Hello, i currently embedded an ms project in my word document and it works fine but first, i want the embedded OLEobject to be loaded in a cell within a table in my word document and not just on the word document, any ideas please?
this is my code .
Sub Example()

   Dim part As String
   part = "C:\\NewProjectWork.mpp"

    Set objx = ActiveDocument.Shapes.AddOLEObject(ClassType:="MSProject.Project", FileName:=part, LinkToFile:=True, DisplayAsIcon:=False, Anchor:=Selection.Range)
    objx.Height = 400
    objx.Width = 500
    objx.Top = 100 'number of pixels from the top of the screen
    objx.Left = 5 'number of pixels from the left of the screen
     'Open object ready for typing
    Set objx = Nothing
End Sub