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Thread: Lookup First URL From Google/Bing Search Result

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    Lookup First URL From Google/Bing Search Result

    I have a set of words I would like to web search (google or bing) from my excel and store the first result in the next column. The closest I found to something that works for me was posted by @superspike711 here: However, the code now throws up some errors presumably because the way Bing displays search results has changed. And @superspike711 seems to have "left the building" (it looks like he only registered to post this one file. And hasn't responded to couple of recent posts).

    I am hoping someone else can help.

    I have attached the file along with his/her code. Column A has the terms that need to be searched. Column B has the results of the VBA code. And Column C has the correct results if I plug in the search term in Bing.

    The only change I made to the code was to change the line

    If Len(StrOutput) > 50 Then StrOutput = "NOT FOUND"


    If Len(StrOutput) > 5000 Then StrOutput = "NOT FOUND".

    This was because (a) some of my search result URLs are long, and (b) it caught some of the errors better. For example, the search result for "TradeGecko," (A4) was coming up as Not Found. With the increased cut-off, the actual value can be seen in the result cell (B4). Hopefully it helps in debugging.

    Rows in green show that the output of the VBA code and reality matched (although "no record found" shows up in a couple of different ways. Please see row 6 and 7).

    "No fill" rows show the errors.

    also posting the code here

    Option Explicit
    Dim var As Variant
    Sub SearchBing()
        Dim rng As Range
        Dim lngCol As Long
        Dim oXML As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP
        Dim uTxt As Variant
        Dim xURL As String
        Dim srchString As Variant
        Dim StrStart As Variant
        Dim StrEnd As Variant
        Dim StrOutput As Variant
        Dim x As Variant
        Dim OutputRowNumber As Variant
        ' Clear Destination Column for URL Lookup
        Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B2:B" & Rows.Count).ClearContents
        ' Set base search using bing instead of google because google's pages are a mess
        Const strURL = "|+|"
        ' Move through source cells
        For Each rng In Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:A5000")
            ' Make sure range is not empty before we start
            If Not IsEmpty(rng) Then
                ' encode url for direct submission
                xURL = Replace(strURL, "|+|", URLEncode(rng.Value))
                'Debug.Print xURL
                ' set object parameters
                oXML.Open "GET", xURL, False
                oXML.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
                ' Delay request by wait to allow catchup and to not freakout
                ' search firewalls
                x = x + 1
                If x = 6 Then
                x = 0
                'Slow it down a bit
                End If
                'Debug.Print "x=" & x
                ' if you don't have this program will crap out if it encounters weird
                ' formatted page
                On Error Resume Next
                'Send request returns page of searchable xml text to oXML object
                'FIRST SEARCH PRIORITY
                ' srchstring finds unique string in the ballpark of what you want
                ' add more searchs if you want other information or if you want to
                ' get check more accurate info from page if it is available
                ' this section finds "website" button that sometimes appears on the right
                ' of bing search results
                srchString = "role=""button"" href=""http"
                ' extract small chunk of text so you can search again without dupes
                StrStart = InStr(1, oXML.responseText, srchString) + 20
                StrEnd = InStr(StrStart, oXML.responseText, 60)
                StrOutput = Mid(oXML.responseText, StrStart, StrEnd - StrStart - 3) & Chr(10)
                ' in the smaller string you extracted above drill down on the actual string
                ' you want - this one finds the first instance of http in the smaller string
                StrStart = InStr(1, StrOutput, "http")
                ' this one finds the end of the url by starting 9 after http and looks for "
                StrEnd = InStr(StrStart + 9, StrOutput, """")
                ' use start and end to isolate the web address
                StrOutput = Mid(StrOutput, StrStart, StrEnd - StrStart)
                ' using if-then If the first search does not find a website button it
                ' returns first item from search results. Note: First result is not always
                ' what you want
                If InStr(1, StrOutput, "") Then
                        srchString = "Search Results"
                        StrStart = InStr(1, oXML.responseText, srchString) + 47
                        StrEnd = InStr(StrStart, oXML.responseText, 60)
                        StrOutput = Mid(oXML.responseText, StrStart, StrEnd - StrStart - 3) & Chr(10)
                        StrStart = InStr(1, StrOutput, "http")
                        StrEnd = InStr(StrStart + 9, StrOutput, """")
                        StrOutput = Mid(StrOutput, StrStart, StrEnd - StrStart)
                End If
                'Remove results that is too long (likely some sort of error)
                If Len(StrOutput) > 5000 Then StrOutput = "NOT FOUND"
                'Cleanup Some of the Bad Addresses
                If InStr(1, StrOutput, "") Then StrOutput = "NOT FOUND"
                If InStr(1, StrOutput, "") Then StrOutput = "NOT FOUND"
                If InStr(1, StrOutput, "") Then StrOutput = "NOT FOUND"
                If InStr(1, StrOutput, "") Then StrOutput = "NOT FOUND"
                If InStr(1, StrOutput, "") Then StrOutput = "NOT FOUND"
                If InStr(1, StrOutput, "") Then StrOutput = "NOT FOUND"
                If InStr(1, StrOutput, "") Then StrOutput = "NOT FOUND"
                If InStr(1, StrOutput, "") Then StrOutput = "NOT FOUND"
                If InStr(1, StrOutput, "") Then StrOutput = "NOT FOUND"
                'add row numbers for debugging
                'OutputRowNumber = OutputRowNumber + 1
                'Debug.Print OutputRowNumber & ": " & StrOutput
                'Debug.Print oXML.responseText
                rng.Offset(, 1).Value = StrOutput
                Exit For
            End If
        Next rng
        'set debugging row back to zero
        'OutputRowNumber = 0
        Set rng = Nothing
    End Sub
    Function URLEncode(EncodeStr As String) As String
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim erg As String
        erg = EncodeStr
        ' *** First replace '%' chr
        erg = Replace(erg, "%", Chr(1))
        ' *** then '+' chr
        erg = Replace(erg, "+", Chr(2))
        For i = 0 To 255
            Select Case i
                ' *** Allowed 'regular' characters
                Case 37, 43, 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122
                Case 1  ' *** Replace original %
                    erg = Replace(erg, Chr(i), "%25")
                Case 2  ' *** Replace original +
                    erg = Replace(erg, Chr(i), "%2B")
                Case 32
                    erg = Replace(erg, Chr(i), "+")
                Case 3 To 15
                    erg = Replace(erg, Chr(i), "%0" & Hex(i))
                Case Else
                    erg = Replace(erg, Chr(i), "%" & Hex(i))
            End Select
        URLEncode = erg
    End Function
    Sincerely hope someone can help. I have waaayyy too many search terms :)

    Best UQl_92mvg 9isY3Ezhx4j9itQLuif26T 9irSL7x4Moh9itTRqL7dQh 9irLgSdeU3r9itU7zdnWHw 9iraombnLDb9itV80HDpXc 9is0FSoF2Wi9itWKEvGSSq
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-16-2023 at 11:01 PM.

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