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Thread: vba Copy Paste Conditional to put remark 1 2 3 .. etc

  1. #1
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    vba Copy Paste Conditional to put remark 1 2 3 .. etc

    This post is a Moderator Post Copy…. ( link to post is or

    Currently the OP, ( possible real name most of the time , Avinash Singh from Mumbai India ), appears to have many of his own accounts ( hundreds by his own admission to me privately ) . In addition he has temporary access to many other peoples accounts.
    It appears that his current “job” is to paste a question into a forum, and pass any macro given on to the person assigning him the task old posting the question.
    He will often duplicate cross post a question.
    Quite often the question is wrong and the macros and files do not match up or are full of mistakes )
    ( He may have his own career plans in parallel to this current job. That is likely also to be responsible for some of his many duplicate cross postings of similar questions )
    He has a very poor understanding of the English language, and has never been anywhere near Excel or Microsoft Office. If the assigning person is not happy with any returned macro, then he may use some of his many canned replies or even attempt some reply himself in the hope of it generating another macro, which he passes on to the person assigning him the job of posting the question…
    He barely understand , if at all, anything he posts himself in a question of the replies he makes himself
    _.... If the assigning person is not happy with any returned macro, then he may use some of his many canned replies or even attempt some reply himself in the hope of it generating another macro, which he passes on to the person assigning him the job of posting the question…
    He barely understand , if at all, anything he posts himself in a question of the replies he makes himself
    _..... If the assigning person is not happy with any returned macro, then he may use some of his many canned replies or even attempt some reply himself in the hope of it generating another macro, which he passes on to the person assigning him the job of posting the question…
    He barely understand , if at all, anything he posts himself in a question of the replies he makes himself
    _.... If the assigning person is not happy with any returned macro, then he may use some of his many canned replies or even attempt some reply himself in the hope of it generating another macro, which he passes on to the person assigning him the job of posting the question…
    He barely understand , if at all, anything he posts himself in a question of the replies he makes himself

    _... and so on, and so on…

    The questions are often variations on a similar one. In the next copy of the first Thread post, I am attempting to collect / merge / reference postings of those which can approximately be given the title of …
    vba Copy Paste Conditional to put remark 1 2 3 .. etc CS 4t I2
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-20-2024 at 03:48 PM.

  2. #2
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    vba Copy Paste Conditional to put remark 1 2 3 .. etc

    This post is a Moderator Post Copy….

    vba Copy Paste Conditional to put remark 1 2 3 .. etc
    If column I is sell then see the value of column K & if column K is Greater than sheet2 of column E then put the remark in sheet3 in the stock name from column B
    If column I is buy then see the value of column K & if column K is lower than sheet2 of column F then put the remark in sheet3 in the stock name from column B
    remark will be in series like 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so on
    vba is palced in a separate file
    all files are located in same place
    and after putting the remark clear sheet 1 and sheet 2
    If column B of 2.xlsm match with column B of 1.xls then paste the data from column C of 2.xls as 1,2,3,4,5 and so on....
    If column B of 2.xlsm doesn't match with column B of 1.xls then delete all the data from column C of that row
    macro will be placed in 2.xlsm
    all files re located in different path
    sheet name can be anything
    plz see the sample file
    If column B of 2.xlsm match with column B of 1.xls then clear all the data in that row from column C
    If column B of 2.xlsm does not match with column B of 1.xls then paste the data from column C of 2.xls as 1,2,3,4,5 and so on…
    All files are located in different path
    sheet name can be anything
    I have a file ap.xls & Book1.xlsm
    macro will be placed in Book1.xlsm
    We have to look on Column S of ap.xls and If column S of ap.xls has negative numbers then we have to look on Column E of ap.xls & we will match that Column E data of ap.xls with column A of sheet1 of Book1.xlsm & if it matches then we will see wheather column C of Book1.xlsm has data in it or not & if column C of Book1.xlsm has data in it then do nothing & if column C of Book1.xlsm doesn't have data then we will go to sheet3 of Book1.xlsm and we will look for a match of Column E data of ap.xls with column A of sheet3 of Book1.xlsm & if it is found then we will copy the data from sheet3 of Book1.xlsm and paste it to sheet1 of book1.xlsm & we increase one more number in series in it
    Hi there, I am looking for a macro As mentioned below
    Plz see the sample file attached below
    If column D of 1.xls is equal to Column E of 1.xls & column D of 1.xls is not equal to column F of 1.xls then match Column I of 1.xls with column B of macro.xlsm & if it matches the put the remark in series as shown in the sample file(We will put the remark from column C of macro.xlsm & if column C has data then from column D and so on... in series wise)
    If column D of 1.xls is equal to Column F of 1.xls & column D of 1.xls is not equal to column E of 1.xls then match Column I of 1.xls with column B of macro.xlsm & if it matches the put the remark in series as shown in the sample file(We will put the remark from column C of macro.xlsm & if column C has data then from column D and so on... in series wise)
    If column D of 1.xls is equal to Column F of 1.xls & column D of 1.xls is equal to column E of 1.xls then don't do anything
    Plz note: Macro will be placed in macro.xlsm which i have attached below & 1.xls & macro.xlsm may be in different path so I will edit the path As per my needs
    Condition: If column D of 1.xls matches with column E of 1.xls Or If column D of 1.xls matches with column F of 1.xls then match column I of 1.xls with column B of Macro.xlsm & if it matches then clear all the data in that row from column C
    If column D of 1.xls does not matches with column E of 1.xls & with Column F of 1.xls too.. then put the remarks in series (numerical series)[/I] ( Closed by Jeff in error )
    there are 2 files 1.xls & macro.xlsm (macro will be placed in macro.xlsm),both files are loacted in diffrent places so the path will be hardcoded in the macro so that i can change it as per my needs
    sheet name can be anything
    plz see the sample file
    If column D of 1.xls equal to column E of 1.xls & column H of 1.xls is lower than column K then match column I of 1.xls with column B of macro.xlsm & if it matches then clear the data in that row ELSE put the remark
    If column D of 1.xls equal to column F of 1.xls & column H of 1.xls is greater than column K then match column I of 1.xls with column B of macro.xlsm & if it matches then clear the data in that row ELSE put the remark
    If column B of 1.xls matches with column A of Book1.xlsb & the difference between Column D of 1.xls & Column E of 1.xls is not greater than 0.50% of column D of 1.xls then put Remarks Else Clear the data from Column B of book1.xlsb
    Macro will be placed in a book1.xlsb
    Sheet name can be anything
    Remarks means If condition met then finding the last row of book1.xlsb and add +1 to the data in the last row & put th result in next cell in that row
    clear data means if condition doesnt met then clear all the data in book1.xlsb in that row
    Plz see the output (it is the output of the macro)
    If column B of alert..csv matches with column B of sample2.xlsb then clear all the data from column C
    If column B of alert..csv doesn't matches with column B of sample2.xlsb then put the remarks in series by vba as mentioned in the sample file
    If column E of sheet3 of 3.xlsm matches with sheet4 of Column B of 10.xlsx then match the same with column B of sheet1 of 3.xlsm & if matches then put the numerical data in series by vba in sheet1 of 3.xlsm
    Macro will be placed in 3.xlsm file
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 09-26-2020 at 05:21 PM.

  3. #3
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    vba Copy Paste Conditional to put remark 1 2 3 .. etc

    Plz see the sample file
    If column I is sell then see the value of column K & if column K is Greater than sheet2 of column E then put the remark in sheet3 in the stock name from column B
    If column I is buy then see the value of column K & if column K is lower than sheet2 of column F then put the remark in sheet3 in the stock name from column B
    remark will be in series like 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so on
    vba is palced in a separate file
    all files are located in same place
    and after putting the remark clear sheet 1 and sheet 2 bC 8o bu 4T 1E nR
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 07-09-2023 at 11:10 PM.

  4. #4

    Your data ?????
    SELL is K=1100.947 , sheet 2 column E is 1102 … so K is NOT > column E ---- so no output – no remark
    BUY is K = 130.734 , sheet 2 column E is 129 … so K is NOT < column E ----- so no output – no remark

    See here:

    So Try this data :

    ( You also need Function CL( ) )

    To explain the solution to you:
    If your data is
    _____ Workbook: Merge2.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    Worksheet: Sheet3

    arrS3() =
    arrS3(1) arrS3(2) arrS3(3)

    arrS3(1) =



    Let arrS3(cnt)(1, UBound(arrS3(cnt), 2)) =

    File here:
    (You also need Function CL( ) )

    Last edited by Molly Brennholz; 03-20-2020 at 06:24 PM.

  5. #5
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    Option Explicit
    Sub STEP7() '
    Rem 1 Worksheets info
    Dim Wbm As Workbook, Ws1 As Worksheet, Ws2 As Worksheet, Ws3 As Worksheet
     Set Wbm = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Merge.xlsx")
     Set Ws1 = Wbm.Worksheets("Sheet1"): Set Ws2 = Wbm.Worksheets("Sheet2"): Set Ws3 = Wbm.Worksheets("Sheet3")
    Rem 2 data Input
    Dim arrS1() As Variant, arrS2() As Variant, arrS3() As Variant
     Let arrS1() = Ws1.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value: arrS2() = Ws2.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value
     ReDim arrS3(1 To UBound(arrS1(), 1)) ' A 1 dimension array of arrays
    ' Let arrS3(1) = Ws3.Range("A" & Ws3.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count & "") ' header row as a one dimensional array
    ''2b(ii) data rows array output
    Rem 3
    Dim cnt
        For cnt = 2 To UBound(arrS1(), 1) '  "row" count, cnt
        Dim Lc As Long: Let Lc = Ws3.Cells.Item(cnt, Ws3.Cells.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column ' last column in this row cnt
         Let arrS3(cnt) = Ws3.Range("A" & cnt & ":" & CL(Lc + 1) & cnt & "").Value ' - returns an array of 1 "row" into this element of the array of arrays
         Select Case arrS1(cnt, 9) ' column I
          Case "SELL" 'If column I is sell
            If arrS1(cnt, 11) > arrS2(cnt, 5) Then ' if column K is Greater than sheet2 of column E then
             Let arrS3(cnt)(1, UBound(arrS3(cnt), 2)) = UBound(arrS3(cnt), 2) - 1 ' Put in a value in last array "column"
            End If
          Case "BUY"  'If column I is buy
           If arrS1(cnt, 11) < arrS2(cnt, 6) Then  ' if column K is lower than sheet2 of column F then
            Let arrS3(cnt)(1, UBound(arrS3(cnt), 2)) = UBound(arrS3(cnt), 2) - 1 ' Put in a value in last array "column"
           End If
         End Select
        '3b) output "row"
         Let Ws3.Range("A" & cnt & "").Resize(1, Lc + 1).Value = arrS3(cnt)
        Next cnt
    Rem 4    ....and after putting the remark clear sheet 1 and sheet 2
    End Sub
    'If column I is sell
    'then see the value of column K &
    'if column K is Greater than sheet2 of column E then put the remark in sheet3 in the stock name from column B
    'If column I is buy
    'see the value of column K &
    'if column K is lower than sheet2 of column F then put the remark in sheet3 in the stock name from column B
    'remark will be in series like 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so on
    'vba is palced in a separate file
    'all files are located in same place
    'and after putting the remark clear sheet 1 and sheet 2
    Public Function CL(ByVal lclm As Long) As String '
        Do: Let CL = Chr(65 + (((lclm - 1) Mod 26))) & CL: Let lclm = (lclm - (1)) \ 26: Loop While lclm > 0
    End Function

    I used this code i have not found any error while raning the code sir but this code is not pasting the result sir plz relook sir

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Molly Brennholz View Post

    Your data ?????
    SELL is K=1100.947 , sheet 2 column E is 1102 … so K is NOT > column E ---- so no output – no remark
    BUY is K = 130.734 , sheet 2 column E is 129 … so K is NOT < column E ----- so no output – no remark

    See here: ....
    Quote Originally Posted by fixer View Post
    ...I used this code i have not found any error while raning the code sir but this code is not pasting the result ..
    Correct. This is as expected. This is what you asked for
    no output – no remark = code is not pasting the result = There is no result to paste.


    Check your data. Check your logic. Explain again what should happen.
    Maybe you gave wrong data. Maybe you gave wrong logic.
    maybe you asked wromng question.
    Or i do not understand what you want.
    Try to explain again with more examples
    Last edited by Molly Brennholz; 03-20-2020 at 06:49 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Option Explicit
    Sub STEP7() '
    Rem 1 Worksheets info
    Dim Wbm As Workbook, Ws1 As Worksheet, Ws2 As Worksheet, Ws3 As Worksheet
     Set Wbm = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Merge.xlsx")
     Set Ws1 = Wbm.Worksheets("Sheet1"): Set Ws2 = Wbm.Worksheets("Sheet2"): Set Ws3 = Wbm.Worksheets("Sheet3")
    Rem 2 data Input
    Dim arrS1() As Variant, arrS2() As Variant, arrS3() As Variant
     Let arrS1() = Ws1.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value: arrS2() = Ws2.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value
     ReDim arrS3(1 To UBound(arrS1(), 1)) ' A 1 dimension array of arrays
    ' Let arrS3(1) = Ws3.Range("A" & Ws3.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count & "") ' header row as a one dimensional array
    ''2b(ii) data rows array output
    Rem 3
    Dim cnt
        For cnt = 2 To UBound(arrS1(), 1) '  "row" count, cnt
        Dim Lc As Long: Let Lc = Ws3.Cells.Item(cnt, Ws3.Cells.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column ' last column in this row cnt
         Let arrS3(cnt) = Ws3.Range("A" & cnt & ":" & CL(Lc + 1) & cnt & "").Value ' - returns an array of 1 "row" into this element of the array of arrays
         Select Case arrS1(cnt, 9) ' column I
          Case "SELL" 'If column I is sell
            If arrS1(cnt, 11) > arrS2(cnt, 5) Then ' if column K is Greater than sheet2 of column E then
            Let arrS3(cnt)(1, UBound(arrS3(cnt), 2)) = UBound(arrS3(cnt), 2) - 1 ' Put in a value in last array "column"
            End If
          Case "BUY"  'If column I is buy
           If arrS1(cnt, 11) < arrS2(cnt, 6) Then  ' if column K is lower than sheet2 of column F then
           Let arrS3(cnt)(1, UBound(arrS3(cnt), 2)) = UBound(arrS3(cnt), 2) - 1 ' Put in a value in last array "column"
           End If
         End Select
        '3b) output "row"
         Let Ws3.Range("A" & cnt & "").Resize(1, Lc + 1).Value = arrS3(cnt)
        Next cnt
    Rem 4    ....and after putting the remark clear sheet 1 and sheet 2
    End Sub
    'If column I is sell
    'then see the value of column K &
    'if column K is Greater than sheet2 of column E then put the remark in sheet3 in the stock name from column B
    'If column I is buy
    'see the value of column K &
    'if column K is lower than sheet2 of column F then put the remark in sheet3 in the stock name from column B
    'remark will be in series like 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so on
    'vba is palced in a separate file
    'all files are located in same place
    'and after putting the remark clear sheet 1 and sheet 2
    Public Function CL(ByVal lclm As Long) As String '
        Do: Let CL = Chr(65 + (((lclm - 1) Mod 26))) & CL: Let lclm = (lclm - (1)) \ 26: Loop While lclm > 0
    End Function

    Thnx for the hint sir actually u misunderstood the condition i corrected the same sir
    but one issue is there
    i ran the code and i send the screenshot of that result plz see the attachment (result.png )
    and again i will ran the code and what i need if again the condition met then i need result but it will be in column C and if i again ran the code then it will be in column D
    and the number will be in series in column B it will be 1 and if it is column C then 2 and if column D then 3 and so on
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by fixer; 03-20-2020 at 08:50 PM.

  8. #8
    Sorry, I am having difficulty to understand you.
    I do not understand what you are saying.

    Upload a file and try again to explain.

  9. #9
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Problem is possibly your understanding of English language.

    __ < is less than
    __ > is greater than

    If arrS1(cnt, 11) > arrS2(cnt, 5) Then ----- If column K is Greater than column E Then
    If arrS1(cnt, 11) < arrS2(cnt, 5) Then ----- If column K is less than column E Then

    3 is greater than 2
    2 is less than 3
    3 is > 2
    2 is < 3

    3 > 2 is True
    3 > 5 is False
    2 < 1 is False
    3 > 5 is False

          Case "SELL" 'If column I is sell
            If arrS1(Cnt, 11) > arrS2(Cnt, 5) Then ' if column K is Greater than sheet2 of column E then
            ' if column K is Greater than sheet2 of column E then do nothing
            ' if column K is less than or = to sheet2 of column E then
            Let arrS3(Cnt)(1, UBound(arrS3(Cnt), 2)) = UBound(arrS3(Cnt), 2) - 1 ' Put in a value in last array "column"
            End If
          Case "BUY"  'If column I is buy
           If arrS1(Cnt, 11) < arrS2(Cnt, 6) Then  ' if column K is lower than sheet2 of column F then
           ' if column K is lower than sheet2 of column E then do nothing
           '  if column K is greater than or = to sheet2 of column E then
           Let arrS3(Cnt)(1, UBound(arrS3(Cnt), 2)) = UBound(arrS3(Cnt), 2) - 1 ' Put in a value in last array "column"
           End If

    Molly did understand correct!!

    Vixer, You did explain it wrong!!

    Molly, you did it correct. Vixer explained it wrong. ( He has difficulty with English language )

    This is wrong:
    Quote Originally Posted by fixer View Post
    If column I is sell then see the value of column K & if column K is Greater than sheet2 of column E then put the remark in sheet3 in the stock name from column B
    This is correct:
    If column I is sell then see the value of column K & if column K is less than sheet2 of column E then put the remark in sheet3 in the stock name from column B
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 03-20-2020 at 10:11 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  10. #10
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    Plz see the sample file doc sir
    Attached Files Attached Files

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