Hello again, santa susan.
Before I give you a couple of solutions to this thread , a few other things…….
Thread Title
You thread title is good. It is a good single summary of what you want.
Sample File
Your file shows well what you want. But the sample size is still a bit big. When asking for help in a forum it helps a lot if you can keep the size down to the absolute minimum required to demonstrate and check all possible scenarios.
I will be using a further reduced size file which I made from your file
VBA row to cell1 reduced data.xls : https://app.box.com/s/qne60lkrfp30d50w444gedzjg6b7nyat
Requirement explanation
Your explanations are much too brief, they only vaguely give some idea of what you want. Possibly you have difficulty with English language.
Whilst your explanations are not incorrect, they lack the detail needed for someone who is trying to understand your requirement fir the first time.
Typically a “walk through” or “step by step” type explanation is needed.
But I think I now understand what you want, maybe this is a better explanation.
What is wanted:
This is what I have ( The “Input” or “before” )
Column A of sheet 1 has text in some cells. ( https://excelfox.com/forum/showthrea...ll=1#post16732 )
As you look down the column, you will see that some cells with text in them have a keyword of Keywrod1 and some cells have the keyword of Keyword2
What is wanted as output in sheet 2 ( https://excelfox.com/forum/showthrea...ll=1#post16733
( reduced data https://excelfox.com/forum/showthrea...ll=1#post16735 ) )
The text in all cells between any occurrence of the Keywrod1 and Keyword2 in the text in column A, and the complete text in the cells with that Keywrod1 and Keyword2 occurrence, should be combined into a single cell on sheet2.
So for the sample data we will finally have 3 cells of text, as shown in the sample file
In addition we can see from the sample data, that the empty cells within the occurrence of aKeywrod1 and Keyword2 in cells, will result in an empty line of text in the cell of the combined text in sheet 2. See for example the third case shown here: https://excelfox.com/forum/showthrea...ll=1#post16734 .