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Thread: Range Difference VBA

  1. #1
    Administrator Admin's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Range Difference VBA

    Hi All,

    Here is a method to extract the range difference.

    Option Explicit
    Function RangeDifference(ByRef ActualRange As Range, MinusRange As Range) As Range
        '// Author          : Krishnakumar
        '// Created on      : 08-Feb-2012
        Dim rngTemp         As Range
        Dim wksOriginal     As Worksheet
        Dim wksTemp         As Worksheet
        Dim lngSU           As Long
        With Application
            lngSU = .ScreenUpdating
            .ScreenUpdating = False
            .DisplayAlerts = False
            .EnableEvents = False
        End With
        Set wksOriginal = ActualRange.Parent
        Set wksTemp = Worksheets.Add
        Set rngTemp = wksTemp.Range(ActualRange.Address)
        rngTemp.Value = "z"
        On Error Resume Next
        Set RangeDifference = wksOriginal.Range(rngTemp.SpecialCells(xlConstants).Address)
        With Application
            .ScreenUpdating = lngSU
            .EnableEvents = True
            .DisplayAlerts = True
        End With
    End Function
    Cheers !

    Excel Range to BBCode Table
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    @ Home - Office 2010/2013/2016 on Win 10 (64 bit); @ Work - Office 2016 on Win 10 (64 bit)

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Rick Rothstein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    Hi All,

    Here is a method to extract the range difference.

    Option Explicit
    Function RangeDifference(ByRef ActualRange As Range, MinusRange As Range) As Range
        '// Author          : Krishnakumar
        '// Created on      : 08-Feb-2012
        Dim rngTemp         As Range
        Dim wksOriginal     As Worksheet
        Dim wksTemp         As Worksheet
        Dim lngSU           As Long
        With Application
            lngSU = .ScreenUpdating
            .ScreenUpdating = False
            .DisplayAlerts = False
            .EnableEvents = False
        End With
        Set wksOriginal = ActualRange.Parent
        Set wksTemp = Worksheets.Add
        Set rngTemp = wksTemp.Range(ActualRange.Address)
        rngTemp.Value = "z"
        wksTemp.Range(MinusRange.Address) = 1
        On Error Resume Next
        Set RangeDifference = wksOriginal.Range(rngTemp.SpecialCells(2, 2).Address)
        With Application
            .ScreenUpdating = lngSU
            .EnableEvents = True
            .DisplayAlerts = True
        End With
    End Function
    While not critical in any sense of the word, I think it would be more straightforward to simply Clear the MinusRange rather than fill it with 1's, then just use a single argument (xlConstants) for the SpecialCells function call instead of the two arguments required by your method. So, my suggestion would be to replace the lines of code highlighted in red with these...

        On Error Resume Next
        Set RangeDifference = wksOriginal.Range(rngTemp.SpecialCells(xlConstants).Address)

  3. #3
    Administrator Admin's Avatar
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    Thanks Rick, code modified.
    Cheers !

    Excel Range to BBCode Table
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    @ Home - Office 2010/2013/2016 on Win 10 (64 bit); @ Work - Office 2016 on Win 10 (64 bit)

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