Further notes in support of answer to this Thread:

Microsoft Outlook.
WTF is that and HTF do you do anything with it, and WTF is it supposed to do.

I didn't know. And still don't......
The internet is full of stuff on this, but there is no clear explanation of what it is or what it should do or how you do anything with it.

But I had a go
Microsoft Outlook: what is that ( using manually )
You would normally get the software to run on its own ( visible as it were ) in a similar way to which you might get Word or Excel to start, for example
Find it single click on it:
FindOutlook Start AllProgrammes Microsoft MicrosoftOutlook.JPG : https://imgur.com/LaGs6HA
FindOutlook Start TypeInSearchBox Outlook.JPG : https://imgur.com/IbFOSHz
Make a Desktop icon from a Copy/ paste and double click on it :
MicrosoftOutlook Make a desktop Icon to double click on.JPG : https://imgur.com/ZNNPmOI

The first time you try to open it with a click or two, a set up starts.
Outlook2003Start.JPG https://imgur.com/tSQDoTe
The main use of the Outlook software is to do Email stuff, so usually you will have at least one Email account “registered in it” You can do this at the set up or later.
I had a go,
the start was OK:
Outlook2003Start.JPG https://imgur.com/R71pKfy
Outlook2003Start2.JPG https://imgur.com/XUFMpEm

These following steps took me a few hours of Emails, Internet surfing and annoying Telephone calls to my Internet provider before I
_ chose IMAP here : Outlook2003Start3ServerType.JPG : https://imgur.com/Jmnd6Vb
_ got the two required things to put in the 2 server information bars, and other stuff to fill in this : Outlook2003Start4ServerConfiguration.JPG : https://imgur.com/NXNAt9J
Von: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" 
An: "elston, alan" 
*	Serveradresse	Port*	Sicherheit
Posteingang	securepop.t-online.de	995	SSL / TLS
Postausgang	securesmtp.t-online.de	465	SSL
E-Mails über IMAP4 abrufen
*	Serveradresse	Port*	Sicherheit
Posteingang	secureimap.t-online.de	993	SSL
Postausgang	securesmtp.t-online.de	465	SSL

From: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" 
To: "elston, alan" 
Server address Port Security
Inbox securepop.t-online.de 995 SSL / TLS
Outbox securesmtp.t-online.de 465 SSL

Retrieve emails via IMAP4
Server address Port Security
Inbox secureimap.t-online.de 993 SSL
Outbox securesmtp.t-online.de 465 SSL
Outlook2003Start4ServerConfiguration.JPG : https://imgur.com/NXNAt9J
MyTelekomNameUsernamePassword.JPG : https://imgur.com/K6qZgsE
TelekomInternetConfiguration.JPG : https://imgur.com/Z3XcsJu

Then I hit Finish:
Outlook2003Start5Fertig.JPG : https://imgur.com/wIMvqBb ´
I get an error in the left Pane atz that point or later as well sometimes :
Outlook2003Start6LeftpaneErrror.JPG : https://imgur.com/35XLQv6
could not connect to the server  secureimap t online.JPG : https://imgur.com/UqEZtQe 
Fehler (0x800CCC0E) beim Ausführen der Aufgabe "Suchen nach neuen Nachrichten in den abonnierten Ordnern auf secureimap.t-online.de.": "Der Download des Ordners "(null)" von Konto "secureimap.t-online.de" vom IMAP-Mailserver ist fehlgeschlagen. Fehler: Die Verbindung zum Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Falls dieser Fehler weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an den Serveradministrator oder den Internetdienstanbieter."

Fehler (0x800CCC0E) beim Ausführen der Aufgabe "secureimap.t-online.de: Posteingang - Auf neue E-Mail überprüfen.": "Der Download des Ordners "Posteingang" von Konto "secureimap.t-online.de" vom IMAP-Mailserver ist fehlgeschlagen. Fehler: Die Verbindung zum Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Falls dieser Fehler weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an den Serveradministrator oder den Internetdienstanbieter."

Error (0x800CCC0E) while performing the task "Search for new messages in the subscribed folders on secureimap.t-online.de.": "Downloading the folder" (null) "from account" secureimap.t-online.de "from IMAP mail server failed Error: Unable to connect to server If this error persists, contact your server administrator or ISP. "

Error (0x800CCC0E) when executing the task "secureimap.t-online.de: Inbox - Check for new e-mail.": "The download of the folder" Inbox "of account" secureimap.t-online.de "from IMAP- Mail server failed Error: Unable to connect to server If this error persists, contact your server administrator or ISP. "

Every time I open Microsoft Outlook after that I get a pop up : could not connect to the server secureimap t online.JPG : https://imgur.com/UqEZtQe
Es Konnte keine Verbindung zum Server hergestellt werden. secureimap.t-online.de befindet sich jetzt im Offlinemodus

It could not connect to the server. secureimap.t-online.de is now in offline mode
So I am still none the wiser, but It is worth doing all that anyway as you may need some of that information later in one or more of the ways to send an Email using VBA.