I need to change an If statement, as the conditions have changed.

In specific it's a invoicing financing system, where the total facility has changed on a base calculation of £2M from 30% being available to 40%. I have managed to work out the formulas for this, but I am having a problem with the Invoicing shortfall, i.e. how much invoice vale that needs to be added to reach the £2M max. It shouldn't change:
1 Values
2 Invoice Upload £100,000.00
3 Cash Availability £425,934.45
4 Account Balance -£17,474.26
5 Cash Receipts £20,000.00
6 Invoice Amount Shortfall £521,970.97
7 Invoice Shortfall - Amount not utilised £156,591.29
8 Cash Withdrawn £200,000.00

1 Today
2 Invoice Upload 0.00
3 Cash Availability 275,934.45 IF(B6>0,B3+B5-B8+B2*0.3,600000+C4)
4 Account Balance -197,474.26
5 Cash Receipts 0.00
6 Invoice Amount Shortfall 521,970.97 IF((600000+B4-B3)>5000,(600000+B4-B3)/0.3,0)
7 Invoice Shortfall - Amount not utilised 156,591.29 IF(C6>0,C6*0.3,0)

1 Sunday
2 Invoice Upload 0.00
3 Cash Availability 275,934.45 IF(C6>0,C3+C5-C8+C2*0.4,800000+E4)
4 Account Balance -197,474.26
5 Cash Receipts 0.00
6 Invoice Amount Shortfall 891,478.23 IF((800000+E4-E3)>5000,(800000+E4-E3)/0.4,0)
7 Invoice Shortfall - Amount not utilised 168,788.39 IF(E6>0,E6*0.4,0)
8 Cash Withdrawn

Any help?
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