Hi Everyone,

Firstly a message to the admin team to say what a great forum this is, and secondly here is my issue.

ive designed a spreadsheet for HGV drivers, ive finished the design aspect of it and part programmed the userform (Still finding that a challenge). my issues is with the cell formulas, i think for what i need to do i REALLY complicated but to someone else they may find it really easy.

most of it is time related, however there is one that if a word (lets say Holiday, sick, off or normal) is selected then several things should happen. Also if lets say Night out put was Yes then an amount out be added to the daily total.

i also have a section that says "Drive Time" and "Working Day" that also need work.

ive uploaded my worksheet for people to take a look at to see if anyone could help me.

Many thanks in advance


i cant use the paperclip so ive used my dropbox link instead
