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Thread: Tests and Notes on Range objects in Excel Cell

  1. #111
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Single cell range objects and the .Value story
    I am thinking that there may be some over simplification on the so called .Value Property, and this typical Pseudo code line, needs some re thinking
    _________________ Range2.Value = Range1.Value
    (*There could be distinct differences with the multi cell case, so I will consider that case separately)

    _________________ Range2.Value = Range1.Value

    My feeling is that the LHS can either be written as Range2 = or Range2.Value. So these are the same
    _________________ Range2 _ = Range1.Value
    _________________ Range2.Value = Range1.Value
    .Value in such a situation is a perhaps poorly / vaguely/ imprecisely / incompletely defined as “Property”, (or by Default Property for the case that you miss it out) . This definition is perhaps some attempt to make it fit with Object Orientated Programing, but it’s a bit more vague/ imprecise/ not really so well fitting as things might more often be on average.
    It is probably a bit better, IMO, to think of it (it being the LHS whether Range2 = or Range2.Value ) as writing text or numbers into the cell, specifically the numbers or text that is related to the RHS
    Saying the same thing a bit differently, the LHS ( if the LHS is Range2 = or Range2.Value ) will take what’s on the RHS and put the associated text or number related to what is on the RHS

    The .Value thing/ idea/Property/Default Property concept, call it what you like, but whatever it is on the LHS , it has something to do with writing in the cell something about what is on the RHS. I guess "putting in a value" and "writing something in" is saying something similar, so that is how the vague concept comes about of “Property”, or Default Value Property of the Range2 object
    It’s debatable perhaps if the LHS of Range2 = or Range2.Value is a method, as it looks at what is on the RHS and gives some written attribute about it.

    I think from now on, or for now from now, based on some of these recent investigations, I might prefer to use
    Let Range2 =
    , instead of
    Range2.Value = or Let Range2.Value =
    This helps me to remember that I am writing in numbers or text, related to what is on the RHS, probably either
    , _ something from here:
    Written Property Value.JPG
    , or
    , _ perhaps something from here.

    Which of those will vary depending of the RHS, where it seems the exact syntax used does make a difference …….
    , that will be considered in more detail under the RHS heading below, first a couple of side issues

    ……."values" The word values often refers generally to things in the cell numbers text and the specific formatting only that can be done with just numbers and text. It all is done by putting/ wring in a cell, and so it follows, or makes some sense/sensible correlation, that all these values, not just .Value can be used or not on the LHS and the effect is the same as having none of them. In other words, the following code lines all have the same effect in the Range2.Value = Range1.Value type code lines that we have been talking about
    Range2.Value =
    Range2 =
    Range2.FormulaR1C1Local =
    Range2.Formula =

    Perhaps anytime we use any of these sort of Properties, we default to just Range2 =

    …….Rem 1 Variable type considerations
    It is not directly relevant to our Range2.Value = Range1.Value, considerations but indirectly when experimenting can be worth being aware of. If the LHS is a Variable, then things will not necessarily follow a similar, "Pattern", (set of rules, occurrences, or what ever you want to call it), to what we now consider , as we consider the RHS ………

    I am thinking that possibly we ought to consider these 2 things as different
    _________________ Range2.Value = Range1.Value
    _________________ Range2.Value = Range1
    The first one, ________________ Range2.Value = Range1.Value , will work similarly to something like ____ = Range1.Interior.Color , and in conjunction with the LHS as so far discussed, (Range2 = or Range2.Value) , it will give some number or text attribute, specifically for the thing asked for, in these two cases .Value or .Interior.Color
    It won’t make any difference whether the LHS is Range2 = or Range2.Value, (as far as I can tell, it never makes a difference), the result will be the same , a number or text will be written in the cell, and if a text is written in the cell, which looks like a number, even if it is from a cell exhibiting the Number held as text thing , then we will get a number. In other words, if I have It seems to be doing similar what we as a human would, writing in the cell. Excel will then decide if it’s a number, text, or whatever. A text looking like a number, will be displayed as a number and we won’t get the Number held as text thing showing. This is important so just to say that again slightly differently: Using ____ = __.Value on the RHS to bring the value of cell exhibiting the Number held as text thing into another cell will not result in that other cell exhibiting the Number held as text thing : that warning thing will not appear in the other cell

    Now it gets interesting, for the case of not including the ____ = __.Value on the RHS
    It’s often said that in this situation Range2.Value = Range1 the default property, .Value will be used. But that does not seem to be quite right. I see it perfume a bit differently sometimes.
    It may be only subtly different and I am not sure exactly what is going on, but a guess is that it is initially taking the range object, and then taking something from it. It then puts that in the cell, but in some other way.
    Or , maybe it is taking this thing:
    Written Property Value.JPG
    In that last screen shot, for cell C69, where we have a number, showing as a number , we see 44
    In this next screenshot, for cell A69, where we have a number but the cell is displaying the Number stored as text Thing , we see there " 44 "
    Cell A69.JPG
    This might be the "thing" that we sometimes get for various objects, when we assign that object to a string type variable. For some reason it works then differently, rather than "writing" into the cell in similar way that we might do, it does it in some other way such that the actual text is put in, and so we appear to get the Number stored as text Thing warning thing preserved.

    Some coding in the next posts demonstrate some of the above
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-06-2023 at 11:20 AM.

  2. #112
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Sub RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell()  '
    Rem 0 ' Test data range
    Dim Ws12 As Worksheet: Set Ws12 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1 (2)")
     Ws12.Range("A75:E75").Clear  '  .Clear  to get rid of all valiues and any formats
    ' LHS          In the classic, (pseudo) code line     Range2.Value = Range1.Value    I don't experience any difference with the LHS being    Range2.Value =   or   Range2 =                                                                                            Watch :   : Ws12.Range("A69").Value : "44" : Variant/String : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
     Let Ws12.Range("A69").Value = Split("44") ' '         Gives number stored as Text Thing    Number held as text thing 
     Let Ws12.Range("A69").Value = Split("44") ' Watch : - : Split("44") :  : Variant/String(0 to 0) : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
     '                                                     : Split("44")(0) : "44" : String : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
     Let Ws12.Range("A69").Value = Split("44") ' Watch :   : Ws12.Range("A69").Value : "44" : Variant/String : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
     Let Ws12.Range("A69") = Split("44")     '   Watch : - : Ws12.Range("A69") : "44" : Object/Range : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
     Let Ws12.Range("D69") = Split("44")(0)  '  This does not give the  Number stored as Text Thing    Number held as text thing         Watch :   : Ws12.Range("D69").Value : 55 : Variant/Double : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
     Let Ws12.Range("D69") = Split("44")(0)  '   Watch :   :  Split("44")(0) : "44" : Variant/String : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
     Let Ws12.Range("D69") = Split("44")(0)  '   Watch : + :  Ws12.Range("D69") : 44 : Object/Range : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
     Let Ws12.Range("D69").Value = 55    '  This does not give the  Number stored as Text Thing    Number held as text thing 
     Let Ws12.Range("D69").Value = 55    '       Watch :   : Ws12.Range("D69").Value : 55 : Variant/Double : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
     Let Ws12.Range("D69") = 55          '       Watch : + :  Ws12.Range("D69") : 55 : Object/Range : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
     Let Ws12.Range("C69").Value = "44"  '  This does not give the  Number stored as Text Thing    Number held as text thing 
     Let Ws12.Range("C69").Value = "44"  '       Watch :   :  "44" : "44" : String : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
     Let Ws12.Range("C69").Value = "44"  '       Watch :   :  Range("C69").Value : 44 : Variant/Double : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
     Let Ws12.Range("C69") = "44"        '       Watch : - : Ws12.Range("C69") : 44 : Object/Range : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
    '                                                  : Value2 : 44 : Variant/Double : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCell
    '                                    '
    '                                    '
    '                                    '
    '                                    '
    ' "values"  The word values often refers generally to things in the cell numbers text and the formatting that can be done with just numbers and text. In other words, these following all have the same effect.
     Let Ws12.Range("A69").Value = Split("44"):                                                         Range("A69").Clear
     Let Ws12.Range("A69") = Split("44"):                                                               Range("A69").Clear
     Let Ws12.Range("A69").FormulaR1C1Local = Split("44"):                                              Range("A69").Clear
     Let Ws12.Range("A69").Formula = Split("44")
    ' Perhaps anytime we use any of these Properties, we default to just  Range =
    Rem 1  Variable type considerations
    Dim Rng As Range
     Set Rng = Ws12.Range("A69")      '  Watch : + : Rng : "44" : Range/Range : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCells
    Debug.Print VarTyp(VarType(Rng))  '  String  What is this String? Could it be this ,   the "written property value"
    Dim vTemp As Variant, Str As String
     Let vTemp = Rng '                   Watch :   : vTemp : "44" : Variant/String : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCells
     Let Str = Rng  '                    Watch :   : Str : "44" : String : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCells
    ' RHS
    Rem 2
     Let Ws12.Range("A75") = Ws12.Range("A69").Value '
     Let Ws12.Range("A75") = Rng.Value ' These two lines do not result in the  Number held as Text thing
    ' Use  .Value   and we put a value in the cell,  like if we humans write stuff in a cell, Excel will decide if its a number or text regardless of any   Number as text thing
    ' Actually we are doing this,   The optional argument tends to support the idea that on the RHS,  the   .Value   is a method ,  ( although note its only been available since  Excel 2007 )
     Let Ws12.Range("A75") = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueDefault)     '  RangeValueDataType:=
    ' we have other options, for example
     Ws12.Range("B75") = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet):                               Let Ws12.Range("B75").WrapText = False
    ' Now it gets intersting,
     Let Ws12.Range("C75") = Rng  ' this DOES the   Number stored as Text Thing    Number held as text thing 
    ' If you don't use  .Value   a range object is put in, something we human's can't do , and any  Number as text stuff   will be preserved
    '    ' Or
    '  This might be the "thing" that we sometimes get for various objects, when we assign that object to a string type variable. For some reason it works then differently, rather than "writing" into the cell in similar way that we might do, it does it in some other way such that the actual text is put in, and so we appear to get the Number stored as text Thing warning thing preserved
    Rem 3
    '3a) I expect this is not defaulting to  .Value    Rather, VBA may be conveniently obligingly coercing the range object being returned from the RHS. saying that in a different way, if VBA gets a range object where it is not expecting one, then it might be wired to do something, such as look for an appropriate property/method to suit
    Dim Var As Variant
     Let Var = Rng   '                    Watch :   : Var : "44" : Variant/String : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCells
     Let Var = Ws12.Range("A75")  '       Watch :   : Var : 44 : Variant/Double : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCells
    '3b) Although the results are the same here, I think it is working differently.
     Let Var = Rng.Value   '              Watch :   : Var : "44" : Variant/String : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCells
     Let Var = Ws12.Range("A75").Value  ' Watch :   : Var : 44 : Variant/Double : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCells
    '3b(i) we are actually doing this                     
     Let Var = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueDefault)   '             Watch :   : Var : "44" : Variant/String : Sheet2.RangeObjectDefaultPropertiesCells
    ''3b(ii) but we could also do this
     Let Var = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet)   '      Watch :   : Var : "
    '                                                                                                xmlns: o = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
    '                                                                                                    ... etc
    ' Let Var = Rng2.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet)  '      Watch :   : Var : "
    '                                                                                                 xmlns: o = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
    '                                                                                                           ... etc
    End Sub
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-06-2023 at 11:49 AM.

  3. #113

  4. #114
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    RangeObjectDefaultProperties(Methods?) Multiple Cell Ranges
    This post does a fairly limited investigation , as the purpose is to support the issues discussed in the last posts, specifically, what default Properties/ methods /or whatever processes are going on with code line of these general forms
    _________________ Range2.Value = Range1.Value
    _________________ Range2 = Range1.Value
    _________________ Range2.Value = Range1
    _________________ Range2 = Range1
    Generally we expect and experience an Array of Variant type elements returned from a range using .Value on the RHS, ( ###or so we all thought) For the purposes of clarity, we won’t discuss that issue specifically in great detail.

    In the codings in the next post, we see some similar behaviour.
    _ On the LHS the use of .Value or not, seems to make no difference. So that seems the same.
    _ There is a difference between the .Value or not on the RHS. That fact is the same, but we don’t experience exactly the same behaviour, or perhaps we do, depending on what exactly is going on….
    What happens in the case of no .Value is, well, nothing, at least nothing we can see. Strange. Or maybe not: If we compare a similar Watch Window view, to that for the single cell case,
    Cell A69.JPG
    , for example of a two cell range, A69:B69, we see an empty space
    Range A69 B69.JPG

    ###One passing thing of interests noticed, not directly relevant to our issues:
    If I use either of the other two Range value types ( ) , rather than the default, RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueDefault ,

    , then an array is not returned. A text is returned in an XLM format, (that does include data from all the cells in the range).

    Some coding in next post .
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-06-2023 at 07:58 PM.

  5. #115
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Sub RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells()  '
    Rem 0 ' Test data range
    Dim Ws12 As Worksheet: Set Ws12 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1 (2)")
     Ws12.Range("A80:D80").Clear  '  .Clear  to get rid of all valiues and any formats
     Let Ws12.Range("A69").Value = Split("44") ' '         Gives  Number held as text thing 
     Let Ws12.Range("B69").Value = "42"    '      does not gives                            "
    Rem 1
    Dim Rng As Range
     Set Rng = Ws12.Range("A69:B69")      '  Watch : + : Rng :  : Range/Range : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    '                                               + : Value2 :  : Variant/Variant(1 to 1, 1 to 2) : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    '                                                       + : Value2(1) :  : Variant(1 to 2) : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    '                                                                       : Value2(1,1) : "44" : Variant/String : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    '                                                                       : Value2(1,2) : 42 : Variant/Double : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    Debug.Print VarTyp(VarType(Rng))  '  Array of Variant type Elements
    Dim vTemp As Variant, Str As String
     Let vTemp = Rng '                       Watch : + : vTemp :  : Variant/Variant(1 to 1, 1 to 2) : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    '                                             + : vTemp(1) :  : Variant(1 to 2) : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    '                                                      : vTemp(1,1) : "44" : Variant/String : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    '                                                      : vTemp(1,2) : 42 : Variant/Double : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    '  Let Str = Rng  '                 Runtime error  14    Type mismatch
    Rem 2
     Let Ws12.Range("A80") = Rng: Ws12.Range("A80").Value = Rng  '  Nothing seems to have been done
    Debug.Print VarType(Ws12.Range("A80"))                 '  0
    Debug.Print VarType(Ws12.Range("A80").Value)           '  0
    Debug.Print VarTyp(VarType(Ws12.Range("A80")))         '  Empty
    Debug.Print VarTyp(VarType(Ws12.Range("A80").Value))   '  Empty
    ' Note that we see an empty space here :       
     Let Ws12.Range("A81") = Rng.Value      ' Watch : + : Ws12.Range("A81") : 44 : Object/Range : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
     Ws12.Range("A81").Value = Rng.Value    ' Watch :   : Range("A81").Value : 44 : Variant/Double : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    Debug.Print VarTyp(VarType(Ws12.Range("A81").Value))   '  Double-precision floating-point number
    Debug.Print VarTyp(VarType(Rng.Value))                 '  Array of Variant type Elements
     Let Ws12.Range("A82").Value = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueDefault)
       ' Watch :   : Ws12.Range("A82").Value : 44 : Variant/Double : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
       ' Watch : + :  Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueDefault) :  : Variant/Variant(1 to 1, 1 to 2) : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
       '         + :  Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueDefault)(1) :  : Variant(1 to 2) : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
       '           :  Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueDefault)(1,1) : "44" : Variant/String : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
       '           :  Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueDefault)(1,2) : 42 : Variant/Double : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
     Ws12.Range("A82").Clear: Ws12.Range("A82") = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueDefault)
                                            ' Watch : + : Ws12.Range("A82") : 44 : Object/Range : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
     Let Ws12.Range("A83").Value = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet)
    '                               Watch :   : Ws12.Range("A83").Value : " : Varinat/String
    '                                                                      xmlns: o = "urn:schemas-microsoft"
    '                                                                                 ... etc.
                                                                                        Let Ws12.Range("A83").WrapText = False: Ws12.Range("A83").Clear
     Let Ws12.Range("A83") = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet): Let Ws12.Range("A83").WrapText = False
    '                               Watch : + : Ws12.Range("A83") : "  :  Variant/String
    '                                                               xmlns: o = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:o"
    '  Watch :   : Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet) : "
    '                                                                         '  Strange its not showing an array
     Let Ws12.Range("A84:B84") = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet):      Ws12.Range("A84:B84").WrapText = False
    '  and not producing one either - It puts the same value in both cells
     Let Ws12.Range("A84:B84").Value = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet) '  :      Ws12.Range("A84:B84").WrapText = False
    '  (The behaviour of   Range2.Value =   or   Range2 =   making no difference is still apparant for  RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet )
                                                                                                                 Ws12.Range("A84:B84").WrapText = False
     Let vTemp = Rng.Value  '   Watch : - : vTemp :  : Variant/Variant(1 to 1, 1 to 2) : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    '                                + : vTemp(1) :  : Variant(1 to 2) : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    '                                   : vTemp(1,1) : "44" : Variant/String : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
    '                                   : vTemp(1,2) : 42 : Variant/Double : Sheet2.RangeObjectsDefaultPropertiesCells
     Let vTemp = Rng.Value() '    Watch as above                             "
     Let vTemp = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet) ' Watch :   : vTemp : "
    '                                                                                            xmlns: o = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
    '                                                                                              ....etc...
    Debug.Print vTemp
    'xmlns: o = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
    'xmlns: x = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"
    'xmlns: ss = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
    ' xmlns:html="">
    '  '   ss:DefaultColumnWidth="49.5">'   '   '   
    '    44'    42'   
    ' '
    Let Str = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueXMLSpreadsheet) ' Let Str = Rng.Value() ' Type mismatch Let Str = Rng.Value(RangeValueDataType:=xlRangeValueMSPersistXML) Debug.Print Str ' 'xmlns: dt = "uuid:C2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA00C14882" 'xmlns: s = "uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882" ' xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset" xmlns:z="#RowsetSchema"> ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' End Sub
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-06-2023 at 08:01 PM.

  6. #116

  7. #117
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    . CS 4t I2 3M 1I 3M
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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-30-2023 at 03:10 PM.

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