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Thread: Appendix-Thread-Evaluate-Range-(-Codes-for-other-Threads-HTML-Tables-etc-)

  1. #591
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-09-2024 at 05:18 PM.

  2. #592
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    this is post #595

    Problems with vbCr & vbLf in formulas and Evaluate(" ")
    Review/ Introduction of what we are doing
    In this post we will consider the first parts of the demo coding from the last post, or rather Sub CarriageReturnLineFeedExcelVBAText()
    This will take us up to the point of the issue of vbCr & vbLf in formulas and Evaluate(" "), and so serve as an introduction and review of relevant concepts required to be understood before tacking the issue one step further into formulas

    Rem 1 Puts stuff in a cell, fairly straight forward,
    Range("B3") = "a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b"
    ( but even that is not so well understood. I understand it better than anyone at the moment. ). We can best say that the simplest syntax of the LHS, as we have there, says "put in the cell, what is on the RHS, like wot we might do via writing something in a spreadsheet cell and then hitting Enter". That tends to imply putting text, (and / or numbers) in a cell. But I think if we want to learn quicker and better Excel and VBA, then it is advisable not to think like that too much, and rather to leave it a bit open in the mind at "put in the cell, what is on the RHS, as example, as you might do via writing something in and then hitting Enter". Best not tie the thinking down too much on that one, or further revelations I give may not get so easily in the brain )
    As far as the RHS is concerned, it is what we put in the cell : In Excel spreadsheets, we can simply write in text
    In a formula, we would enclose text we wanted to appear as text, in a quote pair, as this signalises to Excel that we want a literal text, rather than that the text is a name, function or some other specific thing that the text represents in Spreadsheet syntax.
    For VBA it is the same: In other words, what is within a quote, will not be regarded directly as part of the coding, but rather refers to some actual text that will be used in some way, depending on what the coding associated with it is about. For us here, the text within the quotes is the text that we finally want to see
    But already, we perhaps need to think a bit more carefully about exactly what is happening: VBA made some determination of what "a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b" is. It decided it was a 4 character piece of text. In VBA we represent that something like a vbCr vbLf b, but inside the whatever calculated/ evaluated thing, (bucket, section of pipe or bit of text string, etc) is: The character a; the character feed character; the line feed character; and the character b
    ' 1b Range("C3") = "a" & Evaluate("Char(13)&Char(10)") & "b"
    This gives an initial indication that
    _____ = ____ Evaluate("Char(13)&Char(10)")
    _____ = ______ vbCr & vbLf
    may be equivalent. The Evaluate(" ") is presumably returning into VBA what VBA also sees in vbCr & vbLf

    ' 1c(i) Range("D3") = "a" & Evaluate(vbCr & vbLf) & "b"
    This gives an initial indication that
    _____ = ____ Evaluate("Char(13)&Char(10)")
    _____ = ______ vbCr & vbLf
    may not be equivalent

    ' 1c(ii) Range("E3") = "a" & Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """") & "b"
    This is our first dealing with the issue this Post and the next few Posts is about: We seem to have got over the problem of ' 1c(i)
    The issue of this Post and the next few Posts is about that I am trying to explain that.

    But first we will do some similar experiments, putting a formula in, ( but that also requires some careful consideration of Quotes in VBA , ( or an Excel cell, for that matter )

    But before we go let’s have a Results Summary Conclusion attempt
    Rem 1 Put in cell text like a divided by b.JPG

    Rem 1d(i) Some conclusions
    Perhaps it’s not so unexpected that Evaluate(vbCr & vbLf) gives us problems. Lets say Evaluate() looks for a valid Excel syntax, or perhaps let say Evaluate() looks for a valid Excel name initially, failing that it does the other sort of evaluation based on adding a = at the start. We can consider vbCr and vbLf as variables containing text characters. As such they are not much different from a x and a y
    Now Evaluate(" ") was designed to take a string to allow us to build up a final text within the " " __ I think that is put in the cell , and if that is not recognised, then an = is put in front of it and that is tried. Unless, in this example, xy is recognised, such as for a named range, only there after it puts an = at the start. In a cell =xy wont work. ="xy" will work. The " " is a VBA string. For that to give me like in the returned Debug.Print string a leading quote, for example, I need to add a """"

    Rem 1d(ii) Some advanced stab in the dark conclusions (Actually with a bit of hindsight from later)
    It is likely that if you have got as far as reading this, then you will likely be familiar with the Range(" ")
    There are some similarities with Evaluate(" ") and this more familiar Range(" ") _ So that can be a good start point.
    These both return something to VBA when the text inside the " " is some recognised Excel spreadsheet syntax convention thing. I suggest there is some sort of flexible/ dynamic = feature wired in which may be used after some attempt without it. Some extra check is then perhaps added to Range(" ") to ensure that a range object is returned. Assuming this idea is correct, then Evaluate(" ") is the same but without this restriction.
    ( For Range(" ") this can explain the interesting feature we tripped over here , since a formula is allowed, but only if it returns a range object reference, in other words a name recognised in Excel spreadsheet syntax convention. This last bit sets the limitation of Range(" ")
    However, I think the Evaluate(" ") does not share this limitation, and so allows a value, text or numeric to be returned).
    Perhaps the Evaluate(" ") can be regarded as doing this pseudo coding
    _ If the text is some recognised name or excel reference , Then Return the object, Expose it, run it, or some similar action doing something, Exit
    Put a = in front of it.
    _ If with the = it is not recognised by Excel spreadsheet syntax convention Then Error
    _ If it is a closed workbook reference, then error, since it allows Alan to do things better than most complicated data base stuff, and that’s embarrassing , Error Exit
    Return anything that a Variant variable will return.

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-10-2024 at 09:01 PM.

  3. #593
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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  4. #594
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Option Explicit
    Sub CarriageReturnLineFeedExcelVBAText() '
    On Error GoTo Bed
    Rem 0                     A few things to make things in the demo look closer to what they are
     Call TidyCellView   '    When experimenting it may be a good idea to occaisionally do this again, as Excel occaisionally may change things if it geusses incorrrectly what we want to see
    Rem 1  Simple Text to put in a cell
                                                                Debug.Print "Rem 1a": Let Range("B1") = "Rem 1" & vbLf & """" & "a" & """" & " " & "&" & " vbCr " & "&" & " vbLf " & "&" & " " & """" & "b" & """"   ' I get this from the Immdiszr eindow after I wrote it in
                                                                                      Let Range("B1").Characters(Start:=1, Length:=6).Font.Color = -11489280: Let Range("B1").Characters(Start:=7, Length:=23).Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
           Debug.Print "a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b" '           shows           a
    '                                                                      b
           Debug.Print "a" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "b" '     shows           a
    '                                                                      b
     Let Range("B3") = "a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b" '           shows in cell   a
    '                                                                      b
     Let Range("B4") = Evaluate("a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b") ' In cell  #WERT!  -  it appears to be returning  Error 2015
    'Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(Range("A1").Value) '        "a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b"
    ' Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff("a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b") ' "a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b"
    Stop: Call TidyCellView: Debug.Print
    ' LHS
    ' 1b
                                                                        Debug.Print "Rem 1b": Let Range("C1") = "Rem 1b" & vbLf & """" & "a" & """" & " " & "&" & " Evaluate" & "(" & """" & "Char" & "(" & "13" & ")" & "&" & "Char" & "(" & "10" & ")" & """" & ")" & " " & "&" & " " & """" & "b" & """"
                                                                        Let Range("C1").Characters(Start:=1, Length:=7).Font.Color = -11489280: Let Range("C1").Characters(Start:=8, Length:=41).Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
           Debug.Print "a" & Evaluate("Char(13)&Char(10)") & "b" ' shows           a
    '                                                                              b
     Let Range("C3") = "a" & Evaluate("Char(13)&Char(10)") & "b" ' shows in cell   a
    '                                                                              b
    'Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(Range("B1").Value)      '           "a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b"
     Let Range("C4") = Evaluate("a" & Evaluate("Char(13)&Char(10)") & "b")  ' In cell  #WERT!  -  it appears to be returning  Error 2015
    Stop: Call TidyCellView: Debug.Print
    ' 1c(i)                             Note    Evaluate(vbCr & vbLf)   in watch gives     gives    Watch :   : Evaluate(vbCr & vbLf) : Fehler 2015 : Variant/Error
                                                                        Debug.Print "Rem 1c(i)": Let Range("D1") = "Rem 1c" & _
                                                                        vbLf & """" & "a" & """" & " " & "&" & " Evaluate" & "(" & "vbCr " & "&" & " vbLf" & ")" & " " & "&" & " " & """" & "b" & """"
                                                                                                 Let Range("D1").Characters(Start:=1, Length:=7).Font.Color = -11489280: Let Range("D1").Characters(Start:=8, Length:=33).Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
           Debug.Print "a" & Evaluate(vbCr & vbLf) & "b" ' Fatal                        Type Mismatch Error
     Let Range("D3") = "a" & Evaluate(vbCr & vbLf) & "b" ' Fatal                        Type Mismatch Error
    ' Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff("a" & Evaluate(vbCr & vbLf) & "b") 'Fatal Type Mismatch Error
     Let Range("D4") = Evaluate("a" & Evaluate(vbCr & vbLf) & "b") ' Fatal      Type Mismatch Error
    Stop: Call TidyCellView: Debug.Print
    ' 1c(ii)                            Note    Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """")  Watch :   : Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """") : "
                                '                                                                                                       " : Variant/String      if copied here, but looks like     "  "     in the watch window
                                                                        Debug.Print "Rem 1c(ii)": Let Range("E1") = "Rem 1c(ii)" & _
                                                                        vbLf & """" & "a" & """" & " " & "&" & " Evaluate" & "(" & """" & """" & """" & """" & " " & "&" & " vbCr " & "&" & " vbLf " & "&" & " " & """" & """" & """" & """" & ")" & " " & "&" & " " & """" & "b" & """"
                                                                                                  Let Range("E1").Characters(Start:=1, Length:=11).Font.Color = -11489280: Let Range("E1").Characters(Start:=12, Length:=47).Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                       Debug.Print Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """") ' This seems to take the cursor down 2 places, but as  Debug.Print  takes routinely the cursor down once, our bit must have took it down once
           Debug.Print "a" & Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """") & "b" ' shows          a
    '                                                                                   b
     Let Range("E3") = "a" & Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """") & "b" ' shows in cell  a
    '                                                                                   b
     Let Range("E4") = Evaluate("a" & Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """") & "b") ' In cell  #WERT!  -  it appears to be returning  Error 2015
                                                                                           Let Range("E4") = "#WERT!                                         #VALUE is Excel's way of saying, ""There's something wrong with the way your formula is typed. Or, there's something wrong with the cells you are referencing."" The error is very general, and it can be hard to find the exact cause of it"
    Debug.Print Len("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """")             '                            4
    Debug.Print Len(Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """"))   '                            2
    'Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(Range("B1").Value)      '                "a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b"
    Stop: Call TidyCellView: Debug.Print
    Stop: Stop: Stop
    ' 1d Some conclusions
                                                                        Debug.Print "Rem 1d"
    Debug.Print """" & vbCr & vbLf & """"                  '                           "
                                                           '                           "
    'Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """")     '          4 characters   quote 
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Err.Number
    Debug.Print Err.Description
    Resume Next
    End Sub
    Sub CarriageReturnLineFeedExcelVBAFormula()
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-11-2024 at 11:37 PM.

  5. #595
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    this is post #595

    Problems with vbCr & vbLf in formulas and Evaluate(" ")
    Review/ Introduction of what we are doing
    In this post we will consider the first parts of the demo coding from the last post, or rather Sub CarriageReturnLineFeedExcelVBAText()
    This will take us up to the point of the issue of vbCr & vbLf in formulas and Evaluate(" "), and so serve as an introduction and review of relevant concepts required to be understood before tacking the issue one step further into formulas

    Rem 1 Puts stuff in a cell, fairly straight forward,
    Range("B3") = "a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b"
    ( but even that is not so well understood. I understand it better than anyone at the moment. ). We can best say that the simplest syntax of the LHS, as we have there, says "put in the cell, what is on the RHS, like wot we might do via writing something in a spreadsheet cell and then hitting Enter". That tends to imply putting text, (and / or numbers) in a cell. But I think if we want to learn quicker and better Excel and VBA, then it is advisable not to think like that too much, and rather to leave it a bit open in the mind at "put in the cell, what is on the RHS, as example, as you might do via writing something in and then hitting Enter". Best not tie the thinking down too much on that one, or further revelations I give may not get so easily in the brain )
    As far as the RHS is concerned, it is what we put in the cell : In Excel spreadsheets, we can simply write in text
    In a formula, we would enclose text we wanted to appear as text, in a quote pair, as this signalises to Excel that we want a literal text, rather than that the text is a name, function or some other specific thing that the text represents in Spreadsheet syntax.
    For VBA it is the same: In other words, what is within a quote, will not be regarded directly as part of the coding, but rather refers to some actual text that will be used in some way, depending on what the coding associated with it is about. For us here, the text within the quotes is the text that we finally want to see
    But already, we perhaps need to think a bit more carefully about exactly what is happening: VBA made some determination of what "a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b" is. It decided it was a 4 character piece of text. In VBA we represent that something like a vbCr vbLf b, but inside the whatever calculated/ evaluated thing, (bucket, section of pipe or bit of text string, etc) is: The character a; the character feed character; the line feed character; and the character b
    ' 1b Range("C3") = "a" & Evaluate("Char(13)&Char(10)") & "b"
    This gives an initial indication that
    _____ = ____ Evaluate("Char(13)&Char(10)")
    _____ = ______ vbCr & vbLf
    may be equivalent. The Evaluate(" ") is presumably returning into VBA what VBA also sees in vbCr & vbLf

    ' 1c(i) Range("D3") = "a" & Evaluate(vbCr & vbLf) & "b"
    This gives an initial indication that
    _____ = ____ Evaluate("Char(13)&Char(10)")
    _____ = ______ vbCr & vbLf
    may not be equivalent

    ' 1c(ii) Range("E3") = "a" & Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """") & "b"
    This is our first dealing with the issue this Post and the next few Posts is about: We seem to have got over the problem of ' 1c(i)
    The issue of this Post and the next few Posts is about that I am trying to explain that.

    But first we will do some similar experiments, putting a formula in, ( but that also requires some careful consideration of Quotes in VBA , ( or an Excel cell, for that matter )

    But before we go let’s have a Results Summary Conclusion attempt
    Rem 1 Put in cell text like a divided by b.JPG

    Rem 1d(i) Some conclusions
    Perhaps it’s not so unexpected that Evaluate(vbCr & vbLf) gives us problems. Lets say Evaluate() looks for a valid Excel syntax, or perhaps let say Evaluate() looks for a valid Excel name initially, failing that it does the other sort of evaluation based on adding a = at the start. We can consider vbCr and vbLf as variables containing text characters. As such they are not much different from a x and a y
    Now Evaluate(" ") was designed to take a string to allow us to build up a final text within the " " __ I think that is put in the cell , and if that is not recognised, then an = is put in front of it and that is tried. Unless, in this example, xy is recognised, such as for a named range, only there after it puts an = at the start. In a cell =xy wont work. ="xy" will work. The " " is a VBA string. For that to give me like in the returned Debug.Print string a leading quote, for example, I need to add a """"

    Rem 1d(ii) Some advanced stab in the dark conclusions (Actually with a bit of hindsight from later)
    It is likely that if you have got as far as reading this, then you will likely be familiar with the Range(" ")
    There are some similarities with Evaluate(" ") and this more familiar Range(" ") _ So that can be a good start point.
    These both return something to VBA when the text inside the " " is some recognised Excel spreadsheet syntax convention thing. I suggest there is some sort of flexible/ dynamic = feature wired in which may be used after some attempt without it. Some extra check is then perhaps added to Range(" ") to ensure that a range object is returned. Assuming this idea is correct, then Evaluate(" ") is the same but without this restriction.
    ( For Range(" ") this can explain the interesting feature we tripped over here , since a formula is allowed, but only if it returns a range object reference, in other words a name recognised in Excel spreadsheet syntax convention. This last bit sets the limitation of Range(" ")
    However, I think the Evaluate(" ") does not share this limitation, and so allows a value, text or numeric to be returned).
    Perhaps the Evaluate(" ") can be regarded as doing this pseudo coding
    _ If the text is some recognised name or excel reference , Then Return the object, Expose it, run it, or some similar action doing something, Exit
    Put a = in front of it.
    _ If with the = it is not recognised by Excel spreadsheet syntax convention Then Error
    _ If it is a closed workbook reference, then error, since it allows Alan to do things better than most complicated data base stuff, and that’s embarrassing , Error Exit
    Return anything that a Variant variable will return.

    Evaluate Formula Value(s)
    For the case of Evaluate(" ") effectively doing a formula in the " " we end up effective doing an Excel type evaluation, but we are not tied to a worksheet, so we are not necessarily restricted to a single values. But we do end up with value(s) in the range in the LHS. We do the same calculation as if we ended up with a formula in the cell. But it’s a false statement, often given when explaining what Evaluate(" ") is doing, to say it fundamentally does a mathematical calculation, gets a value(s) or fundamentally "evaluates". It can "do formulas"

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-11-2024 at 11:39 PM.

  6. #596
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Quotes in VBA

    Quotes in VBA
    Rem 2 Puts formula in cell(Quotes in VBA )
    ' 2a
    At this point we see for the first time the confusing world of quotes in VBA, and Excel in general.
    In Excel spreadsheets, within a formula, we would enclose text we wanted to appear as text, in a quote pair, as this signalises to Excel that we want a literal text, rather than that the text is a name, function or some other specific thing that the text represents in Spreadsheet syntax.

    Quotes in VBA
    For VBA it is the same: In other words, what is within a quote, will not be regarded directly as part of the coding, but rather refers to some actual text that will be used in some way, depending on what the coding associated with it is about. For us here, the text within the quotes is the text that we finally want to see.
    Working in VBA, ( or in a spreadsheet cell), to produce a string that we want to show a quote, becomes problematic. It is not clear if anybody really knows how and why we can get over this problem. There is no real documentation, although you might find the simple rile or explanation along the lines of…. Strings in VBA are delimited with quotation marks. If you want to include quotation marks in your string, you need to double them. Otherwise, the VBA compiler will not recognize that they should not end the string….
    Well, that may be a correct statement, but I am not sure if that is a good explanation and whether it works by design or accident.
    For me the following ideas helps to remember and possibly have an explanation or at least a theory that can explain the results and behaviour: It’s not too distant or different to that statement, it is an idea that helps me to remember, and possibly an
    The syntax will not allow a single quote within a quote pair, as the complier requires a pair. The syntax of VBA coding would also understandably find these strange.
    __________ = "___ "____"___ "
    __________ = "xyz"____"xyz"

    But consider what might happen when we bring the inner quote pair together
    __________ = "xyz""xyz"
    I am thinking that we may have some sort of strange dynamic equilibrium situation, whereby simultaneously the quote pair syntax is satisfied and we have two joined pairs of text, ( "intimately joined"), which VBA sees on the compile as something like this
    , but because of this intimacy of the join, the position of the two inner quotes appears in the same place, meaning that the string is joined,- a quote may be defined twice, but in the same place, resulting in the final string as seen by VBA as
    Another way perhaps for thinking about is that they are actually a bit further than intimately joined, a character is entwined. By definition, the actual final literal string starts or stops on the other side of the quote, either after or before the quote. If you look at some of those coloured sketches you can perhaps imagine that the stop and start of the two literal bits of literal text is in the same place, which further joins them by two quotes merged into one.

    Using Debug.Print to aid in string construction
    Even with a good understanding of quotes in VBA, it is very easy to make a mistake. This general rule can help:
    Printing out the string you have attempted to construct in the immediate window, will show it as VBA sees it after compile, and shows what VBA, after compile, will be trying to put in a cell via a code line like
    Let Range("C1") = The string you have constructed
    So, that string shown in the immediate window must be syntaxly kosher for an Excel cell, in otherwords it must look like the string as you would manually write it in a cell. So for putting a formula in a cell, something like this would be OK
    = "a" & "b"
    , resulting in the value
    showing in the cell, ( and in the formula bar you will see = "a" & "b" , just as in the immediate window )
    On the other hand, something like these showing for a Debug.Print of your constructed string, would likely error when used
    = "a" & b"
    = "a" & ""b"
    = ""a"" & "b"

    So finally, in ' 2a we have a string construction that we are happy with to put a formula in a cell which will be the Excel spreadsheet formula, ="a"&Char(10)&Char(13)&"b" , as indeed we see both in the formula Bar, and in the immediate window if using
    Debug.Print "=" & """a""" & "&" & "Char(13)&Char(10)" & "&" & """b""" & ""
    To briefly explain that final string construction in words
    ______ "=" & """a""" & "&" & "Char(13)&Char(10)" & "&" & """b""" & ""
    The outer most quotes are those always required in VBA to signalise that we are giving literal text.
    Within those outer quotes, in VBA coding we may build up the string from further string elements. (The string can also be built up from VBA things returning strings or numbers, as we will do in the next post. Here we are only using other string elements), The syntax of VBA will require further enclosing quotes for every further string elements, and furthermore, VBA syntax requires an ampersand symbol, _ & _ , to join these strings, thus
    ______ "__" & "¬¬¬¬____" & "asskasasaf"
    In green is the literal text, as we would write it in a cell.
    Excel spreadsheet syntax requires in the final written cell formula text ampersands, & , which will be here literal text, hence must be enclosed with VBA quote pairs, thus
    Finally, the Excel spreadsheet syntax requires that a literal text such as the character a, must be enclosed in the cell in quotes, but as we discussed in quotes in VBA something like this would error , ""a"" , we require to effectively double quote where we want a final single quote in the final string , """a"""

    The final value in the cell would be

    We have there 4 characters, pseudo like, (and it’s a bit subjective/ arbitrary of me, how I show them here in this pseudo form, just for explanation purposes: )
    a vbCr

    Some final minor notes:

    _ If we are in in non English Excel, as I am, we can type either of these in the Immediate window to get the English syntax.
    ? range("C1").Formula
    Debug.Print range("C1").Formula

    _ Once we have the final string, we can often simplify, mainly by removing some VBA joining bits, since they are redundant when linking only literal text – the text can simply appear together.
    ______ "=""a""&Char(13)&Char(10)&""b"""
    However, from experience I would only do this, if ever, at a final stage, since the careful explicit constructions are usually easier to build up and debug. Indeed, with hindsight, I might separate all the final cell texts of "a" and "b", as shown within the VBA construction, into the 3 characters of a quote, an a , and a final quote, just so as to make them clearly correspond to the explanations given of the quotes in VBA
    ______ "=" & """" & "a" & """" & "&" & "Char(13)&Char(10)" & "&" & """" & "b" & """" & ""
    In words, just as you would write in the cell ,
    a quote "
    a quote "
    a ampersand &
    a quote "
    the two joined text (functions), Char(13)&Char(10)
    a ampersand &
    a quote "
    a quote "
    = a &CHAR(13)&CHAR(10)& b.JPG

    So we have done the background revision and can move on in the next post to the problem / issues with vbCr & vbLf in formulas and Evaluate(" "), well almost
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-12-2024 at 01:31 AM.

  7. #597
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    this is post #597

    We are not quite finished
    A Final Evaluate full. Text. But it does a formula,

    You should be confused at this point. If you aren’t, then you are not normal. We are putting text in a cell. The final step is to complete it with Evaluate, for what reason I have long since forgotten myself.
    A recap is perhaps useful:
    We figured out a tricky syntax, and in doing so came close finally to conclusions leading to an understanding of Evaluate (" ") that probably no one has…... Office is an old program, in software age, and has had an incredible number of fixes. I doubt anyone at Microsoft has any idea of the entire suite's programming. I doubt anyone at Microsoft has a handle on the coding….
    We stated this by looking at putting text in cells. We were also messing with Evaluate (" ")
    We spoke about a flexible = that allows a formula to be done, and in a cell, if the result is to be out in a cell, then just the value will be put in.
    Our final code line so far considered was this .._
    Range("E4") = Evaluate("a" & Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """") & "b") ' In Cell we see       #WERT!  -  IT APPEARS TO BE RETURNING  ERROR 2015
    _.. and it errored , (as did all our Evaluate attempts)
    We had concentrated on the Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """") stuff. But I think we can see clearly from all our discussions and in particular to the initial stab at some conclusions, that we need to have in the Put in the cell, Debug.Print seen string a quote pair around the a and the b
    Let's say that again a bit differently: Currently we have what we could call the Evaluate(" or VBA code line required quotes around it. This would be like Excel trying to recognise a Name or meaning to
    , and failing that, Evaluate(" ") tries to see if doing
    , gives soimethi8ng sensible. Unless you specifically have given that character, a , some meaning in Excel , that will error.
    The oint that needs to be remembered over and over again is that in this situation, we can consider Evaluate(" ") to be trying to get what we finally want, via a formula in a cell, but we won’t fonally get a formula if its successful: We will get the actual final result. In other words, in this example a cell would want to see
    So… what to do
    And this is the crux actually, of what started this page in order to get vbCr & vbLf to do what we wanted: In that final Evaluate string we need to do something to make the a and the b be seen to be enclosed in quotes. That requires a double quote per quote you finally want to see.
    Let’s do that in a separate coding, Sub CarriageReturnLineFeedExcelVBAEvaluateTextFormula( )
    Sub CarriageReturnLineFeedExcelVBAEvaluateTextFormula()  '
    On Error GoTo Bed
    '                         A few things to make things in the demo look closer to what they are
     Call TidyCellView   '    When experimenting it may be a good idea to occaisionally do this again, as Excel occaisionally may change things if it geusses incorrrectly what we want to see
    ' 1f   Finally
                                                                        Debug.Print "Rem 1f": Let Range("F1") = "Rem 1f" & vbLf & _
                                                                        "Evaluate(" & """""""" & "a" & """""""" & ")" & " & " & " Evaluate" & "(" & """" & """" & """" & """" & " " & "&" & " vbCr " & "&" & " vbLf " & "&" & " " & """" & """" & """" & """" & ")" & " " & " & " & "Evaluate(" & """""""" & "b" & """""""" & ")"
                                                                                                  Let Range("F1").Characters(Start:=1, Length:=6).Font.Color = -11489280: Let Range("F1").Characters(Start:=7, Length:=78).Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
           Debug.Print Evaluate("""" & "a" & """") & Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """") & Evaluate("""" & "b" & """")
     Let Range("F4") = Evaluate("""" & "a" & """") & Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """") & Evaluate("""" & "b" & """")
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Err.Number
    Debug.Print Err.Description
    Resume Next
    End Sub

    What have we done.
    Let’s put into words what we have done, as it will help in the next post sections, when we do putting formulas into cells with Evaluate("")
    We created a full string for VBA equivalent to
    "a" & vbCr & vbLf & "b"

    "a" was got from this Evaluate("""" & "a" & """")

    vbCr & vbLf was got from this Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """")

    "b" was got from this Evaluate("""" & "b" & """")

    But, and this is important,
    The three Evaluates effectively did these three things:

    It got the result as if we typed in a cell ="a" which resulted in a

    It got the result as if we typed in a cell ="the character for a carriage return" & "the character for a carriage return" which resulted in a visible line break, or second line, or however you personally describe that

    It got the result as if we typed in a cell ="b" which resulted in b

    Evaluate got us the 3 results from a formula, as if I typed the formula in a cell in a cell
    Column F results.JPG
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by DocAElstein; Yesterday at 01:57 PM.

  8. #598
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    this is post #598

    Rem 2 Put formula in cell (Sub CarriageReturnLineFeedExcelVBAFormula() )
    Having forced myself into going back to the basics, and getting a more deeper understanding of Evaluate(" ") , the problems in some syntax in putting formulas into a cell , or finding text things via an excel formula in Evaluate(" ") , which caused the excursion of this page , is easy to do, and sure to get it, as long as we are patient and cautious.
    So armed with some knowledge of constructing the necessary strings, and some initial attempt at a a Results Summary Conclusion attempt we move on to get the same value in a cell as previously, but from a formula, that is to say, taking Evaluate(" ") string constructs that one step further to actually put a formula in a cell …. pseudo
    Put in the cell = a formula looking like , ="Hello"
    , using
    Put in the cell = Evaluate( string construct to actually give a formula, not the result from it )

    Note , of course, you will still see the value result in the cell, but an indication that we actually put on a formula, rather than a value, should be seen in the formula bar, just as if we manually typed the formula in, ( assuming default Excel settings )
    Formula in cell, (to display text).JPG

    An extra quote, or two, and stuff
    Having battled out enough with the basics in the last few posts, it’s actually not so difficult from now on
    Points to note
    _1) literal text in a cell, needs to be put in initially, "in the first place" as it were, in quotes in the string construct for evaluate just to prevent Evaluate(" ") trying to interpret the text as some particular Excel thing. So far we did this explicitly like this
    Evaluate("""" & "Mytext" & """")
    , which you would have to do if your text was in a variable , - example if your text was in a string variable, strText, then you would need to do this
    Evaluate("""" & strText & """")
    , or we could consder the new line pair things we have been considering as variables, and as such also need to do like
    Evaluate("""" & vbCr & vbLf & """")
    For actual text, this would be the same
    , but I would recommend always being explicit until maybe you have finished.

    Based on the results and attempted explanations of Evaluate(" ") so far generally, and with a bit of hindsight again, I might have a go at a slightly modified explanation of Evaluate(" ")

    If you or I type an = at the start of putting something in a cell, then that is a significant thing that calls into action deep Office innards coding which I expect is either the same, or in some way strongly related to, or very similar to, the coding that gets set off by Evaluate(" "). There will be similarities therefore in the result, where I am using the word result in its broadest sense here: Just one example of this similarity is that it could be that a text or number appearing in the cell would be that which would appear in a variable, Ex if you did something like this
    Ex = Evaluate("What you put in a cell after typing in a = at the start")
    But that is just part of the story, perhaps what is often given as the simplifies version of what Evaluate(" ") is about.
    More fully, the string what VBA "sees" will need to be a syntax, or named thing, that Excel recognises, and its always very good practice when constructing the string in Evaluate, ( strEval, where strEval is like here, Evaluate(strEval) ) , to check what VBA sees via Debug.Print strEval

    I expect there may be a priority to the order that things are done.
    Calling something out
    First, a reference to an object or something will have a varied effect. Maybe we could refer this to calling it out, like shouting at someone to call them to attention. It may make them do something or get them there, ready. We sometimes hear of "exposing an interface" having a similar effect to running it. I like the sound of calling it out
    Do a formula to do something (even a formula!)
    This is easy to get mislead and confused. If a string construct, what VBA finally "sees", can be recognised as a syntax that Excel would be happy with in a cell, A formula, then the result that would be obtained of that string with an = in front of it, in a cell, is what Evaluate(" ") will try to return. At a stretch of the imagination, this could be regarded as calling out an imaginary cell, by its name, its cell reference, where the imaginary cell has that formula in it. This should perhaps spark off someone smarter to get excited and tell me about kicking off an Excel4 macro somehow. Just now it’s a leap too far for my brain. But I think the idea is potentially sound
    Having got to this level of understanding, maybe we can do close to anything , within reason, even … put a formula in a cell

    So lets have a go
    Last edited by DocAElstein; Today at 01:45 AM.

  9. #599
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  10. #600
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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