It has become too time consuming to simply use the find and replace method as there are probably 100+ combinations of words that need to be found and shortened or changed when information has been copied and pasted into the worksheet page. Here is an example of what I am looking to do.

Run a subroutine once all the information has been manually imported / copied and pasted from a word document into the excel sheet "Initiating Devices"
Column (B) Is the type column. When the information is originally pasted the words are too long or need to be changed to make the countif statements on another page to work, and to fit in the cell.

Smoke Detector would be replaced with "Photo"
Pull Station "Pull"
Heat Detector "Heat"
The list could go on for a while. I have been manually using the find and replace method but it has been a slow process and not only that but I sometimes need to search for several words to replace the same word.
for example
Manual Station, Pull Station, Pull Box, Emergency Station, ...etc is all replaced with "PULL"
The problem was that originally there was no set format and the inspectors simply wrote whatever they wanted. Now I am restricting it to a drop down list, but I still need to convert all the old data into the new sheets.

So the sub would look for a word
"Smoke Detector" in column B and replace it with "Photo" for all occurrences it would find on the page. If possible could it also search for "Photo Detector", "PS,PD or other combination. I tried using the record macro method but it doesn't work the way it should and usually results in an error when run. Thanks. If someone can just get me started I can write the tons of other replacements needed later. Thanks