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Thread: Test BB Code Highlighting and Colors

  1. #1
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Test BB Code Highlighting and Colors


    Test test test test test

    testing Highlighting with BB code code tags

    Trying to get my Blue Testies

    ( aka Making Albert Einstein's Testies Blue )

    From here:

    Looking at Rory’s ! ( by hitting Reply with quote and copying .. )

    [tr=bgcolor:red][td=bgcolor:#blue]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr=bgcolor:lightBlue][td=bgcolor:#black]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr=bgcolor:lightBlue][td=bgcolor:#white]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr=bgcolor:lightBlue][td=bgcolor:white]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr=bgcolor:lightBlue][td=bgcolor:lightblue]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr=bgcolor:white][td=bgcolor:lightblue]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr][td=bgcolor:lightblue]Hi Excel Forum.[/td][/tr]

    Hi Excel Forum.


    [tr][td=bgcolor:lightblue][COLOR="#FFFFFF"]Hi Tony. How are you? This will do me to demo how some thing looks when Highlighted in the VB Editor Code Window :)[/COLOR] [/td][/tr]

    Hi Tony. How are you? This will do me to demo how some thing looks when Highlighted in the VB Editor Code Window



    [tr][td=bgcolor:lightblue][COLOR="#FFFFFF"] [size=2]highlight any occurrence of that Workbook variable[/size]

    highlight any occurrence of that Workbook variable


    Or Finally my favourate

    Fuck Bollox Wank

    _ Edit
    ignor my testies !

    Rory Tools, no Grid or Header

    [tr=bgcolor:#FFFFFF][td=bgcolor:#FFFFCC]This must be correct Time Format[/td][/tr]


    [tr=bgcolor:#FFFFFF][td=bgcolor:#D99795]This must be Correct Date Format [/td][/tr]
    [/table][/size][size=0][color=lightgrey]Worksheet: [/color][b][color=darkblue]BluePrint[/b][/color][/size]

    This must be correct Time Format
    This must be Correct Date Format
    Worksheet: BluePrint

    Index( Arr() , Rws(), Clms() ) )

    [tr][td=bgcolor:lightgrey] [I][B][FONT=Courier New][size=3]Index( Arr() , Rws(), Clms() ) )[/size][/FONT] [/B][/I] [/td][/tr]
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 10-12-2023 at 03:04 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  2. #2
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
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    == A == == A ==

    xxxxx [Color=aliceblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=antiquewhite]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=aqua]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=aquamarine]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=azure]xxxxx[/color]

    == B == == B ==

    xxxxx [Color=beige]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=bisque]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=blanchedalmond]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=blue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=blueviolet]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=brown]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=burlywood]xxxxx[/color]

    == C == == C ==

    xxxxx [Color=cadetblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=chartreuse]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=coral]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=cornflowerblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=cornsilk]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=crimson]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=cyan]xxxxx[/color]

    == D == == D ==

    xxxxx [Color=darkblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkcyan]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkgoldenrod]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkgray]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkgrey]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkgreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkkhaki]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkmagenta]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkolivegreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkorange]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkorchid]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkred]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darksalmon]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkseagreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkslateblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkslategray]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkslategrey]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkturquoise]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=darkviolet]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=deeppink]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=deepskyblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=dimgray]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=dimgrey]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=dodgerblue]xxxxx[/color]

    == F == == F ==

    xxxxx [Color=firebrick]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=floralwhite]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=forestgreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=fuchsia]xxxxx[/color]

    == G == == G ==

    xxxxx [Color=gainsboro]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=ghostwhite]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=gold]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=goldenrod]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=gray]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=grey]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=green]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=greenyellow]xxxxx[/color]

    == H == == H ==

    xxxxx [Color=honeydew]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=hotpink]xxxxx[/color]

    == I == == I ==

    xxxxx [Color=indianred]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=indigo]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=ivory]xxxxx[/color]

    == K == == K ==

    xxxxx [Color=khaki]xxxxx[/color]

    == L == == L ==

    xxxxx [Color=lavender]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lavenderblush]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lawngreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lemonchiffon]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightcoral]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightcyan]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightgoldenrodyellow]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightgray]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightgrey]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightgreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightpink]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightsalmon]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightseagreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightskyblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightslategray]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightslategrey]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightsteelblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lightyellow]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=lime]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=limegreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=linen]xxxxx[/color]

    == M == == M ==

    xxxxx [Color=magenta]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=maroon]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=mediumaquamarine]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=mediumblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=mediumorchid]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=mediumpurple]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=mediumseagreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=mediumslateblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=mediumspringgreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=mediumturquoise]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=mediumvioletred]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=midnightblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=mintcream]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=mistyrose]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=moccasin]xxxxx[/color]

    == N == == N ==

    xxxxx [Color=navajowhite]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=navy]xxxxx[/color]

    == O == == O ==

    xxxxx [Color=oldlace]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=olive]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=olivedrab]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=orange]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=orangered]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=orchid]xxxxx[/color]

    == P == == P ==

    xxxxx [Color=palegoldenrod]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=palegreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=paleturquoise]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=palevioletred]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=papayawhip]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=peachpuff]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=peru]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=pink]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=plum]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=powderblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=purple]xxxxx[/color]

    == R == == R ==

    xxxxx [Color=red]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=rosybrown]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=royalblue]xxxxx[/color]

    == S == == S ==

    xxxxx [Color=saddlebrown]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=salmon]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=sandybrown]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=seagreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=seashell]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=sienna]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=silver]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=skyblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=slateblue]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=slategray]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=slategrey]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=snow]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=springgreen]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=steelblue]xxxxx[/color]

    == T == == T ==

    xxxxx [Color=tan]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=teal]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=thistle]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=tomato]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=turquoise]xxxxx[/color]

    == V == == V ==

    xxxxx [Color=violet]xxxxx[/color]

    == W == == W ==

    xxxxx [Color=wheat]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=white]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=whitesmoke]xxxxx[/color]

    == Y == == Y ==

    xxxxx [Color=yellow]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=yellowgreen]xxxxx[/color]
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-15-2020 at 04:30 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  3. #3
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTCORAL]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=SALMON]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKSALMON]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTSALMON]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=CRIMSON]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=RED]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=FIREBRICK]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKRED]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=PINK]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTPINK]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=HOTPINK]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DEEPPINK]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MEDIUMVIOLETRED]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=PALEVIOLETRED]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTSALMON]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=CORAL]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=TOMATO]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=ORANGERED]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKORANGE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=ORANGE]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=GOLD]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=YELLOW]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTYELLOW]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LEMONCHIFFON]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=PAPAYAWHIP]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MOCCASIN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=PEACHPUFF]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=PALEGOLDENROD]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=KHAKI]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKKHAKI]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=LAVENDER]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=THISTLE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=PLUM]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=VIOLET]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=ORCHID]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=FUCHSIA]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MAGENTA]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MEDIUMORCHID]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MEDIUMPURPLE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=REBECCAPURPLE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=BLUEVIOLET]xxxxx[/color]"#9900ff""#0000CD""#cc00ff"blueviolet"#9900ff"
    xxxxx [Color=DARKVIOLET]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKORCHID]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKMAGENTA]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=PURPLE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=INDIGO]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=SLATEBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKSLATEBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MEDIUMSLATEBLUE]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=GREENYELLOW]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=CHARTREUSE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LAWNGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIME]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIMEGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=PALEGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=SPRINGGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MEDIUMSEAGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=SEAGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=FORESTGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=GREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=YELLOWGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=OLIVEDRAB]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=OLIVE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKOLIVEGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MEDIUMAQUAMARINE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKSEAGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTSEAGREEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKCYAN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=TEAL]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=AQUA]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=CYAN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTCYAN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=PALETURQUOISE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=AQUAMARINE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=TURQUOISE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MEDIUMTURQUOISE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKTURQUOISE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=CADETBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=STEELBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTSTEELBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=POWDERBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=SKYBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTSKYBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DEEPSKYBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DODGERBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=CORNFLOWERBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MEDIUMSLATEBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=ROYALBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=BLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MEDIUMBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=NAVY]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MIDNIGHTBLUE]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=CORNSILK]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=BLANCHEDALMOND]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=BISQUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=NAVAJOWHITE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=WHEAT]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=BURLYWOOD]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=TAN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=ROSYBROWN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=SANDYBROWN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=GOLDENROD]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKGOLDENROD]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=PERU]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=CHOCOLATE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=SADDLEBROWN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=SIENNA]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=BROWN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MAROON]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=WHITE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=SNOW]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=HONEYDEW]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MINTCREAM]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=AZURE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=ALICEBLUE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=GHOSTWHITE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=WHITESMOKE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=SEASHELL]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=BEIGE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=OLDLACE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=FLORALWHITE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=IVORY]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=ANTIQUEWHITE]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LINEN]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LAVENDERBLUSH]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=MISTYROSE]xxxxx[/color]

    xxxxx [Color=GAINSBORO]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTGRAY]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=SILVER]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKGRAY]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=GRAY]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DIMGRAY]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=LIGHTSLATEGRAY]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=SLATEGRAY]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=DARKSLATEGRAY]xxxxx[/color]
    xxxxx [Color=BLACK]xxxxx[/color]
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-26-2022 at 03:07 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  4. #4
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
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    Get the Color shade you want to come out in Final Post

    I expect there is a better way to do this, but I just hit on a way that works quite well, so I will document and share that now , and edit and update later if I come up with a more scientific and/ or automated way.

    As an example , say I have seen this: _ shade _ somewhere, as you see it here, ( there ) . Lets assume I want to post that word in a Forum editor which accepts BB Code tags, ( BB Code tags: ) such that I get that _ shade _ in the final post just as you see it here ( there )

    Here is a way to do it:
    _1 ) Use Word to get the shade of shade that you want,
    :for example,
    _ 1A) highlight any text and experiment with its color:
    Word Text Color 0.JPG :
    Word Text Color 1 2.JPG :
    Word Text Color 3.JPG :
    Word Text Color 4.JPG :

    ( Hit OK when finished to change selection color)
    Attachment 1981Attachment 1982Attachment 1983Attachment 1984

    _ 1B) As an alternative start point, you can find any text color anywhere, for example in the internet, paste into Word and adjust it in Word as per _ 1A)

    _2 ) Copy the final Text to the clipboard.
    Search the internet for any Word to HTML converter, there are many free ones available. Typically you can paste anything into a Visual Editor and then choose to obtain the HTML code
    WordVisualToHTML.JPG :
    Attachment 1980

    _3 ) In the given HTML code will typically be some part referring to the text shade,_..
    HTML Code:
     <p><span style="font-size: 11pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; color: #417394;">shade</span></p>
    _.. here for example, the number of interest is _ color: #417394

    _4 ) I assume the number used in the square bracket [ BB Code Color Tags ] pair is the same as in pointy bracket < HTML > code Tags color bit. It appears to be.
    So for our example shade you would use this in a forum post_..
    ____ [color=#417394] shade [/color]
    _.. which would come out like this:
    __________________ shade

    ( If you want to keep the indent, as I did here (there), and avoid the forum editor “eating” spaces of more than one, ( as most forum editors do this ) ) , then use the white character trick: Post something like this:
    [color=white]_ Any_White_Profanity Text [/color] [color=#417394] shade [/color]





  5. #5
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Direct link for forum form post immages org

    now change link to post images to link you want to go to

    or or
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 10-24-2021 at 10:16 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  6. #6
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
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    < --- click Here, ( there)

    ( Gifs are Coutesy of, here---> )
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 10-24-2021 at 10:34 PM. Reason: ****** Gifs are Coutesy of :Gin:!****
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  7. #7
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
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    In support of this post

    #_ Standard Device Selection (Selected by Default) ( Default standard device selected on/by opening software: Device )
    A Default device type has been opened/selected automatically
    ( #_ A “Standard device” could be any directly / locally connected device so can include our PC LAN Access )
    What all the current literature does not explain very well is that, by default, the Guarding Vision has one Device type by default selected / highlighted in brown,
    ________Device Managemant
    _ Device

    _Device Type


    The viewing on a computer via Guarding Vision Software, of a camera , or cameras, which are connected to the DVR can be done at any subsequent time via the uppermost small View tab,

    _#_Main View______

    ,( but note that after the first time of taking this action , an extra larger Main View main tab will appear and from then on it is always there , )
    _#_Main View_

    _#_Device ___________

    _#_Device _( Local )____

    _#_Device _( Local )____

    _#_Device _( Local )____

    _#_ Cloud P2P Device ___

    ________Device Managemant
    _ Device

    _Device Type

    _#_Device ___________

    _#_Upgrade Server _____

    _#_ Cloud P2P Device ____

    ________Device Managemant
    _ Device

    _Device Type

    _#_Device ___________

    _#_Upgrade Server _____

    _#_ Cloud P2P Device ____


    _#_Control Panel______Device Management_
    _ Device

    _Device Type______________

    __#_Device ____________

    _ _#_Upgrade Server _____

    _#_ Cloud P2P Device _____

    __+_Add New Device Type ___

    _#_Control Panel______Device Management_
    _ Device

    _Device Type______________

    _#_Device _____________

    _ _#_Upgrade Server _____

    __+_Add New Device Type ___
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-14-2021 at 11:48 AM.

  8. #8
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Notes in suppport of this post

    [COLOR="#FFFFFF"][/COLOR] ######## .....
    [COLOR="#D3D3D3"][/COLOR] ####### ....
    [COLOR="#A9A9A9"][/COLOR] ####### ...
    [COLOR="#808080"][/COLOR] ###### ..
    [COLOR="#696969"][/COLOR] ######### .

    [COLOR="#F0F8FF"][/COLOR] AliceBlue #### AliceBlue
    [COLOR="#F0FFFF"][/COLOR] Azure #### Azure
    [COLOR="#F0FFF0"][/COLOR] Honeydew##### Honeydew

    [COLOR="#99ccff"][/COLOR] #########

    Just a quick clarify on that last stuff:

    _1st username password pair_________________ 2nd username password pair
    __ Monitor __________Computer________________________________Computer
    __ DVR---Monitor______DVR-modem/router-Computer___________________ DVR-modem---Internet(P2P)-----modem-Computer
    __HDMI or VGA _________local__________________________________remote
    Cable connection____LAN (Ethernet cable) __________( computer can be physically a large distance away from DVR )
    _______________________WLAN______________________________ world wide web Internet
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-15-2021 at 09:09 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  9. #9
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Sub DarkBlue()
    Dim ItBe As String
     Let ItBe = DarkBlue
    End Sub
    'Converts the specified text with the VBE Color (Black, Blue or Green) using BB code
    Private Function BBColor(ByVal Color As Long, ByVal Text As String) As String
        Dim Msg As String
        Msg = "[color="
        'Msg = Msg & Choose(Color, "black", "blue", "darkgreen") & "]"
        Msg = Msg & Choose(Color, "blue", "blue", "darkgreen") & "]" ' Custom Colors Wonk
        Msg = Msg & Text
        Msg = Msg & ""
        BBColor = Msg
    End Function[/color]

    Sub Blueviolet()
    Dim ItBe As String
     Let ItBe = Blueviolet
    End Sub

    'Converts the specified text with the VBE Color (Black, Blue or Green) using BB code
    Private Function BBColor(ByVal Color As Long, ByVal Text As String) As String
        Dim Msg As String
        Msg = "[color="
        'Msg = Msg & Choose(Color, "black", "blue", "darkgreen") & "]"
        Msg = Msg & Choose(Color, "blue", "blueviolet", "darkgreen") & "]" ' Custom Colors Wonk
        Msg = Msg & Text
        Msg = Msg & ""
        BBColor = Msg
    End Function[/color]

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-31-2022 at 12:18 AM.

  10. #10
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    testing PowerShell Pretty colours

    Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath\ 'C:\Users\acer\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 1000

    Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath\ 'C:\Users\acer\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 1000

    Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath\ 'C:\Users\acer\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 1000

    Get-Service|Select-Object name,displayname,starttype|Format-Table -AutoSize|Out-File -FilePath\ 'C:\Users\acer\Desktop\test.txt' -Width 1000
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 02-09-2022 at 03:17 PM.

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