need, so for the example considered so far, we would obtain something like this
    Fname,rr,ll|FRegion,sh|FCountry (A Split of this data by | (which we will do later) will either give the header if the filter column is empty or the header and the “things to be used to filter out rows” all separated by a column, for example the first would be

    We are finished with getting the Filter data. This can be used from Rem 2. But, we need now to obtain the main table data and put it in memory, because in this coding version we don’t have any Table data in the Excel file

    Rem 1
    We bring in a text file, our main table, and we split it up pseudo into a 1 dimensional array of 1 dimensional arrays, that is to say an array whole elements themselves are arrays, effectively the inner arrays are a row in the table. I say pseudo, as rather than use a VBA array we use a thing called a dictionary which is an internal memory thing which can be manipulated very efficiency. You can think of that dictionary as something like a long list, and each element/row in that list can be an array, ( or most anything else, but for us an array is convenient). So the elements/row in the list our internal 1 dimensional arrays, and the outer array holding them is our dictionary/list thing.
    So for our previous example we would have for the full initial table which can be visualised as something like this, held efficiently in internal memory.
    {H1 , H2 , H3}
    {xy , yx , xy}
    {af , ff , cch}
    {xy , vx , zy}
    {ax , tt , tt}
    {ww , rt , ff}
    {gg , tt , gg}
    {xxx , yy , zz}
    That lends itself nicely to getting at the data via multiple co ordinates , pseudo coding like
    Dictionary (row) (column)
    It works very similar to a 2 dimensional array system , or grid reference system. My guess is that 2 dimensional array and screen display ideas are held in memory like that, and thinking about that in a lateral sort of way is how I have come to do things in Excel and VBA much better than anyone ever did before, as they lacked my open minded broad way of thinking, (or they lacked my stupidity, often I can’t understand their explanations of why something can’t be done, so I just carry on and sometimes find a way to do it anyway. )

    So more specifically I bring in my table from a csv text file. We bring it all in as a single string, in one go.
    Conventionally the lines in a text file are, as many line/ row things in computers, are represented in the string by a vbCr & vbLf . So a Split by that gives a 1 dimensional array whose elements are a string, where in that string the individual values are separated by a comma

    Rem 2
    We have a main outer loop which is considering all filters. A Split using the | ( which we put in to separate the individual filters), will give us an array, each element having all the info we need for a particular filter, allowing us to loop by that array
    '2b) The text in a single filter can be turned into an array by a Split using the comma , ( which we put in the entire string) for all filter texts.
    '2b(i) The first element in the last made array will be the Filter header name
    '2b)(ii) The first element in the last made array will be the Filter header name, and we try to find that in the main table first row, that tell us where in the main table the column we are interested in is. This way the order of where the columns are in the main table is not important

    Rem 3 Filter out by loop
    This next bit is the main thing that effectively takes the entire row out in the main table when the bit of text, like rr ( the "filter out by", or in my coding FtBy ) is found in that column in the row, such as if in that column we had Pascale Murray

    Here is that coding bit, and we will move on to analysing that in the next post
            Rem 3   Filter out by loop
            Dim FtbyCnt As Long
                For FtbyCnt = 1 To UBound(arrFtbys()) ' ----------Filter out by loop-----------------
                Dim Ftby As String
                 Let Ftby = arrFtbys(FtbyCnt)
                Dim Sperm As Variant '   dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop
                    For Each Sperm In Dik '  Sperm becomes the next dictionary  Key   Every time this is re done,  there will be less  Sperm  so this line and way of doing it means we are not looking in any found and removed in a previous of this, since they are not in  Dik  anymore
                        If InStr(1, Dik(Sperm)(MtchRes - 1), Ftby, vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
                        ' did not find the  "thing to filter out by"
                        Else ' we have a row now that needs to be removed, ans some note of which will be helpful to build the final results
                        Dim FOutDel As String:
                         Let FOutDel = FOutDel & Dik(Sperm)(MtchRes - 1) & vbCr & vbLf ' This will build us a list of matched cell content
                         Dik.Remove Key:=Sperm '  I remove this data line from the dictionary
                        End If
                    Next Sperm ' dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop
                 Let FOutDel = Left(FOutDel, Len(FOutDel) - 2)
                 Let FOutDel = "Filterd out by """ & Ftby & """" & vbCr & vbLf & FOutDel                      '  ***Add an extra line at the front to say what I am filtering out by
                Debug.Print FOutDel
                Debug.Print "Filtered Out " & UBound(Split(FOutDel, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare))        ' ***that  extra line  at the front gives one too many, but as arrays from  Split  start at  indicie/index  0  then the upper bound value is one less than the count of elements,  so these two things cancel themselves out like  -1 +1
                 Let RwsCnt = Dik.Count
                Debug.Print "Left is: " & RwsCnt
                Dim FOutCnt As Long
                 Let FOutCnt = FOutCnt + UBound(Split(FOutDel, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare))
                 Let FOutDel = ""
                Next FtbyCnt ' --------------Filter out by loop--------------------------------------
            Debug.Print "Total rows/lines removed for filter " & Hdr & " was " & FOutCnt & vbCr & vbLf
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-30-2023 at 11:45 AM.

  8. #158
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Rem 3 Filter out by loop , the coding section from last post…..

    To explain what this code section does with an example:
    If rr is found in a cell in a column, for example if we had in a cell Pascale Murray, then the entire row in which that cell is, in the main table, will be effectively removed in the main table.
    The loop is considering a single filter, doing sequentially For all "bits to be filtered out by". ( In this example the rr is a "bit to be filtered out by". It might be done just once or for as many times as there are cells with "bits to be filtered out by" in a Filter column. Example, for a Filter looking like this

    , the loop would be done twice.

    The loop starts at a count of 1, despite the fact that we use that to access the elements of the 1 dimensional array, arrFtbys() which was obtained from a Split, ( Let arrFtbys() = Split(Hdr, ",", -1, vbBinaryCompare) ), and consequently starts at an indicia of 0, rather than 1. The reason for this is that we organised that the first element was the table header which is not considered when looking for rows/lines to be removed/filtered out

    '3b dicloop
    This is the clever bit, and the first time done so far
    Our dictionary , Dik , holds all lines in the table, each Dik element/ line has effectively a complete line of the main table
    To refresh our memory of how a dictionary thing is organised: Each element/ line in it has two things associated with it,
    Key:=____ and Item:=____
    The Item is what is actually held, in our case a line from the main table.
    The Key is just the reference or address to it. It does not matter what the key is, a name, number, (in fact it can be almost anything). It is simply something which must be unique. It is what VBA or a computer in general will use to find the main item. Think of it as if someone want to get at a House, the Item. You would unlikely tell them all about the House item, rather you would tell them something about it , which might be a variety of things, such as the address or specific directions to get exactly to it. The only thing that any of those things have in common is that they must be unique, otherwise it would not work: you can’t have two different thing’s in exactly the same place.

    For some reason, (I personally don’t know why), if I do the typical VBA looping option way of a For Each Next loop in the case of a dictionary, then the thing that is looped through is not all the actual main Item thing, but rather the Keys. In this coding the Sperm then becomes each key. That is not a problem, as ,long as we know it. If we want to get at the item considered at any loop then this syntax allows us to get at it
    , assuming that Dik is the object variable we chose for the dictionary
    , and Sperm is the variable we used in the syntax of the VBA looping option way of a For Each Next , pseudo like
    __ For Each Sperm In Dik
    _-_ ___________
    _-_ ___________

    _-_ ' doing stuff for each Sperm
    _-_ _____
    __ Next Sperm

    So we are looping the entire dictionary, in other words, we are effectively looping each line in the main table.
    The main code line that checks for a line to be removed is this
    ____ If InStr(1, Dik(Sperm)(MtchRes - 1), Ftby, vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
    To explain that in detail
    We are using the Instr function.
    For full details of that Instr function. see here
    A quick shortened simplified description, enough for our usage of it , requires us just to consider the second and third arguments, with the example we have considered a few times, so pseudo it would then be like
    Instr( __ , Pascale Murray , rr , __ )
    If that does not find the rr , then it returns 0
    So we are checking for that , in which case we woiuld do nothing, otherwise we would do something, (which would be to remove the line).
    In that main line, the rr is in the variable Ftby , so that is not so difficult to understand.
    The other bit, Dik(Sperm)(MtchRes - 1) , needs a bit more explanation to say how that ends up being something like Pascale Murray or any other entry from a cell in a column

    We said already that Dik(Sperm) gives us an item , which is a line from the main table. Previously in the coding , '1c) we put the line in in a specific way. It is not a single text of the entire row and also not an excel range of all the cells in that row in the table. For each line it is a 1 dimensional array of the line.
    For example, going right back to the main table, (
    ) , and consider the original first line
    , it is something of this form in the main table,
    Pascale Murray Västra Götalands län Mexico

    , and we have it held in our dictionary in this sort of pseudo form
    Array{ "Pascale Murray" , "Västra Götalands län" , "Mexico" }
    , and we can get at the individual elements, pseudo like this
    Array(0) = "Pascale Murray"
    Array(1) = "Västra Götalands län"
    Array(2) = "Mexico"

    Those 3 things are in a single 1 dimensional array, which is the Item in the dictionary. The entire array is accessed like Dik(Sperm)
    If we want, for example, something in the column currently under consideration, then in the variable MtchRes we would have either 1, 2 or 3, depending on where the code line MtchRes = Application.Match(LCase(Mid(Hdr, 2)), arrHdrs(), 0) told us the column wasd in the main table. Since inidies in a 1 dimension array often start as 0, as is the case here, then we must modify that by -1 to get the correct indicia
    Hence the specific cell value is obtained by Dik(Sperm)(MtchRes - 1). For the example we have been looking at for the first column we have like , pseudo,
    Dik(Sperm)(1 - 1) = Dik(Sperm)(0) = "Pascale Murray"

    If instr( ) did not return us 0 , then the Else code section bit does effectively the removing of the line in the dictionary using the appropriate syntax for the dictionary object:
    Dik.Remove Key:=Sperm ' I remove this data line from the dictionary

    When we next come to run the entire loop , then this line at the start , For Each Sperm In Dik , has the nice side effect of effectively looking at just the remaining lines.
    This is perhaps one of the main differences in the working of this 4th main coding version, as previously we used more extensively VBA arrays, which meant we had some messy extra work to do in order make sure the arrays at any time had the appropriate content in the correct order after any lines were removed.

    At this point, most of the difficult stuff has been explained.

    Rem 5 Output
    At various points some string information was put in the Immediate Window using Debug.Print code lines. This gives us a detailed extended output.
    A limited amount of that information was also put in a string variable, strRes
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-30-2023 at 03:02 PM.

  9. #159
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    4th macro, (macro explained in last few posts)

    ' 4th macro             
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Rem -1 what cell changes don't interest me
         If Target.Cells.Count <> 1 Then Exit Sub              '  More than one cell changed, for example by pasiting new range in
         If Target.Row = 1 Then Exit Sub '                     '  Row 1 is always header so of no interst for adding data
        ' If Target.Value = "" Then Exit Sub '                 '  If we empty a cell we don't want the macro to do anything
    Rem 0 worksheets info, misc temporary stuff
    Dim WsRes As Worksheet: Set WsRes = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Results")
    Dim WsFlt As Worksheet: Set WsFlt = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Filters")
    Dim LcF As Long: Let LcF = WsFlt.Cells.Item(1, WsFlt.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
        If Target.Column > LcF Then Exit Sub
    Dim LrF As Long: Let LrF = Cells.Item(1).Resize(100, LcF).Find(What:="*", after:=Cells.Item(100, 1), LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart, searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False).Row
        If LrF = 1 Then MsgBox prompt:="Nothing to be filterd by": Exit Sub
    Dim rngFlt As Range: Set rngFlt = Range("A1").Resize(LrF, LcF)
    Dim arrFlt() As Variant
     Let arrFlt() = rngFlt.Value2
    Dim strFlts As String, Rw As Long, Clm As Long
        For Clm = 1 To LcF '  collecting the filter columns infomation as text
            If Cells.Item(1, Clm) = "" Then ' If the top cell is empy then....
            ' .... This will be an empty column, so do nozjing
             Let strFlts = strFlts & Cells.Item(1, Clm) ' This puts the header, like  Fname  at the start of the string
                For Rw = 2 To LcF '  loop down the rows in a column containing text
                    If Cells.Item(Rw, Clm) = "" Then
                    ' a row with a cell with nothing in it for this column under consideration
                     Let strFlts = strFlts & "," & Cells.Item(Rw, Clm)
                    End If
                Next Rw
            ' we are finished with a filter text so..
             Let strFlts = strFlts & "|" ' add an arbritrary thing t
            End If ' this was the check for an empty column indicated by nothing in the top cell
        Next Clm '   On to the next column
     Let strFlts = Left(strFlts, Len(strFlts) - 1)
     ' at this point we have something of this form in strFlts    Fname,rr,ll|FRegion,sh|FCountry
    Rem 1
    ' 1a) Get the text file as a long single string
    Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1)                                    '
    Dim PathAndFileName As String, TotalFile As String
    ' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "Itchy Bollocks.txt"   '
     Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "Itchy BollocksAlan.txt"   '
    ' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & "data-v9i8Rbfh1ul6_1diL56pb.csv"   '
    Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundamental type data input...
    ' Let TotalFile = Space(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot receives it has to be a string of exactly the right length
    'Get #FileNum, , TotalFile
    '  Or
     Let TotalFile = Input(LOF(FileNum), FileNum)
    Close #FileNum
    '1b) 1 dimensional array where elements are text file lines
    Dim arr1D() As String: Let arr1D() = Split(TotalFile, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    '1b(ii) !!!  I need the array of the header later
    Dim arrHdrs() As String: Let arrHdrs() = Split(arr1D(0), ",", -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' ###  I don't want to mess with the header later when using the dictionary but I need it to match the filter header to   This array is effectively one containing the values in the first row of the main table.
    '1c) put the text file lines into a  dictionary. These lines are not put in as text lines but as 1 dimensional arrray
    Dim Dik As Object
     Set Dik = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim DikCnt As Long
        For DikCnt = 1 To UBound(arr1D())  '                                             ###  Using  (1)  to start with will miss the header at  arr1D(0)
         Dik.Add Key:=DikCnt, Item:=Split(arr1D(DikCnt), ",", -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' Each item in the dictionary is a 1 dimensional array of a single row of the data range
        Next DikCnt
    Dim RwsCnt As Long: Let RwsCnt = Dik.Count
    Dim strRes As String: Let strRes = "Toltal rows: " & RwsCnt & vbCr & vbLf    '  First bit of info in the final string for output
    Rem 2
    '2a) Main outer loop  for Filter headers
    Dim Flts() As String: Let Flts() = Split(strFlts, "|", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    Dim FltsCnt As Long
        For FltsCnt = 0 To UBound(Flts()) ' ========================================================
        Dim Hdr As String: Let Hdr = Flts(FltsCnt) '
        Debug.Print "Using Filter  " & Hdr & "     -----|---- -_-"
            If InStr(1, Hdr, ",", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
            ' in this case the string in  Hdr  is just the header, and we go no further with any other looping
            Else ' at this point its time to do the innner loop for each of the  "things to look for to filtr out by"
            '2b)   a  Split  by the comma  ,  (that we put in in '0b)(ii)) wiil give all filled cell vaues , and ...
            Dim arrFtbys() As String: Let arrFtbys() = Split(Hdr, ",", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
            '2b(i)    The first element in the last made array will be the Filter header name, which we put in a variable, Hdr
             Let Hdr = arrFtbys(0)  '                    ...
            '2b)(ii)  The first element in the last made array will be the Filter header name, and we try to find that in the main table first row, that tell us where in the main table the column we are interested in is. This way the order of where the columns are in the main table is not important
            Dim MtchRes As Variant
    '                         !!!   I got the array of headers   arrHdrs()   earlier    !!!
             Let MtchRes = Application.Match(LCase(Mid(Hdr, 2)), arrHdrs(), 0) '  Either this will return us an VBA error ( it won't actually error ) ,  or it will give a number of the "position along" of where it makes a match
                If IsError(MtchRes) Then MsgBox prompt:="I can't find " & LCase(Mid(Hdr, 2)) & " in the Table": Exit Sub ' For the case of getting an VBA error returned I must have an incorrect header somewhere, maybe a typo in a header somewhere
            Rem 3   Filter out by loop
            Dim FtbyCnt As Long
                For FtbyCnt = 1 To UBound(arrFtbys()) ' ----------Filter out by loop-----------------
                Dim Ftby As String
                 Let Ftby = arrFtbys(FtbyCnt)
                Dim Sperm As Variant '   dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop
                    '3b dicloop
                    For Each Sperm In Dik '  Sperm becomes the next dictionary  Key   Every time this is re done,  there will be less  Sperm  so this line and way of doing it means we are not looking in any found and removed in a previous of this, since they are not in  Dik  anymore
                        If InStr(1, Dik(Sperm)(MtchRes - 1), Ftby, vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then
                        ' did not find the  "thing to filter out by"
                        Else ' we have a row now that needs to be removed, ans some note of which will be helpful to build the final results
                        Dim FOutDel As String:
                         Let FOutDel = FOutDel & Dik(Sperm)(MtchRes - 1) & vbCr & vbLf ' This will build us a list of matched cell content
                         Dik.Remove Key:=Sperm '  I remove this data line from the dictionary
                        End If
                    Next Sperm ' dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop dicloop
                 Let FOutDel = Left(FOutDel, Len(FOutDel) - 2)
                 Let FOutDel = "Filterd out by """ & Ftby & """" & vbCr & vbLf & FOutDel                      '  ***Add an extra line at the front to say what I am filtering out by
                Debug.Print FOutDel
                Debug.Print "Filtered Out " & UBound(Split(FOutDel, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare))        ' ***that  extra line  at the front gives one too many, but as arrays from  Split  start at  indicie/index  0  then the upper bound value is one less than the count of elements,  so these two things cancel themselves out like  -1 +1
                 Let RwsCnt = Dik.Count
                Debug.Print "Left is: " & RwsCnt
                Dim FOutCnt As Long
                 Let FOutCnt = FOutCnt + UBound(Split(FOutDel, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare))
                 Let FOutDel = ""
                Next FtbyCnt ' --------------Filter out by loop--------------------------------------
            Debug.Print "Total rows/lines removed for filter " & Hdr & " was " & FOutCnt & vbCr & vbLf
            End If '  we were in a big  If Else  thing where a lot was done
    '     Let strRes = strRes & Mid(Hdr, 2) & " filter: " & RwsCnt - FOutCnt & " Left / Filtered " & FOutCnt & vbCr & vbLf
         Let strRes = strRes & Mid(Hdr, 2) & " filter: " & RwsCnt & " Left / Filtered " & FOutCnt & vbCr & vbLf
         Let FOutCnt = 0
        Next FltsCnt ' ==============================================================================
    Rem 5 Output
     Let WsRes.Range("A2") = strRes
    End Sub
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-31-2023 at 12:38 PM.

  10. #160
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
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    Here is another, forth, version, FilTit4.xlsm

    Detailed explanation is here

    These are the main three differences, summarised.

    _1) I have used the dictionary object a bit more cleverly, and so have reduced the amount of manipulation with VBA arrays. There are two reasons for this:
    _ one reason is simply doing it a bit better after a few tries so far at a final coding, so in other words I just got better as I went along; but also,
    _ the other reason is that in this version I omit the TemporaryWorksheet worksheet which pasted out the reduced size tables as we went along, which required an extra array to be made as I went along in order to do that extra output.

    _2) All the extended output information that is useful in development and fault finding, is now Debug.Printed out to the Immediate window, and all the extra worksheets are omitted. The only seen output for the user is what was originally wanted
    For example, using the example used in the last few posts of this

    , then we will only see this

    , unless we look in the Immediate window, and then we can see the extended output:
     Using Filter  Fname,rr,ll     -----|---- -_-
    Filterd out by "rr"
    Pascale Murray
    Harrison Irwin
    Sierra Howe
    Curran Herring
    Blake Herring
    Jarrod Mccarthy
    Filtered Out 6
    Left is: 94
    Filterd out by "ll"
    Katell Whitaker
    Phillip Hunter
    Brett Blackwell
    Julian Castillo
    Kelly Ware
    Jin Mcmillan
    Yasir Rollins
    Yeo Allen
    Hilel Marshall
    Dillon Dunlap
    Jin Gilliam
    Petra Sellers
    Chancellor Ratliff
    Halla Hodges
    Filtered Out 14
    Left is: 80
    Total rows/lines removed for filter Fname was 20
    Using Filter  FRegion,sh     -----|---- -_-
    Filterd out by "sh"
    Azad Kashmir
    Andhra Pradesh
    Filtered Out 2
    Left is: 78
    Total rows/lines removed for filter FRegion was 2
    Using Filter  FCountry,us     -----|---- -_-
    Filterd out by "us"
    Russian Federation
    Russian Federation
    Filtered Out 3
    Left is: 75
    Total rows/lines removed for filter FCountry was 3

    _3) The table (from the text file) is held only in memory and is also not put or used in any temporary worksheets.

    To test, then similar process to previously ,
    _ download both files. They can be anywhere but both files should be in the same folder
    _ open the excel workbook file only
    _ In the first worksheet, type something in any filter, …. for example: type us in cell E3 of the first worksheet , and then hit Enter,

    That should result in getting the results indicated above
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-30-2023 at 07:02 PM.

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