Quote Originally Posted by DocAElstein View Post
That macro is OK, if it works for you. It will recalculate everytime you select any cell anywhere in the worksheet. So it is a little inefficient, The macro will be run many times when it is not needed to run.

This might be a bit better,
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
 If Target.Address = "$B$3" Or Target.Address = "$E$3" Then
  Let Application.EnableEvents = False
  Let Range("C8").Value = Range("B3").Value + Range("E3").Value
  Let Application.EnableEvents = True
 End If
End Sub
But you can use the one you prefer
This code is really better and works nicely. This is what I wanted.
The code may be a one minute play for some expert like you, but for mine, it may take several minutes to understand and several hours to build such codes independently.
That's the reason I have to take help every time.

Thank you for your time and effort for me!!