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Thread: Csv To Xlsx: Import Export values from Comma delimeted text file to Excel worksheet

  1. #1
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    Csv To Xlsx: Import Export values from Comma delimeted text file to Excel worksheet

    Sub CSVToXLS()
        Dim fPath  As String, fPathDONE As String, fCOUNT As Long
        Dim fName  As String, fType    As String
        Dim fAfter As String, NwName    As String
        fPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Test\"
        If Right(fPath, 1) <> "\" Then fPath = fPath & "\"
        fPathDONE = fPath & "\Converted\"
        MakeFolders fPathDONE
        fName = Dir(fPath & "*.CSV")
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Do While Len(fName) > 0
            NwName = Left(fName, InStrRev(fName, ".") - 1)
            Workbooks.Open fPath & fName
            ActiveSheet.Name = NwName
            ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fPath & NwName & ".xls", FileFormat:=xlNormal
            Name fPath & fName As fPathDONE & fName
            fCOUNT = fCOUNT + 1
            fName = Dir()
        MsgBox "A Total Of " & fCOUNT & " Files Were Processed"
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Function MakeFolders(MyStr As String)
        Dim MyArr  As Variant
        Dim pNum    As Long
        Dim pBuf    As String
        On Error Resume Next
        MyArr = Split(MyStr, "\")
        pBuf = MyArr(LBound(MyArr)) & "\"
        For pNum = LBound(MyArr) + 1 To UBound(MyArr)
            pBuf = pBuf & MyArr(pNum) & "\"
            MkDir pBuf
        Next pNum
    End Function

    I Have a Macro that works perfectly & I need a little changes in it, Changes are mentioned Below
    1)this macro works only if the file is located in test folder & I want to define the path in the macro, My file alway's be located in C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop\Alert..csv & this macro should convert only that file from .csv to .xls & it should delete the .csv file & keep the .xls file to the same location
    And I don't want any msg & any notification stating anything
    So request u to plz look into it
    Last edited by fixer; 06-10-2020 at 01:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Your macro above uses the Workbooks.Open ____________.csv type way to open/ use a .CSV file which we said must be avoided since there will always be problems in it (
    Your macro above uses the CSV as you have said you will never do. ( But based on passed experience with you , I expect you will use it and we will go around in circles again for ever and get no where...)
    So best is to ignore that macro and any variations of it. That is very important since that has already wasted a lot of peoples time, including yours for the last two months...
    So start again / try again to explain...

    We are not really talking about converting Csv to Xlsx
    Csv are usually text files
    Xlsx are usually Excel files.
    You cannot convert one to the other.

    I think you want to do this question:
    _ Import values from a comma separated values text file into an Excel Worksheet.
    _ Save the Excel File with the imported values. This will be a new file. It will be an Excel file containing just the values from the text file. It should not contain the comma separators. Each value should be in a cell. The text file lines should correspond to the Excel file rows.
    Give Excel file a similar name to that of the text file, ( For example: If text file name is Alert..csv, then the name of the Excel file should be Alert..xls

    ( Same question and answer as many of your forum posts. Here are just a few of many example: Code for text file to Excel :

    Try again….
    A comma separated values file will usually also need a separator for the lines. So far I have seen you use 2 different forms,
    vbCr & vbLf
    I have also seen you supply so called ".csv" files , which take many forms, and can also have different forms values separators ( )
    The most common used values separators are commas , _ But others include | ; vbTab

    Therefore, I think it will save us time to make a function which takes in the values separators and the line.

    Note: With Text files we must concern ourselves with the Record/Line(row) separator and the Field(column) Separator : They may vary. ##We must know about these. ##
    ( In Excel we do not have to concern ourselves with the row separator used internally by Excel ( vbCr & vbLf ), or the column Separator used internally by Excel ( vbTab ) : Excel does this for us. We do not need to add these when working with Excel Files. Internally, Excel uses those separators to make the cells that we see and work with. )

    Different File Types used for simple values
    See here ( This post ) for typical comparisons of text Files, Excel files, and data files
    Text File:
    Excel File:
    Data File:

    Function to make an Excel files from a text file containing values and separators

    XLFlNme is the Excel File name wanted for the new File
    TxtFlNme is Text File name of an existing text file
    valSep is the values separator used in the existing text file##
    LineSep is the line separator used in thee existing text file##
    Paf it the path to the files. ( I assume they are at the same place for the existing text file and the new Excel File )

    The function is almost identical to the macro I did for you here: Code for Text File to Excel
    The function is here:

    It is a function.
    So you will need to call it with a test macro such as this:
    Sub Test_MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile()
    Dim Pf As String
    Let Pf = ThisWorkbook.Path  '                ' CHANGE TO SUIT
    'let pf = "C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop"   ' CHANGE TO SUIT
     Call MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile(Pf, "sample2BEFORE..csv", "Test.xlsx", ",", vbCr & vbLf)
    End Sub
    I tested it using this text file: Share 'sample2BEFORE..csv' :

    Running the test macro results in an Excel File being made looking like this:

    _____ Workbook: Test.xlsx ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    Row\Col A B C D E F G H I J K L
    1 NSE 101010 6 < 12783 A GTT
    2 NSE 22 6 < 12783 A GTT
    3 NSE 17388 6 < 12783 A GTT
    Worksheet: Sheet1

    I have not addressed the issue of deleting the text file. You can probably do that yourself. ( It is not a good idea to do that, since a back up of your data is probably a good idea to have. )

    I am mostly away now until Sunday.

    sample2BEFORE..csv :
    Test.xlsx :
    Vba.xlsm :
    Function MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile() :
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 06-16-2020 at 03:58 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  3. #3
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    Which macro i have to run to get the desired result?
    As i can see u have given
    Sub Test_MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile()
    Dim Pf As String
    Let Pf = ThisWorkbook.Path  '                ' CHANGE TO SUIT
    'let pf = "C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop"   ' CHANGE TO SUIT
     Call MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile(Pf, "sample2BEFORE..csv", "Test.xlsx", ",", vbCr & vbLf)
    End Sub
    And this
    'XLFlNme is the Excel File name wanted for the new File
    'TxtFlNme is Text File name of an existing text file
    'valSep is the values separator used in the existing text file
    'LineSep is the line separator used in thee existing text file
    'Paf it the path to the files. ( I assume they are at the same place for the existing text file and the new Excel File )
    Function MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile(ByVal Paf As String, ByVal TxtFlNme As String, ByVal XLFlNme As String, ByVal valSep As String, ByVal LineSep As String)
    Rem 2 Text file info
    ' 2a) get the text file as a long single string
    Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1)                                  '
    Dim PathAndFileName As String, TotalFile As String
     Let PathAndFileName = Paf & Application.PathSeparator & TxtFlNme   '                                                               CHANGE TO SUIT                                                                                                         From vixer zyxw1234  :     DF.txt
    Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
    TotalFile = Space(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it has to be a string of exactly the right length
    Get #FileNum, , TotalFile
    Close #FileNum
    ' 2b) Split into wholes line _ splitting the text file into rows by splitting by Line Seperator
    Dim arrRws() As String: Let arrRws() = Split(TotalFile, LineSep, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    Dim RwCnt As Long: Let RwCnt = UBound(arrRws()) + 1    '  +1 is nedeed as the  Split Function  returns indicies 0 1 2 3 4 5   etc...
    ' 2c) split first line to determine the Field(column) number
    Dim arrClms() As String: Let arrClms() = Split(arrRws(0), valSep, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    Dim ClmCnt As Long: Let ClmCnt = UBound(arrClms()) + 1
    ' 2d) we can now make an array for all the rows, and  columns 
    Dim arrOut() As String: ReDim arrOut(1 To RwCnt, 1 To ClmCnt)
    Rem 3 An array is built up by _....
    Dim Cnt As Long
        For Cnt = 1 To RwCnt '               _.. considering each row of data
        'Dim arrClms() As String
         Let arrClms() = Split(arrRws(Cnt - 1), ",", -1, vbBinaryCompare)  '  ___.. splitting each row into columns by splitting by the comma
        Dim Clm As Long   '
            For Clm = 1 To UBound(arrClms()) + 1
             Let arrOut(Cnt, Clm) = arrClms(Clm - 1)
            Next Clm
        Next Cnt
    Rem 4  Finally the array is pasted to a worksheet in a new file
     ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Paf & Application.PathSeparator & XLFlNme, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
     Workbooks("" & XLFlNme & "").Worksheets.Item(1).Range("A1").Resize(RwCnt, ClmCnt).Value = arrOut()
    End Function

    there are two things
    can i get one macro that will do the process,I will run the macro and it will do the process

  4. #4
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    You have used functions before, both from me, and from other people, many, many times, ( like Function CL() )
    You put both macros in the same place
    You run just Sub Test_MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile()
    The function, Function MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile(), will be used when needed by Sub Test_MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile()

    I explained in great detail why I am using a function.

    I suggest you read again what I have written.

    You run just Sub Test_MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile() and it will do the process!

    You have just one macro that will do the process, you run the macro , Sub Test_MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile() , and it will do the process....
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 06-12-2020 at 02:15 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  5. #5
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    I wanted to inform u that in that file there are 25 macros & it will be run back to back
    If I used this it will not cause any errors with other macros?

  6. #6
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    It should not cause any problems. I cannot think of any reasons why it should
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  7. #7
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    Error details:
    Run time error 76
    Path not found

    I have used this
    Sub Test_MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile()
    Dim Pf As String
    Let Pf = "C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop\Alert..csv"              ' CHANGE TO SUIT
    'let pf = "C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop"   ' CHANGE TO SUIT
     Call MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile(Pf, "sample2BEFORE..csv", "Test.xlsx", ",", vbCr & vbLf)
    End Sub
    'XLFlNme is the Excel File name wanted for the new File
    'TxtFlNme is Text File name of an existing text file
    'valSep is the values separator used in the existing text file
    'LineSep is the line separator used in thee existing text file
    'Paf it the path to the files. ( I assume they are at the same place for the existing text file and the new Excel File )
    Function MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile(ByVal Paf As String, ByVal TxtFlNme As String, ByVal XLFlNme As String, ByVal valSep As String, ByVal LineSep As String)
    Rem 2 Text file info
    ' 2a) get the text file as a long single string
    Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1)                                  '
    Dim PathAndFileName As String, TotalFile As String
     Let PathAndFileName = Paf & Application.PathSeparator & TxtFlNme   '                                                               CHANGE TO SUIT                                                                                                         From vixer zyxw1234  :     DF.txt
    Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
    TotalFile = Space(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it has to be a string of exactly the right length
    Get #FileNum, , TotalFile
    Close #FileNum
    ' 2b) Split into wholes line _ splitting the text file into rows by splitting by Line Seperator
    Dim arrRws() As String: Let arrRws() = Split(TotalFile, LineSep, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    Dim RwCnt As Long: Let RwCnt = UBound(arrRws()) + 1    '  +1 is nedeed as the  Split Function  returns indicies 0 1 2 3 4 5   etc...
    ' 2c) split first line to determine the Field(column) number
    Dim arrClms() As String: Let arrClms() = Split(arrRws(0), valSep, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    Dim ClmCnt As Long: Let ClmCnt = UBound(arrClms()) + 1
    ' 2d) we can now make an array for all the rows, and  columns 
    Dim arrOut() As String: ReDim arrOut(1 To RwCnt, 1 To ClmCnt)
    Rem 3 An array is built up by _....
    Dim Cnt As Long
        For Cnt = 1 To RwCnt '               _.. considering each row of data
        'Dim arrClms() As String
         Let arrClms() = Split(arrRws(Cnt - 1), ",", -1, vbBinaryCompare)  '  ___.. splitting each row into columns by splitting by the comma
        Dim Clm As Long   '
            For Clm = 1 To UBound(arrClms()) + 1
             Let arrOut(Cnt, Clm) = arrClms(Clm - 1)
            Next Clm
        Next Cnt
    Rem 4  Finally the array is pasted to a worksheet in a new file
     ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Paf & Application.PathSeparator & XLFlNme, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
     Workbooks("" & XLFlNme & "").Worksheets.Item(1).Range("A1").Resize(RwCnt, ClmCnt).Value = arrOut()
    End Function
    I placed the macro in vba.xlsm
    My csv file name is alert..csv
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 06-12-2020 at 02:58 PM.

  8. #8
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    You are making very, very simle mistakes because you are not taking any time to read or understand anything.
    Please take more time to read all carefully , otherwise you are wasting my time.

    Look again at my macro ... path should be "C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop"

    You are going too quickly and missing everything.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  9. #9
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    path should be this
    I agree
    But may i know where the csv file name is mentioned in the macro?
    File name is not mentioned in the macro(Alert..csv, So how the macro will know which file it has to convert)
    Last edited by fixer; 06-12-2020 at 03:14 PM.

  10. #10
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fixer View Post
    file name is not mention in the macro (Alert..csv)
    How macro will know which file it has to convert?


    path should be this
    I agree
    But may i know where the csv file name is mentioned in the macro?
    File name is not mentioned in the macro(Alert..csv, So how the macro will know which file it has to convert)
    You see what I mean...

    you are wasting my time becoz you go too quick and read nothing

    I have no more time to waste today.
    maybe tomorrow or Sunday

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 06-12-2020 at 03:38 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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