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Thread: BBCode Table

  1. #41
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Morning Pike!
    The Daily ( Morning ) dose of ExcelFox!,,....
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    Yes hard question to follow as you gave a anticipated solution .. not the problem until post 12 .. guess I just confused the issue by initially using phpBB code.
    Should have been code tags with noparse

    _1 ) You came in at post #11. This was a long time after the Thread was, to all intents and purposes, Solved and finished**!. At the end of the Day I am very glad you did. - I now see an alternative solution to posting a VBA code containing BB Code Tag strings into a Forum Thread Post. . I am not sure if you yourself knew of, or had used, that solution until Yesterday? I did not. As far as I know not many people do. In any case I have never seen that solution. Everyone appears to use the alternative solutions of using for such codes ( codes with BB Code Strings in it ) a php or HTML Code Window. So how things developed here is one argument may be for not** having the ability to mark a Thread as solved

    _2 )
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    you gave a anticipated solution .. not the problem until post 12 .......
    Sorry Pike, but that is totally wrong. This problem ( Posting a VBA code with BB Code Strings in it ) was never the issue until you came in.
    At the very start, when I came in, I addressed the actual problem, and emphasised that Posting a VBA code with BB Code Strings in it was not the issue. .......
    Quote Originally Posted by DocAElstein View Post
    How do you get your code to look “normal” in a php Window .. when I try my code, I get something like this:
    P.s. ( I realize you use php instead of BB Code Window to stop the square brackets in strings in the code causing problems )
    I explained the problem there that I was addressing. When I had no reply I later gave a couple of solutions which I had found myself sometime later. They were not anticipated solutions. They were, and still are, final solutions to that problem. To re iterate ( repeat myself ) ..That problem was something else. That Problem is that if you chose to use HTML or php Code windows, then occaisionally carriage returns vanish.

    _3) I think again, and really no disrespect intended, - you simply did not read the Thread through. That's fine. We are all here voluntarily, so we read, answer, as we choose. ......At the end of the Day I have now an alternive solution to Posting a VBA code with BB Code Strings in it which is great. I will likely pass that on because, as I mentioned, not many people have twigged to that. I will certainly referrence you and this Thread when I pass the solution on!


    Orange : The problem I brought up, and finally solved myself
    Blue: The Problem ( or rather issue as it was not a problem ) which you brought up ( maybe unintentionally as you had not read through and did not realise that I had brought a different problem up and then later soved it ) to which finally you gave a nice alternative solution (- code tags with noparse)

    BTW. Do you not get virus warnings when accessing this site. Seems a few people have noticed it now
    ExcelFox Warning
    - It is very difficult ( and risky ) for me to post here. I use an old computer that may be scraped soon so as to minimise the damage should i get infected!!

    In the unlikely event that anyone other than Me or Pike ever comes here:
    If you wish to post a VBA Code that contains BB Code Strings in it into a Forum Post , there are three solutions I know about now (normal code tags with noparse ; HTML Code Tags ; php Code Tags )

    _1 )
    Use a normal Code Window, but include a noparse BB Code tag after the first code BB Code Tag at the start, and include an end /noparse BB Code Tag just before the Last end code BB Code Tag as follows ( Note: I using a HTML window to prevent the BB Code Tags "working"** ( which is normally what you can also use noparse BB Code Tags for - using noparse BB Code Tags would mess up in this particular example in trying to demo noparse BB Code Tags themselves!.)..)
    HTML Code:
     [code][noparse]Your code goes here[/noparse][/code]
    _2) Use either a php or HTML Code Window ( As this prevents the BB Code Tags "working"** ).
    _2a) Should you choose to use this _2) solution you may occasionally experience the vanishing carriage return problem. This was discussed from post #7 and solutions were given. The simplist is probably that of the code given in post #9 and #10. To use that you simply run that code ( which works from either VBA Word or VBA Excel, andprobably some other way i do not know!! ) just before pasting your code in. It works on what you have in the Clipboard and seems to may be "put something in" which overcomes the problem -( I am not sure what .. may be it just adds an extra cariage return which allows the editor to satisfy its desire to eat one, whilst allowing one to remain !! I found that solution by trial and error ! )
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-04-2016 at 03:23 PM.

  2. #42
    Junior Member pike's Avatar
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    Hi Doc
    Oh man...
    P.s. ( I realize you use php instead of BB Code Window to stop the square brackets in strings in the code causing problems )
    No I just misused php tags and it should have been code tags including noparse; which lead to the confusion.
    Using php or html is misguided to the intent of posting vba with BBcode tags.
    and emphasised that Posting a VBA code with BB Code Strings in it was not the issue
    It really was the issue and corrected with noparse. It is the correct way to use vba and code tags and highly recommend (Most forums direction) only use php code with phpBB and Html code with HTMLBB.

    The bit about
    I am not sure if you yourself knew of, or had used, that solution until Yesterday? I did not. As far as I know not many people do
    was that really really necessary (deeply disappointed in you Doc) .. for examples just search on moderation posts at excel forum.

    just kidding but ..needless to say you will have to ditch the guys who were amazed noparse existed and hang around me more!

    any way .. if you can attach a workbook with a sample of the VBA syntax, that when copied with copy/paste in to the forum BBcode truncates .. have observed that problem from time to time .. but never been able to replicate it the result.
    Last edited by pike; 05-04-2016 at 03:59 PM.

  3. #43
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Hi Pike
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    The bit about was that really really necessary (deeply disappointed in you Doc) .. for examples just search on moderation posts at excel forum.
    just kidding but ..needless to say you will have to ditch the guys who were amazed noparse existed and hang around me more!
    The problem with a written media like the internet is that as you do not see the person writing, ( or know them ), So you "speak" them in your head when you read and build up an ( often false) impression about them or how they intend the message to come across. ( Also the Human brain can be a bit unkind here - It often builds a first impression which unfortuntely lasts. ( That is why i got banned from MrExcel. By bad luck a few Mods got totally the wrong idea about me from the start and made it their ambition to get rid of me. So amazing actually, I was there for so long. Most OPs and many very prominant Excel people loved me there. So it is there loss. But that is a seperate Theme )

    As I think you may have guessed , what I said there was just a very "in passing" comment of no significance, and no disrespect intended, - I am not ever at Ozgrid, so I never would have known one way or the other if you already knew about it - so I was not making any judgement what so ever about you there!

    I have no where near the experience of someone like you around Forums, but from my experience I would suggest that hardly anyone at MrExcel or ExcelForum has ever done anything other than using HTML or PHP for VBA codes containion BB Code Strings. ( you accepted may be ) . At least one Admin and several Mods I know ( or highly expect ) had not thought of it. ( Once again I am not talking about noparse generally, I am just here talikng about how to get over the problem of VBA codes with BB Code tags in them interferring when posted in normal Code Tags ). They probably might of had thought of it, but I think possibly that most people I think went straight to the HTML or php Window solution for VBA codes with BB Code tags in them , and just did not twig then about using Normal Code tags with no parse
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    ..... for examples just search on moderation posts at excel forum....
    I have missed the point there- you are not a moderator at Excel Forum? I have no idea what you are referring to as "moderation posts" . I am not sure I feel like trying to do such a search. I have no idea how to do such a moderation posts search. Sometime the vBulletin Search can be diffficult to navigate through and understand.

    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    It really was the issue and corrected with noparse. .....
    It was your issue, not mine. But that is fine. Glad you brought it up. ( It might be that had you originaly used the noparse with normal Code Windows, that I may not have brought my problem up here in this particular Thread. But I would have brought it up somewhere. So I suppose looking at in that very round about abstract sort of a way that it was the issue, sort of , but not really
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    .... if you can attach a workbook with a sample of the VBA syntax, that when copied with copy/paste in to the forum BBcode truncates .. have observed that problem from time to time .. but never been able to replicate it the result.
    I do not think it is very practical to take that further
    _ 1 ) I am sitting on a sack of cement in a cold shed to use an old disregarded computer for the reasons mentioned before. ( Virus warnings )
    _ 2 ) We may not be talking about the same things. I am not sure what you mean by Truncates. I am talking about carriage returns ( line breaks ) vanishing on either pasting in or subsequently when posting a Forum Post.
    Also my Problem was specific to pasting into php or HTML Code Tag Windows. I have never experienced the problem when pasting into or subsequently posting using Normal BB Code Tag Windows.
    It is not to do with a specific VBA syntax. I suspect it is to do with differnt forms of carriage return and linefeeds along with how different Forum Editors deal with that. If you look again from Post #7, I think you can see what I was getting at. I did, and referencced, lots of Posts for you as examples as well as repeating the experiment in this Thread.
    I do not get the same results at different forums. And it changes from time to time. Recently it stopped ever happening at MrExcel where it had often happened previously. I tried to take that further there, to clarify what was going in, or what changes had been made , but unfortunately most Mods had already put me on there ignore list then.
    If you use for example any codes in the Workbook I gave you it will sometimes give and sometime not give the problem. As will any code what so ever. So again what I am talking about is nothing to do with VBA syntax.
    If you have time, if you read agáin from my post #7 in this Thread, then you can follow through and maybe try to repeat the experiments I did. I was still getting the problem here yesterday as I demoed in post #20 for you, as well in the other "Duplicte" posts I did for you and referrenced with a Link.

    I think to solve this problem we would need to be working in the same room together for a few days , firstly to make sure we were talking about the same problem. !! I suspect we are not talking about the same problem here.

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-04-2016 at 05:57 PM.

  4. #44
    Junior Member pike's Avatar
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    Yes I was a moderator at excel forum .. Mate your post are hard to follow .. of course noparse is commonly known at MrExcel and other forums.

    I do not think it is very practical to take that further

  5. #45
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Hi Pike
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    .. .. Mate your post are hard to follow ......
    Sorry, - was just trying to help and Clarify.
    Thanks for all your help and info.


  6. #46
    Junior Member pike's Avatar
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    No it is me who must apologise as
    Mate your post are hard to follow
    I was pulling your chain big time to get a reaction .. I'm a compulsive stirrer and would poke a sleeping tiger with a pointy stick if I ever had the opportunity.
    No need to be sorry ... A question never asked is a question answer never known .. if it wasn't for your persistence with the tags thing, it would have never been definitively solved.
    Remember the sensibility check that forums are all about excel banter, be pragmatic that its just excel and there are many souls in the world fighting day to day just to live.

  7. #47
    Junior Member JackSht_1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    .... I was pulling your chain .. to get a reaction...
    Lol.. Lol... he said in a PM to you he thought you was trolling
    You certainly got a reaction. He had to keeep going back and forth refinding Posts to re referrence for you Lol. The excersize did him good.
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    .... would poke a sleeping tiger with a pointy stick if I ever had the opportunity....
    And we thought you loved Animals going by your signatures And Avatars!. Clearly the "love" is as with another Excel Promi I will mention:
    "I need a macro that is so simple it could be written with the macro recorder...." Lol ( Really just Kidding there, Ford is a nice bloke, usually...mostly... )
    Now I know what you meant by Rabbiting on, Rabbit Rabbit. Poor Bunny! Lol... Lol..
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    ...... if it wasn't for your persistence with the tags thing, it would have never been definitively solved.....
    His persistance and some very detailed Threads only occaisionaly get rewarded. Or / but occaisionally reveals some intersting things. Lucky no one else is watching here.. Or you would be banned now, or maybe reported, .. by / to, the RSPCA. Lol.
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    ... and there are many souls in the world fighting day to day just to live.
    Yep, that's us. Learning computers from scratch since a couple of years was just to help try speeding up part of how he was trying to do that.
    Excel got to be a combination of a distraction from that fight and a bit of a plain Addiction. Instead of asking a Dozen questions he ended up answering several Thousand, mostly in his "Detailed" Style!!!!
    But that should/ must all change now
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    Remember the sensibility check that forums are all about excel banter, be pragmatic that its just excel.......
    ??? Clearly some peolpe take it all a bit too seriuosly, a few quirky mods IMHO around just recently, like at MrExcel IMHO. But they do all do an amazingly great job, all voluntarily, at helping with Excel. Pitty they do not just stick to that.. but who cares, got / must do other things now
    Thanks for letting us know, the Daily ( Morning) Dose of ExcelFox was a bit fun....
    Jacky and Alan


    Last night he was just going to reply with
    "Is you jealous?" Lol Löl. I "Moderated" him ! Lol-...
    Last edited by JackSht_1; 05-05-2016 at 06:25 PM. Reason: Added a P.Sss

  8. #48
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    ... and would poke a sleeping tiger with a pointy stick if I ever had the opportunity.
    I'd pay money to see that

  9. #49
    Junior Member pike's Avatar
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    cool send me your bank details and I'll arrange it

  10. #50
    Junior Member xladept's Avatar
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    Hi Guys,

    You two "junior" members haven't got your avatars up - I never know what's going on- What's BB code? And Hello Trevor, Jac, Doc and Pike

    v A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T
    52 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W
    53 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W
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    55 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W
    56 W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W
    57 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Last edited by xladept; 05-16-2016 at 01:43 AM.
    You can't do one thing.


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