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Thread: Code Mod to prevent further .Replacement.Text over complete Document.

  1. #1
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Code Mod to prevent further .Replacement.Text over complete Document.

    Re: Code Mod to prevent further .Replacement.Text over complete Document.

    Hi, I got this simple code from a macro recording.

    Sub space1to2()
        With Selection.Find
            .Text = " "
            .Replacement.Text = "  "
            .Forward = True
    '        .Wrap = wdFindAsk'This stops asking if whole doco should be done, and it does not then do whole doco
    '        .Format = False
    '        .MatchCase = False
    '        .MatchWholeWord = False
    '        .MatchKashida = False
    '        .MatchDiacritics = False
    '        .MatchAlefHamza = False
    '        .MatchControl = False
    '        .MatchWildcards = False
    '        .MatchSoundsLike = False
    '        .MatchAllWordForms = False
        End With
        'Application.DisplayAlerts = False'These pair prevents me being asked BUT will cause the whole doco to be done!!!!
        Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
        'Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End Sub
    . Its purpose is to replace a space between text in the current selection with 2 spaces
    . I did some simple mods ( mostly just commenting out lines that I did not think did anything )
    . I wanted to modify the code so that it does not ask me if I want to continue doing the replacement for the whole WORD document BUT ALSO that it does not then actually do that.
    . I did try the Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.DisplayAlerts = True Pair. This did prevent me being asked, BUT then the code goes on to do the replacement across the whole WORD Document. ( Which I do not want )
    . Can anyone modify my code to achieve this.

    Many Thanks
    Alan Elston
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 09-16-2015 at 03:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocAElstein View Post
    .......... I wanted to modify the code so that it does not ask me if I want to continue doing the replacement for the whole WORD document BUT ALSO that it does not then actually do that.
    . I did try the Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.DisplayAlerts = True Pair. This did prevent me being asked, BUT then the code goes on to do the replacement across the whole WORD Document. ( Which I do not want )
    _~~~~~I think I have the answer to this now
    _~~~~~I got it along the way when asking a similar question here:
    Eileen's Lounge • View topic - Word VBA Replace multiple Spaces in Text with BB Code String

    _~~~~~~I think I was close, It all lies on this bit , the Wrap Property


    _~~~~~~With hind sight if I goggle that you soon see what it is about.
    _~~~If you leave it out..~~( or have~~~~~~~.Wrap = wdFindAsk~~~~and have the Application.DisplayAlerts = False / Application.DisplayAlerts = True pair )..~~~then the code will go on to find and replace over the whole document
    _~~~~~~For what i wanted, I simply need this

    ~~~~~~~~~~~.Wrap = wdFindStop

    _ Thanks anyway for anyone that looked in.
    _ Alan
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 03-02-2016 at 05:38 PM.

  3. #3
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    I am just posting the full code , a By - Product from which was the solution to this Thread. This is just as a convenient place to reference this code in future Threads, as it runs from, and is working on, a WORD document.
    The basic idea of the code is to get over the problem of a vBulletin Forum Editor “eating” spaces of more than one in text.
    The code runs from a WORD document. It assumes you are preparing a Forum Post in a WORD document.
    After preparing your text you highlight your text and run the code. The text is copied to the clipboard with spaces replaced with light grey coloured Tidles, ~ . ( They are included in the Text String in BB Code format for light grey Tidles [color=lightgrey]~[/color] )
    You then paste into the Forum Editor.
    After posting you barely see the Tidles as they are coloured Light grey. ( if you change that light grey to white, you simply see what appears to be spaces. )

    More details and other code alternatives are given here:


    Here is that code in the next post.
    Sub AlanHansClipboardTextGetFindReplace()
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-29-2016 at 05:45 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  4. #4
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Sub AlanHansClipboardTextGetFindReplace() 'Using the "Dialogue Find Replace" way.
    Rem 1) Put Selected Text in Clipboard.
    'Dim objCliS As dataobject   '**Early Binding.   Object from the class MS Forms, This is for an Object from the class MS Forms. This will be a Data Object of what we "send" to the Clipboard. It has the Methods I need to send text to the Clipboard. I will use this to put Things in the Clipboard. Bringing things out I will do with another Data Object
    'Set objCliS = New dataobject '**Must enable Forms Library: In VB Editor do this:  Tools -- References - scroll down to Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library -- put checkmark in.  Note if you cannot find it try   OR IF NOT can add that manually: VBA Editor -- Tools -- References -- Browse -- and find FM20.DLL file under C:\WINDOWS\system32 and select it --> Open --> OK.
    ' ( or instead of those two lines Dim obj As New DataObject which is the same ).  or  next two lines are...
    Dim objCliS As Object ' ...Late Binding equivalent'
    Set objCliS = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}") '
    Dim Txtin As String: Let Txtin = Selection.Text: Debug.Print Txtin 'Copies the selection as a continuous string: Hit Ctrl G to see it in the Immediate window! You will see it with carriage returns , the Copmuter just sees it as a long "Horizontal" string
    objCliS.SetText Txtin 'Make object's text equal above string variable
    objCliS.PutInClipboard 'Place current object dataObject into the Clipboard ( Our original selected text ....!!!.... is in that )
    'Rem 2) 'Bit of a bodge to get the text in a selection: create a Word file and paste to it
    Dim FullFilePathAndFullName As String 'Initial Pigion Hole given for this String variable, and given a special vbNullString "Value", theoretically to simplify comparisons.
    Documents.Add: ActiveDocument.Content.Paste 'Make a File Copy in current Application based on Default Type : And Paste from Clipoard ( ...!!!...our original selected text ) using the Default Copy which should at least have all the text, which is all we are interested in here.
    ActiveDocument.SaveAs Filename:="TempBBCodeCopyTidledInSpaces.docx", FileFormat:=wdFormatXMLDocument 'Without this the document will not really "exist jet". It has a temporary name ( Used in Windows referrence ), but no path.
    Let FullFilePathAndFullName = ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & ActiveDocument.Name
    Selection.WholeStory 'Selects whole document which here is just our selection of interest from the oroiginal document
    'Rem 3) Han's Text Find Replacement Dialogue '
        With Selection.Find 'This is the VBA code ( or very similar ) used by Excel when Using the Find eplace text Dialogue box. So this is an improved version of what a macro recording would give.
        .ClearFormatting: .Replacement.ClearFormatting    ' Don't use formating, ? not sure this comes into the equation ??
        .Wrap = wdFindStop    ' Tell Word not to continue past the end of the selection ( And therefore prevents also a display Alert asking )
        .MatchWildcards = False    ' Don't use wildcards. The default anyway, but in this code is an important concept...
        .Text = "  "    ' Search text is two spaces
        .Replacement.Text = "~~"    ' Replace text is with two tildas.
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll    ' Replace all within selection. This is the "OK" button!
        .Text = "~ " ' Search text is tilda followed by space
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll    ' Replace all within selection. This is the "OK" button!
        .Text = "~{1;}" 'or  [~]{1;}  It is still not totally clear whether this is a Reg Ex Pattern or a Wild Card String. Important is that it is a String in a Dialogue to be applied to A ( Word in this case ) document. Sort of as you write in a cell, so the ; , convention must be carefully checked and appropriately used here
        '.Text = "~{1,}" ' English XL !!!! *********
    '    .Replacement.Text = "^&"    ' Enclose in BB codes  ...... This "Wildcard" applies only to the Replace. It inserts the found string, or strings.
        .Replacement.Text = "^&"    ' Enclose in BB codes  ...... This "Wildcard" applies only to the Replace. It inserts the found string, or strings.
        .MatchWildcards = True 'The next line does the Replce, here we are still selecting an option,( Use wildcards )
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll ' Replace all within selection. This is the "OK" button!
        End With
    ActiveDocument.Select 'Re select the...( actually this line alone seems to do it )
    Selection.WholeStory '...while document
    Rem 4) "Reset the "Find Replace Text Dialogue" "Thing" "
        With Selection.Find
        .ClearFormatting: .Replacement.ClearFormatting: .Text = "": .Replacement.Text = "":  .Forward = True: .Wrap = wdFindAsk: .Format = False: .MatchCase = False: .MatchWholeWord = False: .MatchKashida = False: .MatchDiacritics = False: .MatchAlefHamza = False: .MatchControl = False: .MatchWildcards = False: .MatchSoundsLike = False: .MatchAllWordForms = False '
        End With
    Rem 4.5) Bodge due to Forum "Eating a carriage Return sometimes" . Seems to occur when I paste first in Word, then copy that to Forum. Direct to Forum seems OK.
    Dim TextAndvbLf As String
    Let TextAndvbLf = Selection.Text: Let TextAndvbLf = Replace(TextAndvbLf, vbCr, vbCr & vbLf, 1, -1)
    Rem 5) Final result to and from Clipboard
    '5b) Using again objCliS we put the modified text in the Clipboard, so overwritng the original
    objCliS.SetText TextAndvbLf 'Replace the text in the data object
    objCliS.PutInClipboard 'Place current object dataObject into the Clipboard, so putting the modified text in there
    '5b) Another data Object to get the data from the clipboard.
    'Dim objDat As dataobject
    'Set objDat = New dataobject 'Set to a new Instance ( Blue Print ) of dataobject
    Dim objDat As Object
    Set objDat = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
    objDat.GetFromClipboard 'All that is in the Clipboard goes in this Data Object second instance of the Class.
    Dim TxtOut As String: Let TxtOut = objDat.GetText() 'retrieve the text in this second instance of the Class. ( In this case all I have in it is the text )
    MsgBox prompt:="You dumped in Clipboard this " & vbCr & objCliS.GetText() & vbCr & "and if you try to get it, you should get" & vbCr & TxtOut & ""
    Rem 6) Optional to delete Temporary File
    ActiveDocument.Close (wdDoNotSaveChanges) 'Giving the option will also prevent being asked for it. You must close. VBA will not let you kill an open sheet, as you are affectively working on a copy, and VBA is assumng the Original can be got at by saving for example.
    Kill FullFilePathAndFullName 'Use the Kill wisely!!!!  - where this goes there 'aint no coming back!!
    Rem 6)
    Set objCliS = Nothing: Set objDat = Nothing 'Probably do not need to do this....
    End Sub
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

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