Thanks in advance for any/all help with a newbie.

I'm searching for a method to extract all values after the 3rd space from the right... with the values posted to separate column -and finally, re-combining the extracted string with only the left values of the original string up to and including the last "/"


987654321 6 Snickersbars11/14/14/HD,X 1.50 4.40 7.50 ---> want string: 1.50 4.40 7.50 in separate column... finally
..want to rebuild original description with only the values up to (and including) the last "/" and the string just extracted.

Desired outcome:
987654321 6 Snickersbars11/14/14/ 1.50 4.40 7.50

I have a simple file if that helps?
Thanks greatly. Mike