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Thread: Tests.... Windows Vista and Excel

  1. #1
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Tests.... Windows Vista and Excel

    Notes to be edited later

    Obtaining and Maintaining a stable Excel. Operating System Considerations
    An older Operating System and Microsoft Office from around 2003-2010 can be a good stable solution for limited use of Excel, such as for your own use with minimum sharing.
    Security / Virus issues
    Relying on updates for security issues is probably not a good idea, (
    Buying a good virus protection can be one option.
    A fairly simple sounding alternative option would be to do the common sense approach of once in a while "wiping the slate clean".
    In other words, …_
    _ keep most of your personal data, and as much as technically possible of everything else, on external hard drives, USB sticks, etc. , so as to minimise what is stored on the computer's internal hard drive, and
    _ keep back ups of everything, including the Operating system itself.
    _ _... So then once in a while you can re install the operating system and other basic software on your computer.
    Re installing an Operating system may not be as simple as it may be suggested
    Many experienced professionals recommend this. They present this as the common sense simple approach to clear out any unwanted clutter on your computer, both the usual build up that seems to always occur, as well as any bad things such as viruses etc. , that may have crept in without your knowledge.
    I am sceptic, if so many professionals actually do it, at least in recent years…
    It appears that in the practice, doing such a wipe clean, is becoming more and more difficult. There are many small problems that seem to occur, which an experienced professional might sort out by instinct , hardly noticing that he does it. For an average user, these problems may not be solvable.
    In addition, newer computers are becoming like many consumer projects: The manufacturer tries to make them last a few years. Replacing hardware and re installing software is therefore becoming increasingly difficult.

    Instillation disk are rarely supplied in recent years.
    It was common practice in early personal computer days to get a full set of Operating system disks with a computer. For some strange reason, many professionals seem to cling on to the belief that this is the case. Possibly in a professional environment there are always somewhere both the disks and expertise to use them, so it is just assumed that nothing has changed.
    In actual fact , instillation discs are rarely supplied anymore with new computers, and even if you obtain them, they likely won't work… manufacturers increasingly try to actively hamper the possibility of re installing the operating system.
    I don't think it is possible to give clear instructions anymore on how to install an Operating system.
    I will present a full example, explaining in detail, and make an attempt to make it as general a solution as possible.

    DVD / CD Brennen / Burn / ISO Burn
    Most of us will recognise something which might be called a CD DVD or disk, and things like disc drives and process done with them. These things and processes have been widely in use for over 25 years. We refer to them frequently. But for some strange reason hardly anyone really knows or understands them fully. There seem to be a few strange mysteries and secrets. Possibly this is so that things like instillation disks are not too wildly made and distributed.
    In simple common uses, sometimes simple copying and using of files from one medium to a CD or DVD disc will work, sometimes it won't. Often this is overlooked. It often is not noticed as different systems may actually do different things when the same software or command is done.
    The best I can make out, in the absence of finding anyone in the world who knows for sure, ( it may be impossible for most people to know for sure as commercial secrets are involved:
    CD or DVD
    This is basically the same physical thing. CD came first and there is generally less flexibility in compatibility in using other things or different manufacturers versions of CD. The DVD came later, making use of improved technology, and at the same time some attempt was made to make certain aspects standard to improve the flexibility and compatibility with other things and different manufacturers DVDs.
    So in simple terms, the DVD is likely to be better than a CD or may be needed to make something work which could not on a CD , for example, as DVD will have a large storage capacity , as newer storage media almost always do improve that aspect…
    Other technical reason why a DVD must be used instead of a CD may be hidden in the secrets of the processes which may be used for a particular usage.

    Burn and Save Variations
    I expect what process actually happens is hidden in industrial secrets. What is physically done may vary from one system to another and/or from what software is used, even if at first glance the same process and software appears to be done and used. So I can only make an approximate answer.
    Either as a complete simple process, or as an early part of a more full process, some light image producing process , that is to say a process physically not strongly changing physically the disc may give something that some reading devices can read. A more complete full process will possibly use such an image as a sort of template/ schablon / set of instructions to create deeper cutting / etching into the disc. The more full processes can be thought in simple terms as like cutting the final grooves in an old gramophone vinyl record , ( ). The more full process will generally be called "Burning"
    But there is not always a clear distinction between the simple processes and the full "Burning" processes. Consequently you can never be sure what you have , and how it may or may not be either readable or re writable in different systems. You can even experience different results when using the same software on two different hardware systems which have very similar specifications.

    ISO Burn
    The commonly referred to process of "ISO Burn" ads another dimension to the confusion and imprecise definitions and explanations of what is going on.
    You need to consider what ISO Burn is about in trying to understand , create, and use instillation disks
    When something is saved, stored, etc. what actually goes on and the final result may be varied and , at least to some extent, is subject to commercial secrets. Amongst other things, some efficient way of organising "where" things go may be employed. This will vary greatly from one system to another.
    For some reason, which once again may have some commercial secrets associated with it, in order to do an instillation, the information need to be organised on the storage media in a specific way.
    In my example I will be considering CD/DVD discs. An instillation disc will typically need to be , what could approximately be regarded as a full final disk with the information held in specific "places" on the disk.
    The start point in making an instillation disk would be to get a "normal" file which contains all the information required. Such a file has a predetermined form, but can be approximately regarded as a normal file, which "obeys" the normal rules and conventions when being passed around or copied. It can be regarded as a normal data file, or possibly more correctly a number of Files bundled together
    ISO File and what to do with it
    The file type used for this has conventionally the extension .iso . It seems to be a closely kept secret, or else everyone has forgotten, exactly how that came about and what exactly it means. Very similar to the word ActiveX, frequently used but rarely really clearly defined. It may be tied up with a convention or sets of conventions that started to be kept secret as time went on. It could be that a so called iso disk is a more fundamental all encompassing file which includes some basic instructions determining exactly how and where things are stored, where's part of the similar information on such a fundamental file may already be included (hidden) in a system to determine how that system stores files and data.
    So ISO would be some internationally agreed standard. But only in a so called "iso file" would you nave some fundamental information conforming to the convention, but which in most systems you would not have access to.
    So to get an iso file is like getting hold of the software to refresh or re install or repair some software in any product to which a large amount of software is present. A typical user can never be sure exactly what is in there. Recently Microsoft have been making available iso files. It is a good guess that they have put something in there they are keen to find its way into someone's computer…
    Once you have a file, you need to find some way to use that to make an instillation disc. Un surprisingly, Microsoft have also recently been presenting information to assist in doing this…
    Alternatively some software is available. This one has been recommended by Hans, so is very likely a good option:

    Vista ISO File
    One good source of an ISO file is sometimes computer magazines.
    ( Media Fire
    All PC World
    They are large files and will typically take some time to download.
    Vista ISO download.JPG , Vista x86 32bit download.JPG : ,
    I downloaded earlier, and re uploaded to a file sharing site:
    Windows_Vista_32bit All PC World.iso :
    WindowsVista_x86 Media Fire.iso :

    The files can be saved anywhere.

    Working Example of making an installation disc in next post

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 06-10-2023 at 04:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Making a Windows Vista Operating System Instillation disc

    Notes to be edited later

    Window Install Disc for Backup
    At this point it is worth trying to make clear what we are doing. We want to be able to "wipe or computer clean" by re installing the operation system. It is easy to get confused with other things: There are various ways to "back up / restore / recover / repair a computer without the more thorough re installing of the operating system, ( ) . The terminology gets somewhat mixed up, and there are very likely various vested commercial interest in not bringing too much clarity. At least two of these vested commercial interest I can think of are:
    _ A Software company such as Microsoft will understandably not want to make it too easy to produce the thing that enables someone to install an Operating System ;
    _ there are clear examples of a discs on sale which could be mistaken as an Instillation disc when they are in fact a simple disc to aid in one of the more simple restore/ recovery processes.

    Instillation disc or back up Operating System disc
    Strictly speaking an instillation disc usually can/ must / should, in my opinion, be purchased, either on its own, or as was more commonly the case, as part of the package in the purchase of a new computer. The important and understandable reasonable implication is that you pay for the licence, typically in the form of a valid code or key. A typical 25 digit code or key is used by Microsoft.
    So we could say the following…
    __Instillation disc = Windows installing aid disc + Valid Licence Key
    ( You would typically be prompted to give the Key earlier on in the installing process which is usually the process of the disc, or software on it, "running" )
    The licence code or key can typically be seen on a small sticker , at least on older computers and lap tops. The working example I am using is an older Lap Top, Acer Aspire 6530G , and on the bottom the sticker can be seen: ( Vistas Home Premium Sticker.jpg: )
    So, we have the licence, but we don't have the Windows installing aid disc, which is sometime referred to as a Window Install Disc for Backup. Occasionally it might be referred to loosely as the instillation disc. As ever the used terms are very imprecise

    The start point is the ISO File.
    Vista ISO File
    Here is one I prepared earlier, as discussed in the previous post:
    ___ To follow later … problems with uploading ***********
    The file can be saved anywhere

    "Burn an ISO"
    I followed and remade some notes used by me a year or two ago, to successfully produce a Windows 7 instillation disc: : Two things were likely to be necessary with older systems
    _ downloading a software to "Burn"
    _ The "Burn" itself

    ImgBurn Download
    Here are Typical steps, which you will be prompted for after running this exe file , , which I obtained from here ImgBrn is a free software, for doing things with discs, which is typically recommended. You may be able to find an alternative, or with newer systems you may have the option already. But in the Latter case you might find that other things are done / put on the final disc…. As always it is difficult to know exactly what is going on as things are hidden for commercial reasons and interests…
    The actual steps you experience in an ImgBurn Download may be different or in a slightly different order. Most steps require a simple clicking of further, …
    but take care that at some point there may be steps which could cause you to accidentally agree to install additional software that you do not want: Sometime at such steps something may be checked or not. You may or may not be required to check or uncheck to avoid unwanted additional software being downloaded. Or you may be required to click on an option such as Custom Instillation , followed by then a process of checking or un-checking things to avoid unwanted additional software being downloaded. It is common practice for this to be varied by the software provider, so be careful at the points like those shown in !! Purple !! read carefully at those steps to determine what you need to do to prevent getting extra software… or agree to have it , as you choose.

    ImgBrn Licence Agreement.JPG :
    ImgBrn Choose Component.JPG :
    ImgBrn Choose Folder.JPG :
    The next step allows you to choose where most of the software is placed. It will usually suggest on the same main drive as your operating system. If you choose an alternative place , then some things will still be placed on that main drive: it is unlikely then that you could copy from an alternative place of your choice and have all the software: Some things which you cannot easily access must go on the main drive. However, if you re install the software at a later date and do have some of the software on an alternative place such as an external storing device, you might be able to substitute the previous software to effectively change the new installed software to work the same as a previous version. But if for example, after a re installing of the operating system , you still wanted the ImgBrn Software then you would need to re download to get the parts which must be stored on the main drive. To avoid this, there would likely be the need to have some special ISO files and instillation disc for the software, and would involve a lot of expertise which might be subject to commercial secrets.
    ImgBrn Choose Install Location.JPG :
    !! Additional Software !! , __!! !!
    ImgBrn Installing (May ask to be notified of updates).JPG :
    ImgBrn Installing Showing details.JPG :
    ImgBrn Finish.JPG :
    ImgBrn Instal finished.JPG : ,

    To "iso burn" goes something like this
    Here the approximate steps
    You will need a DVD of the currently available 4.7GB type. The DVD must be new, virgin, and do not insert it immediately. For this working example I chose a disc drive, I: , available one of my computers. ( This computer is a dual Boot system with Windows 7 64Bit professional on the C: drive, and on the F: drive is Windows 7 32 Bit Home Premium. ( ). I am running and using the latter for my ImgBrn experiments
    I disc drive open but dont yet put disk in.JPG :
    If you do insert it then your computer may format it in which case the "iso burn" won't work. You may need to adjust default settings on your computer to stop an automatic formatting of the disc. If at any stage you are offered any options to take with the disc , or any windows appear associated with the disc, but which do not appear to have been generated by the ImgBrn software, then ignore them.
    Run ImgBrn Ignoor prompt outside ImgBrn.JPG :
    The start point is usually to double click on a ImgBrn desktop icon that appears after a successful download of the software. Other wise you may be able to find it through some search through all programs
    Search for ImgBrn program.JPG :
    Typically two windows come up, the main Window and a Log window, and the program is now effectively running. The following steps my vary slightly on your version of ImgBrn.
    Usually the option we need is shown as the first one, soince that is the most common usage of the ImgBrn Software.
    Run ImgBrn Write image file to disc.JPG :
    Run ImgBrn search or drag in ISO File.JPG :
    Run ImgBrn Click to Write.JPG :
    Run ImgBrn Writing.JPGs : , ,
    Run ImgBrn Complete.JPG :

    During the "ISO burn" , a window may come up showing details. It might be useful to make a copy of this,
    saving as a Log file, _Run ImgBrn Save Log.JPG : ,
    simply copying the text in the Log Window and saving to a text file.

    Here are the sample files from two runs of ImgBrn
    Log from Media Fire ISO to disc.txt :
    Log from All PC World ISO to disc.txt :
    ImgBurn.log :

    If the option is given somehow to "open" , such as may be generated outside of the ImgBrn program, After Run ImgBrn Complete.JPG : , then we can examine the contents, before making any attempt to use them for an operating system installation.
    After Run ImgBrn Complete Open.JPG :
    Alternatively, a right mouse click option may allow the disc to be "opened/ looked into"
    After Run ImgBrn Complete Open by right mouse click option.JPG : ,

    Final discs
    Here are some final discs for comparison.
    Made as detailed in this post using two different ISOs :
    Open Media Fire.JPG :
    Open All PC World.JPG :

    Purchased…. Window Install Disc for Backup :
    An alternative is to purchases a disc. These are becoming very cheap.
    Here some I bought privately
    Open Purchased Vista Ultra 32 Bit.JPG :
    Open Purchased Vista Ultra 64 Bit.JPG :

    Here one I bought over ebay for a couple of pounds
    Open Purchased Vista Key Software.JPG :

    Vista Instillation Attempts
    See next post….


    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-15-2019 at 10:37 PM.

  3. #3
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Vista Instillation attempts

    Vista Instillation Attempts
    The working example is an older Vista Acer Aspire 6530G Lap Top. The original 32 Bit Home Premium Vista Key is still on a sticker underneath. But it has a later Windows 7 Installed, as the only operating system on it, on the C: drive. There appears to a second large drive, D: , with some contents on it: some pictures.
    D and C before.JPG :
    I copied the contents from the D: drive to a new Folder somewhere on the C: drive
    Move from D.JPGs : , ,
    Clear a drive, ( if possible).
    As a pre requisite I decide to clear / format the D: drive, as I think this has the effect of emptying the drive completely. I am guessing that this is a good idea. (This would not be possible if I only had one drive, as I could not clear the drive I am using, or it might cause a chaos if I try)…
    Clearing by Formatting.JPGs : , , ,
    So finally , I see an empty D: drive
    After Finished Formatting of D.JPG :

    Attempt 1 : Key Software Disc
    I tried fist the purchased from a company called Key Software. It was supposed to be a Universal one for all versions of Vista
    I put the disc in,
    Put Key Software disc in.JPG :
    After double clicking on it in the windows explorer, I did not get too far, and got a couple of errors:
    E: \ Sources \ SPWIZENG.DLL is either not intended to run on Windows or contains an error. Reinstall the program using the original instillation media, or contact your system administrator or software vendor for assistance.
    The file 'autorun.dll' could not be loaded or is corrupted. Setup cannot continue. Error code is [0xC1]

    Attempt 2 : Self made disc: from Media Fire ISO to disc
    Put disc in and double clicked on it in the windows explorer.
    First I was asked if I wanted to check compatibility. On trying this I was simply taken to A Windows 10 download site, so I tried again rejecting the offer to check compatibility.
    The 25 digit key was then asked for. I typed it in. Either with or without the automatic checking over the internet checked, this step failed.
    I was able to continue without giving a key, and told that I might need to add it later..
    I was then offered all Vista versions. I chose 32 Bit Home Premium
    I had to then choose User defined instillation, or else it would not give me the option to continue.
    It offered me either the C: or D: drive. An important step then here was for me to choose the D: drive, as I did not want to remove the currently working Windows 7 on the C: drive.
    The instillation then started.
    There were _5 steps shown:
    _ Windows data would copied
    This took some time but was completed
    _Data would expanded
    At 22% of this step , a re start occurred and then it completed. It took a while
    _ Functions would be installed
    This took some time but was completed
    _Updates would be installed
    This was completed very quickly. The computer tried to re started, and offered me Win7 or Vista. But it did not wait very long . I was not quick enough to react, but Vista was selected as default. It restarted
    _ The instillation would be completed
    A re start was attempted. Once again it offered me Win7 or Vista. It waited longer this time. But as Vista was selected by default, I did nothing, and a re start was done

    This seemed to be the main installation finished at this point.
    I was given the option to change the language, time zone, and keyboard country. I left them all at the offered default of Germany.
    I had to give a Username, which I gave as ELSTO. A password was optional, so I did not give one.
    I had to give the computer a name. I left it as the default offered of ELSTON-PC
    I had three update options offered. I chose the last which was to be asked again later.
    I had the chance to check the settings for the language, time zone, and keyboard country.
    It asked me if I wanted to make a start. So I agreed.
    The Power/ performance of the computer was checked.
    The first start was prepared, and made

    From then on, by start I have the option of Windows 7 or Vista. Vista seems to work well.
    My first problem is that the LAN internet socket appears not to be recognised. And clicking on the available Internet Explorer I get the error that no internet connection can be made………
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-31-2019 at 07:23 PM.

  4. #4
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Notes to be edited later…

    Some related Posts:

    Another stumbling point to a Vista instillation. DiscDrive not recognising a disc when put in
    (Possibly also connected external disc drive not showing at all)

    In this case a machine (Acer Aspire 6530G) , originally Vista, but updated to Windows 7, ( and a new extra hard drive installed, currently holding a large amount of pictures)
    It appears to show the disc drive , either the internal oone or one connected via a USB, but strangely nothing is shown if I insert a disc.
    If you further navigate around the File Explorer / Windows / Device Manager you may see a yellow exclamation point and possibly some of the errors talked about here: :
    MicrosoftSymbol Computer DiscDrive.JPG : ,
    DiscDrive RightMouseClick Propertes.JPG :
    DiscDriveProperties Hardware Properties.JPG :

    I seemed to have an error like.. The device driver for this hardware can not be loaded. The driver may be damaged or missing. (Code 39)….

    At the above link, ( ) , the advice is, on average quite , but a bit varied. A lot of steps seem to be missing.
    An example of following instructions here:
    Here is an example of an attempt to follow it which eventually brought success. In the example I found it useful to be looking at in parallel both the main Lap tops own internal CD DVD Drive, and also an external one connected through one of the Lap Tops USB sockets.
    Method 1:
    I am not sure why in order to get to Hardware and Sound , the initial steps are given as this:
    Windows logo key + R
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-31-2019 at 07:17 PM.

  5. #5
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Multi Moniitors. Extended Moniitor. Extended Desktop. Excel and VB Editor on seperate Monitor

    Notes to be edited later…

    Some related Posts:

    Extended Monitors, VB Editor and Spreadsheet in convenient parallel view…
    It is not consistent. Here are some ways that work for me

    _1 Getting to Anzeige Options in Control Panel
    Once you get to the "Anzeige options", a bit of fiddling around , clicking on to activate, dragging the shown Monitors, saying OK, etc.. will usually get you what you want

    1a) Try a sequence something like these
    MicrosoftSymbloToBottomLeft Systemsteuerung :
    Darstellung and Anpassung or ClassicView then Anpassung and or then
    Anzeige : ,
    Then you are at
    Extend Desktop : ,
    and can play around

    a sequence something like these. It starts from right clicking on any free space on your desktop
    Anpassung from right click on space on Desktop:
    Anzeige :
    Then, as in 1a) , you are at
    Extend Desktop: ,
    and can play around

    _2 getting at Graphic Options
    I have seen this sort of alternative option way also. It starts from right clicking on any free space on your desktop, ( the same start as in 1b) ) . Sometimes this worked when for some unknown reason the other ways, 1) stopped working
    Grafik Properties from right click on any free space on Desktop:
    Grafik Dropdown Desktops and Anzeigen :
    Once at this point , some experimenting as before , a bit of fiddling around , clicking on to activate, dragging the shown Monitors, saying OK, etc.. , will usually get you what you want
    Grafik Dropdown Desktop-Properties:
    Grafik Properties Desktop Resolution:

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    Post for later use

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    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Post in support of these Threads

    This is very helpful. Thankyou. Continually navigating the "hidden" Vista Network Connections was annoying

    Another option is a Desktop shortcut:
    Right click on a space on the desktop , then New -->Shortcut , enter something like one of these
    C:\Windows\explorer.exe ::{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E}
    explorer.exe ::{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E}


    [FONT=Arial][size=3] [color="#3E0000"]
    _2b) Make a desktop icon or , add " Network Connections " shortcut in Desktop context menu, for quick access of the Network Connections console.
    You will likely frequently want to access this when, for example, first getting VPN up and running.
    Because it is annoying to find in Vista , you will save yourself some time and frustration if you make a desktop icon link so as to get quickly at it.
    To do this in Vista
    _2b)(i) desktop Shortcut. Using Desktop Right Click [size=2] --- New
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-16-2019 at 03:18 AM.

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