View Full Version : Data sorting & Graph making according filters

04-04-2012, 03:56 PM
Dear all,

I have some data on 5 columns. The requirements are as below.

1. Data to be sorted from Column B,C,D & E
2. From the column F & G, the graph to be generated.
3. Legend to be made according to the Data filter

The data file is attached along with the request..

Please help on the above matter..
Thanks in advance

Leo Paul

Excel Fox
04-04-2012, 07:27 PM
Leo, your graph is already made. If you expand the range of your series, and you simply use autofilter as you have, the chart will display data for whatever you have selected. So where exactly do you need help?

04-05-2012, 08:56 AM
The file which i have provided for reference,

It contains Model AAAA contains with 2 number of Makers. If i am creating a graph manually, the range can be selectable after viewing the data filters. Because after selecting the Model, the data for graphs to be selected manually as per the requirement.

If I want the graph for model with all makers, how it can make possible?
In the graph, the appearance is possible as Chart tools ---> Design ---->Layout 1, it will be appreciable.