Hello Everyone. I have been working a long tim on this and I actually think it may be one of those things that cannot be done by formula or Sub Routine. I hope I explain what I want to do properly ...

I need to itemise a list of values but I only want to go up a number when the cell value is unique when compared to the cells above ie a range. An exmple of what I need visually is..

Column1 | Column 2
1 | 3504
1 | 3504
2 | 6401
3 | 1205
1 | 3504
2 | 6401

So I need the formula to automate the numbers in Column 1 dependant on the value of Column 2.

Each number is given an item number starting from 1 of course. I guess it would be like a rowcount that ignores the duplicates.

I hope this makes sense any help is gratefully apprciated. Thanks