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Thread: Macro to fetch csv file and edit the file

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Macro to fetch csv file and edit the file

    Hi Team,

    I got a code from this forum to create a macro and fetch a csv file. Code is as below. Now after fetching the csv file, i am not just going to save in my desktop instead my macro should edit the csv file and add the table name in the first line of the csv file. Because i have to upload this csv file to my web application which will store the data in the table

    Sub SaveasCSV()
        Dim strPath         As String
        Dim strFileName     As String
        strPath = "C:\Users\324954\Desktop\" ' Use your Path
        strFileName = "MyFile" ' Use your File Name
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=strPath & strFileName, _
            FileFormat:=xlCSV, CreateBackup:=False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    End Sub
    Also in my excel file where user will enter the data and run the macro, not all the columns are fetched into a csv file only some selected columns will be fetched as csvfile1, remaining columns will be fetched as another csv file say csv file2.
    In simple words running my macro user should get two csv files. Columns I can hardcode in my code like which columns will fit into csvfile 1 and which all to next file. User will not know that.
    Kindly let me know how i can achieve that.

    Please advise and provide me some help in coding the same.


  2. #2
    Member littleiitin's Avatar
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    Hi Please Paste both codes and Change Red Items according to Your Need activate the Sheet where data is and run the code------------

    Option Explicit
    Sub SaveExcelasCSV()
        Dim strFirstCSVName     As String
        Dim strSecondCSVName    As String
        Dim strFirstTable       As String
        Dim strSecondTable      As String
        Dim strSaveLocation     As String
        Dim strCSV_1_Columns    As String
        Dim strCSV_2_Columns    As String
        Dim strRange            As String
        Dim wksAct              As Worksheet
        Dim wbkNew              As Workbook
        Dim rngUsedRng          As Range
        Dim lngLastRow          As Long
        ''''''''' Change According to your requirement================
        strFirstCSVName = "First"
        strSecondCSVName = "Second"
        strFirstTable = "FirstTable"
        strSecondCSVName = "SecondTable"
        strCSV_1_Columns = "A:C,E,G,I" ' Let Say Column A to C and Columns E, G, and I
        strCSV_2_Columns = "D,F,H,J:L" ' Let Say Columns D,F,H and Columns J to L    
        strSaveLocation = "C:\Users\kbdf775\Desktop\"
        Set wksAct = ActiveSheet
        Set wbkNew = Workbooks.Add(1)
        With wksAct
            Set rngUsedRng = .UsedRange
            lngLastRow = rngUsedRng.Rows.Count
            strRange = MakeRange(strCSV_1_Columns)
            wbkNew.Sheets(1).Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
            wbkNew.Sheets(1).Cells(1).Value = strFirstTable
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            wbkNew.SaveAs Filename:=strSaveLocation & strFirstCSVName, FileFormat:=xlCSV, CreateBackup:=False
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
            strRange = MakeRange(strCSV_2_Columns)
            wbkNew.Sheets(1).Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
            wbkNew.Sheets(1).Cells(1).Value = strSecondTable
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            wbkNew.SaveAs Filename:=strSaveLocation & strSecondCSVName, FileFormat:=xlCSV, CreateBackup:=False
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
            wbkNew.Close 0
        End With
    End Sub
    Function MakeRange(strString As String)
        Dim varSplit    As Variant
        Dim lngVar      As Long
        Dim strMain     As String
        varSplit = Split(strString, ",")
        For lngVar = 0 To UBound(varSplit)
            If Len(varSplit(lngVar)) = 1 Or InStr(1, varSplit(lngVar), ":") = 0 Then
                If strMain = "" Then
                    strMain = varSplit(lngVar) & ":" & varSplit(lngVar)
                    strMain = strMain & "," & varSplit(lngVar) & ":" & varSplit(lngVar)
                End If
                If strMain = "" Then
                    strMain = varSplit(lngVar)
                    strMain = strMain & "," & varSplit(lngVar)
                End If
            End If
        MakeRange = strMain
    End Function


  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Hi littleittin,

    Thank you so much this give me a right direction to proceed. now this fetches the selected columns, if I need to add additional columns to the csv file extracted what can I do.

    Please help

  4. #4
    Member littleiitin's Avatar
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    Change Below lines in Red section accordingly -------------------------

    strCSV_1_Columns = "A:C,E,G,I" ' Let Say Column A to C and Columns E, G, and I
    strCSV_2_Columns = "D,F,H,J:L" ' Let Say Columns D,F,H and Columns J to L

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by littleiitin View Post
    Change Below lines in Red section accordingly -------------------------

    strCSV_1_Columns = "A:C,E,G,I" ' Let Say Column A to C and Columns E, G, and I
    strCSV_2_Columns = "D,F,H,J:L" ' Let Say Columns D,F,H and Columns J to L
    Hi Littleiitin,

    I could not see any code in red in your above reply.

    I wanted to add some more new columns to csv which are not present in the user's excel sheet.

    i tried the below code, which added the column names, now to add values to those columns i am stuck up with. Also i wanted to add these values to all the rows in csv for eg in the attached csv IS_ACTIVE is the column which i added extra using my modified code below, and i wanted to fill the default value as Y till the rows it has data in it.

    strFirstCSVName = "First"
        strSecondCSVName = "Second"
        strFirstTable = "RATE_OFFERING"
        strSecondTable = "RATE_GEO"
        FirstTable_Col1 = "IS_ACTIVE"
        strCSV_1_Columns = "A:E" ' Let Say Column A to C and Columns E, G, and I
        strCSV_2_Columns = "F:G,I" ' Let Say Columns D,F,H and Columns J to L
        strSaveLocation = "C:\Users\13124\Desktop\"
        Set wksAct = ActiveSheet
        Set wbkNew = Workbooks.Add(1)
        With wksAct
            Set rngUsedRng = .UsedRange
            lngLastRow = rngUsedRng.Rows.Count
            strRange = MakeRange(strCSV_1_Columns)
            wbkNew.Sheets(1).Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
          '  wbkNew.Sheets(1).Columns(1).Insert
         '   wbkNew.Sheets(1).Rows(1).Insert
            wbkNew.Sheets(1).Cells(1).Value = strFirstTable
            wbkNew.Sheets(1).Rows(2).Cells(6).Value = FirstTable_Col1
    Please advice
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Copy the first set of columns to a separate workbook. Save that workbook as csv-file
    Copy the second set of columns to a separate workbook. Save that workbook as csv-file.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Thanks i got the code to work
      wbkNew.Sheets(1).Range("L3").Activate         'DOMAIN_NAME
                     For i = 1 To wbkNew.Sheets(1).Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row - 2
                    ActiveCell.Value = "GRK"
                    Next i

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