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Thread: One userform and 60 Combo Boxes

  1. #1
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    One userform and 60 Combo Boxes

    Hello everyone!
    Since so clear is that you have great minds and macros you have something so small and insignificant and you can solve the problem for everyone.
    But I ran into an awful lot of problems that bedevil him the third day and will deal with the situation.
    I'll try to explain it in detail because it really needs a clear explanation:
    (1) I start sheet (SEARCH), then another 15 Sheets. In each of these 15 I have over 20,000 lines, which says something, but one is very important and these are columns D: D each of the 15 Sheets. Is important because it should look want my name (s) and when it finds the macro to copy all the information before and after the name of the same order.
    In the previous post (request) to you for helping me a lot but now my great boss I put another task that Joker can not handle, and it is as follows:
    I've done my UserForm, I made it 60 ComboBox, I have a Search button and a Cancel,
    After searching hundreds of pages never could find the answer to my problem. I have in Sheet (SEARCH) one column T: T in which I number of examples (but are Names of people). How do you not try to do so in each of the 60 ComboBoxe's, I can choose from these names, but to the first and then not know how to put the same number (s) in all other ComboBoxe's.
    The next thing is that not always the 60 drop down menus will be filled (complete) names may also be less. Let's say that we have reached the desired choice of our names, as I did click Search ..... - When pushed to start searching selected names one after the other in the remaining 15 Sheets find them and when to copy all the information into one another and begin to put it in cell A2 to end all sought names of the other 15 Sheets. What's more important - those 15-18 Sheet's, the tables do not always start from the same row.
    You are my last hope for help.
    I want to thank you in advance for your responsiveness.

    Screen_02 Mar. 27 17.14.jpg
    Screen_01 Mar. 27 17.12.jpg
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  2. #2
    Member Charles's Avatar
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    From what your indicating the code for this would be tedious.
    You need to re think your approach for the desired result.
    Do you want to look at column "D" for the names and then look at each sheet for that name and return the data to the search sheet if found?

    If you can make it simpler.
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  3. #3
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    Hi Charles,
    I try to read what you wrote to me, but again I come to my explanation, but said a little differently.
    Again I will try to explain.
    (1) In my previous post helped me with the code, when I type the name in cell A1 and pressed the button to check all sheets and gave it to the main sheet.
    Here is the same - only have 60 drop down menus for office work more than 40 people, everyone is looking for his name.
    So - we have a dozen sheets 15-20, people's names are in column D on each sheet, if Userform write 5 names> only to find them again if I write 45 to look for them, if I write the same 60 to find them and cause them (put) in sheet (SEARCH) starting at cell A2.
    It is the former which helped me - >> -> (1)
    Please check out this file and macro in it to be able to gain some insight (attached).
    If there's anything else ask me, I will try to explain.
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  4. #4
    Member Charles's Avatar
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    It looks as if some one was helping you with this. It would be best if they continued to help you.
    I for one do not see why you would want to search for more than one name.
    If you are wanting to populate the "Search" sheet with multiple names
    you can have a separate list for the names and then have the code populate the search sheet for the list that you created.
    You can then use the code that I provided in your previous post. The only thing I think is for you to set the loop to look at the "List"
    Hope this helps.
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  5. #5
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    Hello again
    I want to ask you, I do not read properly or you can not help me.
    Absolutely no one helps me.
    Looking for help from you know, if I knew how to do it would write to you.
    Why are these names to me, why should I search so many drop-down menus, why, why ..........
    Because I have a database of over 46,000 names in each Sheet repeated, but the order of each name there are other things that need to get out (remote) copy, as you call it, and each sheet is under a particular name in it the name of a person can be displayed 20 times and this line is other data that I need.
    Surely he could not imagine how it is laborious to seek so much.
    Ask for names I have to copy sheet (SEARCH) but not in the English language and the system will not recognize them you will read the characters, so I gave the example of numbers, it can be a number, then I will change my numbers with my real name.
    For ease I will say this:
    Column T: T is now this - >> ComboBox1.AddItem "1" (T1) to T970 to you more easily replace it with the following: T1 - Charles1, T2 - Charles2, T3 - Charles3 and so T970 - Charles970.
    So now all remaining sheets 15-20 number of them have all these (Charles and some number) (but I have names) Click on the first combobox and choose Charles3, clicks and choose Combobox as Charles548 and so as I need. As found in columns D: D all Sheets -> Charles3 (eg 25 matches) starts searching from the next Combobox - selected name, which in this example is Charles548 (eg 13 matches) in all Sheets and so to the end. These names are the same in all the sheets(15-20) and my base is in Column T: T and can be as you say .List
    Last edited by k0st4din; 03-29-2013 at 12:37 AM.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Member Charles's Avatar
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    So you want each combo box in the form "Name" to show the list in column L. And from that you will make your "Name" selection for the search.
    If that's the case I think you can use a "MultiSelect using just 1 combobox for the "Names". However, I'm not sure what the limitation for the multi Select is.
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  8. #8
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    SNB: Yes, it is the same question is to understand your hint question, but I do not think I'm wrong in some way.
    But let me ask you:
    If your boss tells you to buy one pair of trousers, which has a zipper and 2 buttons and go to a store and tell me where we have now, would not you go to another store and ask for the same pattern pants???? ?
    Charles: - at least as I understand from your question to limit (what the limitation for the multi Select is), which is why this appended (1053 class to manage multiple controls in userform.xlsm) file because it is shown in the code How you choose a name (in this example are letters) and the next drop-down menu that letter is missing and a choice of other characters. I hope to somehow help your idea. Can be done with just one Textbox, when clicking to mark all desired me names. Yes good idea, I have not thought about it. But it should be UserForm.
    And I say to every one was an administrator, moderator or just a person - I thought to want to help someone types something great and brings you the satisfaction that you helped another person in need, in an area unfamiliar as familiar to you and you are entered very deeply into the matter and knowledge.
    If I had the knowledge and skills I have registered at a few sites do not really care which of the sites will help a user (needing help).
    Drop me a link that has the same message in another site - well, but you gave me a solution to my problem, to go and write that I solved the problem in another site. He gave me a start that while I did not do it because they acted out what I need.
    Greetings to all the best wishes.
    Really hope you can help me.
    Again and again, I thank you infinitely.
    Attachment is given to you a new idea, view it, and the macro will need to be changed out because the only other action. I hope my task easier.
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    Last edited by k0st4din; 03-29-2013 at 03:35 PM.

  9. #9
    Member Charles's Avatar
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    Most forums have rules about posting on another site. The whole point for the rules is "If you posted else where the members need to know this too see if you received help there".
    If you do not say and not show the site, some members may not want to help you because you failed to notify them. It's frustrating to help some one only to find out they were getting help at another site. Now, as for your last attachment. I can see that you received help. I think you should continue to receive there help in finishing your project.
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  10. #10
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    I submitted my request to delete the post from the other site.
    Can anyone be assured that I speak the truth.
    1 Userform and 60 ComboBoxes - VBA Express Forum
    So now when I request only in this site will help me?
    Because I have not received any solution to my inquiry given me an answer that I did not do any work, ie if I'm not the answer to my problem.

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