I'm new to the forums. I have been tasked with using Excel to find the difference in sales week over week for certain units which are featured on our website. We have a spreadsheet of about 300 units on sale, 40 of which are featured on the website each week, this is from an exported report run weekly (I don't have access to the reporting software). The spreadsheet is formatted as follows:
Unit#| Type (of product) | Make and Model | Stock # | Sales Total | Featured? |

So I have a spreadsheet from week1 and a spreadsheet from week2. I can easily sort the featured column in the week2 sheet to show which 40 units were featured. What I'd like to do is quickly find all the units with "yes" in that column in the week1 sheet, to see if they were featured or not. If they weren't featured the previous week, I need to show how sales differed from the week when they were featured, from the week before when they weren't featured.

What would be the best way to go about this or display the results?

Could I automate the part where I look for the 40 featured units from the week2 sheet in the 300 total units of the week1 sheet by making a .csv file of those 40 unit#'s and then using a program to find each unit# in the week1 spreadsheet? If so, how would I do this and then copy each row into a new spreadsheet?

If it makes any difference we have WinTask installed on our computers.

I'm sure this is all simple to regular Excel users. Unfortunately, this is a weak area for me but it is something that I need to learn and do well to advance in my job. Thanks in advance for any advice or ideas!