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Thread: counting consecutive values in an array

  1. #1
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    counting consecutive values in an array

    Hello Everyone,
    I need your help to count consecutive values in an array.
    If you look at the file attached - there is an example.

    1. a1:a38 - is the array and i would like to insert a formula that will be counting if there are more than 5 consecutive "ODD" occurences - the answer should be 8

    2. e1: e38 - is my second array - and there i would like to insert a formula that will be counting more than 5 occurances ODD-EVEN-ODD-EVEN or EVEN-ODD-EVEN-ODD - the answer should be 9

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  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    if 2.) is difficult to be done i would appreciate suggestions for 1.)

  3. #3
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    For 1, this would work.

    =MAX(FREQUENCY(IF(A1:A38="ODD",ROW(A1:A38)),IF(A1: A38<>"ODD",ROW(A1:A38))))
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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Hi sko

    I'm having a problem understanding the true requirements of your second request. You say that you want the count of occurrences of the sequence of values "ODD/EVEN/ODD/EVEN" or "EVEN/ODD/EVEN/ODD".

    Your suggested answer of 9 implies that overlapping occurrences are fine.

    ie. the SEQUENCE "ODD/EVEN/ODD/EVEN/ODD" has two occurrences - the first is "ODD/EVEN/ODD/EVEN" and the second (which starts with the first EVEN) is

    Using this as the basis for calculating, I come up with only 7 occurrences. The first is in cells E7:E10, and then there are sequences starting in E30, E31, E32, E33, E34 and E35. The sequences starting in E36, #37 and E38 are too short to qualify as true occurrences. It may be that you wanted consecutive sequences of more than 5 occurrences, in which case the singleton occurrence at E7 should be discarded giving only 6 (or 2 if you are actually counting the sequences of 5+).

    Can you please clarify exactly what you are trying to do - this will help finding a solution!


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