Originally Posted by
Mr. Rothstein, thank you for your assistance I appreciate it! Would you be able to provide a brief description of what each line does or break down the script. Only, if you have the time. Again, thank you this worked perfect for my needs and I hope it helps others!
See inline comments in red...
Sub SegmentsDown()
' I always declare my variables by name and type
Dim RowNum As Long, Ar As Range
' Starts a loop that looks down Column A and that will iterate
' through each contiguous range of cells (called an Area) that
' contain a constant value.
For Each Ar In Columns("A").SpecialCells(xlConstants).Areas
' RowNum is the row number that the currently iterated Area
' will be written to after it is formed into the hyphen delimited
' range that you want.
RowNum = RowNum + 1
' The cell in Column B where the output will go is formatted as
' Text... this stops Excel from interpreting a number dash number
' as a date value (which is what it tends to do if the month number
' position is under 13
Cells(RowNum, "B").NumberFormat = "@"
' The Area referenced by the Ar variable contains the values in the
' cells... this line of code pulls out the first value and the last value
' in the Area and puts a dash between them and then writes that
' value into the currently iterated RowNumber row in Column B.
Cells(RowNum, "B").Value = Ar(1) & "-" & Ar(Ar.Count)
End Sub
Sub SegmentsAcross()
' I always declare my variables by name and type
Dim Col As Long, Ar As Range
' We are going to iterate the columns in the loop that follows
' and since the first output column is Column B (the 2nd column)
' we seed the Col variable with the number 1 so that when we add
' one to it on the first iteration o f the loop, it increases to 2 to
' match the first output column.
Col = 1
' Starts a loop that looks across Row 1 and that will iterate
' through each contiguous range of cells (called an Area) that
' contain a constant value.
For Each Ar In Columns("A").SpecialCells(xlConstants).Areas
' Increase the column reference variable by one column
Col = Col + 1
' This is just a simple range copy... the values in the current Area
' being iterated are already in a single column, so we simply copy
' to the range starting with the cell in Row 1 at the column specified
' in the Col variable.
Ar.Copy Cells(1, Col)
End Sub