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Thread: Activity Based Depreciation If /Then VBA Code

  1. #1
    Member mrmmickle1's Avatar
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    Activity Based Depreciation If /Then VBA Code

    I am attaching a workbook that contains activity based depreciation formulas.
    I have written notes in it to explain the dilemma. I need to fill in a set of new values based on activity hours....
    I was thinking that the user could input estimated activity hours with a userform and then based on that would fill in the chart. Once the userform is submitted and the chart is completed I need to run a set of if/then statements behind the values to evaluate if they are greater then residual value. IF they are I need to plug in a value... Does anyone have any ideas on how to simplify this process?

    Any help and or suggestions/ideas would be much appreciated!

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Using Excel 2010

  2. #2
    Member mrmmickle1's Avatar
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    I know that this post was not written well enough. I have reevaluated the process that needs to take place and believe that I have figured out a logical way to go about this process. I have posted a more detailed and well thought out notion of this process at: Link to Forum

    Thank you for all who attempted this process. I am still working on it and if a solution arises I will post it here for your reference!!
    Using Excel 2010

  3. #3
    Member mrmmickle1's Avatar
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    I ended up making a user form for the depreciation schedule. This is the code I used to complete the automation:
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
       TextBox1.Value = ""
       TextBox2.Value = ""
       TextBox3.Value = ""
       TextBox4.Value = ""
       TextBox5.Value = ""
       End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    Unload Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub EnterData_Click()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
       Set ws = Worksheets("Depreciation")
       'Insert Total Hours
       ws.Cells(14, 4).Value = TextBox1.Value
       ws.Cells(15, 4).Value = TextBox1.Value
       ws.Cells(16, 4).Value = TextBox2.Value
       ws.Cells(17, 4).Value = TextBox3.Value
       ws.Cells(18, 4).Value = TextBox4.Value
       ws.Cells(19, 4).Value = TextBox5.Value
       'Insert Year Headers
       ws.Cells(14, 3).Formula = "=IF(D14="""", """", ""Year 1"")"
       ws.Cells(15, 3).Formula = "=IF(D15="""", """", ""Year 1"")"
       ws.Cells(16, 3).Formula = "=IF(D16="""", """", ""Year 2"")"
       ws.Cells(17, 3).Formula = "=IF(D17="""", """", ""Year 3"")"
       ws.Cells(18, 3).Formula = "=IF(D18="""", """", ""Year 4"")"
       ws.Cells(19, 3).Formula = "=IF(D18="""", """", ""Year 5"")"
       'Insert Hourly Rate
       ws.Cells(14, 5).Formula = "=$D$10"
       ws.Cells(15, 5).Formula = "=$D$10"
       ws.Cells(16, 5).Formula = "=$D$10"
       ws.Cells(17, 5).Formula = "=$D$10"
       ws.Cells(18, 5).Formula = "=$D$10"
       ws.Cells(19, 5).Formula = "=$D$10"
       'Insert Depreciation Rate
       ws.Cells(14, 6).Formula = "=D14*E14"
       ws.Cells(15, 6).Formula = "=D15*E15"
       ws.Cells(16, 6).Formula = "=D16*E16"
       ws.Cells(17, 6).Formula = "=D17*E17"
       ws.Cells(18, 6).Formula = "=D18*E18"
       ws.Cells(19, 6).Formula = "=D19*E19"
       'Insert Accumulated Depreciation
       ws.Cells(14, 7).Formula = "=F14"
       ws.Cells(15, 7).Formula = "=F14"
       ws.Cells(16, 7).Formula = "=G15+F16"
       ws.Cells(17, 7).Formula = "=G16+F17"
       ws.Cells(18, 7).Formula = "=G17+F18"
       ws.Cells(19, 7).Formula = "=G18+F19"
       'New Value
       ws.Cells(14, 8).Formula = "=$D$5-F14"
       ws.Cells(15, 8).Formula = "=$D$5-F15"
       ws.Cells(16, 8).Formula = "=H15-F16"
       ws.Cells(17, 8).Formula = "=H16-F17"
       ws.Cells(18, 8).Formula = "=H17-F18"
       ws.Cells(19, 8).Formula = "=H18-F19"
       Call AutomateDepreciationExpense
       Call AutomateDepreciationExpense1
       Unload UserForm1
    End Sub
    Sub AutomateDepreciationExpense()
    Dim x As Integer
    For x = 15 To 19
    If Cells(x, 7).Value > Cells(9, 4).Value Then
    Cells(x, 6).Formula = "=" & Cells(9, 4).Address(0, 0) & "-" & Cells(x - 1, 7).Address(0, 0)
    Range(Cells(x + 1, 3), Cells(20, 8)).ClearContents
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub AutomateDepreciationExpense1()
    Dim x As Integer
    For x = 14 To 15
    If Cells(x, 4).Value > Cells(7, 4).Value Then
    Cells(x, 6).Formula = "=D9"
    End If
    End Sub
    Using Excel 2010

  4. #4
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    Thanks mrmmickle for sharing this.

    For the Sub EnterData_Click, you could write it this way

    Private Sub EnterData_Click()    
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Set ws = Worksheets(2)
       'Insert Year Headers
       ws.Cells(14, 3).Resize(6).Formula = "=IF(D14="""", """", ""Year ""&ROW()-13)"
       'Insert Hourly Rate
       ws.Cells(14, 5).Resize(6).Formula = "=$D$10"
       'Insert Depreciation Rate
       ws.Cells(14, 6).Resize(6).Formula = "=D14*E14"
       'Insert Accumulated Depreciation
       ws.Cells(14, 7).Resize(2).Formula = "=$F$14"
       ws.Cells(16, 7).Resize(4).Formula = "=G15+F16"
       'New Value
       ws.Cells(14, 8).Resize(2).Formula = "=$D$5-F14"
       ws.Cells(16, 8).Resize(4).Formula = "=H15-F16"
    End Sub
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  5. #5
    Member mrmmickle1's Avatar
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    Thank you for the tip. I see how much easier this is and less typing!! I appreciate you following up on my post!
    Using Excel 2010

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