Per PM request: One full working example of above code:

Option Explicit
Rem 1 ' This I understand. it is a simple more basic version of the VBA Message Box Function                             
' 1a)          UnWRap it and..
Private Declare Function APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox Lib "user32" Alias "MessageBoxA" (Optional ByVal HowManyFartsCanYouHandle As Long, Optional ByVal Prompt As String, Optional ByVal Title As String, Optional ByVal buttons As Long) As Long '
' 1b)        To hang in the Excel Window malking it effectively a Excel Msgbox... Normally if I did not do this  ... don't do this .. that is to say leave it at 0 , specifically no window is 0 , and it "hanging in mid air so isn't even if it is   imaginatively speaking
Public Declare Function FindWndNumber Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (Optional ByVal lpClassName As String, Optional ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Dim HandleWndOfMyParent As Long      ' I wanted to comment  this  1b)(i) and ( 1b(ii) later )   out to leave it hanging in mid air in a virtual  inadvirtual not thereness  ... but somehow this complicated hook stuff does hang it somwhere but not in my Excel Window                                                                                                            but I don't know what my parent's fart has to do with anything
' 1d)        For some Misc experiments
Private Declare Function FindWindowExtremeNutty Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long
Dim WndNumber As Long, hWndDskTop As Long
Dim Booloks As Boolean
'_-=================??? main Declarations that I don't really understand
Rem 2 Position my box --- From here on I do not really have a clue
' 2(a)                                        This will tie something on the chain for when you pull it                                                                                            
Private Declare Function SetWindowsHooksExample Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" (ByVal Hooktype As Long, ByVal lokprocedureAddress As Long, Optional ByVal hmod As Long, Optional ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long
' 2(b)                                        Wipe the chain clean
Private Declare Function UnHookWindowsHookCodEx Lib "user32" Alias "UnhookWindowsHookEx" (ByVal hHookTrapCrapNumber As Long) As Long
' 2(c)                                        Don't loose the Thread? - This seems to have no effect , - maybe it would if something else was going on at the time. You don't want to loose the Thread I guess
'Public Declare Function GetCurrentThreadId Lib "kernel32" () As Long ' Effectively long Null acttuall not ?? -
Public Declare Function GetCurrentFredId Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetCurrentThreadId" () As Long ' Effectively long Null acttuall not ?? -
' 2(d)                                        This looks understandable almost, z(0 for top), posLeft, posTop, x pixels, y pixels,
Private Declare Function SetWindowPosition Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowPos" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal zNumber As Long, ByVal CoedX As Long, ByVal CoedY As Long, ByVal xPiXel As Long, ByVal yPiYel As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
' 2e)
Private hHookTrapCrapNumber As Long                         ' Handle to the Hook procedure
' 2f)
Private poX As Long: Private pussY As Long    ' Positional By proXYs
                            Dim GlobinalCntChopsLog As Long   ' Only used in this test code to keep track of the copies of a Function(HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap) used in a recursion process
' 2g) bits to do with 1 that i am resonably happy with
Sub AkaApiApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox()  ' This one works.. but HTF
        ' 1b(ii)  This section is some how over written in / by the section part or some strange Addressing of HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap
         Let WndNumber = FindWndNumber(lpClassName:=vbNullString, lpWindowName:=vbNullString)
         Let HandleWndOfMyParent = FindWndNumber(lpClassName:="XLMAIN", lpWindowName:=vbNullString) ' This is a case where vbNullstring is important - that signifies that I am not giving it, which i do not have to. The second option is a bit flaky and does not often work. it certainly won't work if you make it "" as that is a specific string of zero.  Null  is a special idea in computing of not set yet / not defined - that is required if I do not want to give it
        ' 1d) Just some experiments, I forgot why as my brain has goine comfortably numb
         Dim HeavyWindBreak As Long: Let HeavyWindBreak = HandleWndOfMyParent
         Let hWndDskTop = FindWindowExtremeNutty(HandleWndOfMyParent, 0&, "XLDESK", vbNullString)
                            Debug.Print "WndNumber"; WndNumber; "   HandleWndOfMyParent"; HandleWndOfMyParent; "   hWndDskTop"; hWndDskTop; "   hHookTrapCrapNumber"
Rem 3                                   Mess with me hook? God knows what this all does and it seems to make no difference if the proXYs poX or pussY are before or after SetWindowsHooksExample
                            Debug.Print "State of Much Such"; Tab(20); "Penialtration's Number"; Tab(45); "HookCodeXcretion's"
                            Debug.Print "=================="; Tab(20); "AliAs Pull of my chain"; Tab(45); "AliAs my long Hook"
                            Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = 0:
'_-======================== Weird thing with an AddressOf ???
Let poX = 10: pussY = 50 ' These can go before or after the next line, makes no diffference.. -                                                    I bet no Pro noticed that...
'Let hHookTrapCrapNumber = SetWindowsHooksExample(5, AddressOf HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap, 0, GetCurrentThreadId)   ' (5-pull before flush,  somehow arranges that the function gets called  ,
                            Debug.Print ; Tab(75); hHookTrapCrapNumber '                                                                                           'APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox HeavyWindBreak, "Excel MsgBox", "This is Center Position", vbOKOnly ' This breaks Wnd in Excel Window
 Call HookAPIssinUserDLL_MsgBoxThenDropIt
 'APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox &H0, "Select Range", "MutsNuts AkaApi working ApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox", vbOKOnly ' Pseudo Non Modal
 'APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox &H0, "Select Range", "MutsNuts AkaApi working ApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox", vbOKOnly ' Pseudo Non Modal
                                                                                                          Dim Rng As Range: Set Rng = Selection
' (Optional ByVal hwnd As Long, Optional ByVal Prompt As String, Optional ByVal Title As String, Optional ByVal buttons As Long) As Long '
End Sub ' AkaApiApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox
Sub HookAPIssinUserDLL_MsgBoxThenDropIt()
Sub HookAPIssinUserDLL_MsgBoxThenDropIt()
' a) HOOK Hook the pseudo Windows Sub Class Function WinSubWinCls_JerkBackOffHooKerd
Dim BookMarkClassTeachMeWind As Long: Let BookMarkClassTeachMeWind = 5
 'Let hHookTrapCrapNumber = SetWindowsHooksExample(BookMarkClassTeachMeWind, AddressOf HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTraped, 0, GetCurrentThreadId)   ' (5-pull before flush,  somehow arranges that the function gets called  ,
 'Let hHookTrapCrapNumber = SetWindowsHooksExample(BookMarkClassTeachMeWind, AddressOf HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId)   ' (5-pull before flush,  somehow arranges that the function gets called  ,
 Let hHookTrapCrapNumber = SetWindowsHooksExample(BookMarkClassTeachMeWind, AddressOf HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc, 0, GetCurrentFredId)   ' (5-pull before flush,  somehow arranges that the function gets called  ,
' b) Call the MessageBoxA
 APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox &H0, "Select Range", "MutsNuts AkaApi working ApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox", vbOKOnly ' Pseudo Non Modal
End Sub
'_-=Rem 4===================??? Got me hook lochprocedue in my code ,                5 times simple run then  another + 29 new copies of it are run  = 6+29=35 times  in total                     calling it it a few times   .... wanking myself up and down a few times
'_-=Rem 4===================??? Got me hook lochprocedue in my code ,                5 times simple run then  another + 29 new copies of it are run  = 5+30=35 times  in total                     calling it it a few times   .... wanking myself up and down a few times
Private Function HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc(ByVal lMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long   '                                   ByVal CopyNumberFroNxtLvl As Long) As Long
                            Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = GlobinalCntChopsLog + 1: Debug.Print " Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc"; GlobinalCntChopsLog; "(1Msg"; lMsg; ", wParam"; wParam; ", lParam"; lParam; ") Function Copy Number_"; GlobinalCntChopsLog
                            'If GlobinalCntChopsLog = 2 Then Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = GlobinalCntChopsLog - 1: UnHookWindowsHookCodEx hHookTrapCrapNumber: Exit Function
    If lMsg = 5 Then '_-.... ( Hook type: HCBT_ACTIVATE = 5 but not here?) ... this runs a further 29 copies of HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap all coming here, so 30 times in total
                            Debug.Print "Expose Interface"; Tab(30); GlobinalCntChopsLog
     Call SetWindowPosition(wParam, 0, poX, pussY, 400, 150, 40) '             SWP_NOZORDER is 4 ..  but not here?? 'SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOZORDER ' Pull the Chainge position ...
     UnHookWindowsHookCodEx hHookTrapCrapNumber         ' Release the Hook 30 times this is done
                            Debug.Print "No InterOfCourse"; Tab(30); GlobinalCntChopsLog; Tab(50); hHookTrapCrapNumber
    End If ' 5 times here then '_-....
                            Debug.Print "Wipe chain WRap"; Tab(30); GlobinalCntChopsLog; Tab(50); hHookTrapCrapNumber
    Let HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc = 0 '  Done  5+30=35 times in total  '0 (or False) makes it work, all other numbers and I get no Message box
                            Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = GlobinalCntChopsLog - 1
End Function ' HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc