Event Start_date End_Date Weekly Monthly Half_yearly Yearly

AAAA 31-Jan-2013 31-Dec-2019 Yes No No No
BBBB 31-Jan-2013 31-Dec-2019 No Yes No No
CCCC 31-Jan-2013 31-Dec-2019 No No Yes No
DDDD 31-Jan-2013 31-Dec-2019 No No No Yes

My first sheet contain the above Data, the rows will increase as the events increase max upto 99 rows

My Next Sheet is named DISPLAY

If the EVENT has YES in weekly, Monthly, Half-Yearly or Yearly columns, then the display page must show all the dates till the End_date

eg Event BBBB must show the last dates of every month till the End_Date
eg Event AAAA must show the weekly dates till 31-Dec-2019

Sr_Number Event Date
1 DDDD 31-Jan-2013
2 DDDD 31-Jan-2014
3 DDDD 31-Jan-2015
4 DDDD 31-Jan-2014
5 AAAA 31-Jan-2013
6 AAAA 07-Feb-2013

and so forth the .... the rows keep continuing.

Using Fiters, Then I can filter out the events occuring withing a specific time frame