Hello Everyone,

I am now getting to the end of my current project but am stuck on a somplicated (for me) problem. My sheet it filtered to show a week number then in column A there are a number of origin names such as Hong Kong, HK & Yantian, CN and in column B there are cubic meaturements for each
origin. I now have to add up the cubic measurement for each origin name then place on another sheet. Its the adding up but I think I am having trouble with. I would really appreciate any help specially as i'm so close to finishing. I know the code below is pretty rough but you get the idea.

Dim oCell as Range
Range(Range("A5"), Range("A5").End(xlDown)).Select
    For Each oCell In Selection
    If oCell.Text = "*Hong Kong*" Then
    ' add the figure in next cell to the right with all the next ocell (b column) values    
    End If
    Next oCell
Once all are added cubic figures are added togther I guess I need to declare an integer variable to set the result to?