View Full Version : problem hilighting or editing within the EXCEL CONTENTS BOX of the FORMULA BAR

02-06-2022, 04:08 AM
When I first open a spreadsheet and click on a cell of interest, the cell's content appears in the EXCEL CONTENTS BOX of the FORMULA BAR, as I would expect. I can then move my cursor to a place within this 'edit box' and highlight the portion of the cell that I want to make bold, underline, italicize, change color, etc...with no difficulty. However, lately, I can no longer do this (i.e., when I click on a cell and go up to the 'edit box' the cursor can ONLY be placed at the end of the cell's content and I cannot left-click and highlight the cell's contents at all to edit it as I used to be able to. I am, however, able to backspace and hit the spacebar or start typing, but highlighting is not available.
Also, sometimes the cursor is on top of a character and it is not clear if I am about to edit the character before or after it!?!
There is plenty of cpu and ram available so that's not the issue. If I close and reopen the spreadsheet that sometimes corrects my problem, so it does prove that the cell is not corrupt.
Thanks in advance to all who reply.

02-06-2022, 03:14 PM
Hello bromberg
Welcome to ExcelFox :)

I have never seen that problem

Just a couple of things I can suggest.
_1) Have you expanded the formula edit box thing. ( There is something to click on, and then you can drag the bottom up and down:
https://i.postimg.cc/mz6t9J4R/Expand-Top-Edit-Box-Bar-Formula-bar.jpg (https://postimg.cc/mz6t9J4R)https://i.postimg.cc/CBKRzYWm/Expand-Top-Edit-Box-Bar-Formula-bar-Drag-Bottom-up-and-down.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CBKRzYWm)

) Possibly that might reveal something in the cell that you wernt expecting.

_2 The only other thing I can suggest is if you can upload a small workbook that is exhibiting the problem ( remove any sensitive data ) , then me or someone could try in our Excel so that we might at least be able to say if the problem is in the Workbook or your Excel. ( I also have some coding that I could use to check if you have got any strange “invisible” characters in your cells: There are often characters in a text that you don’t see, but they might cause strange effects ( https://excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2302-quot-What%e2%80%99s-in-a-String-quot-VBA-break-down-Loop-through-character-contents-of-a-string )


P.S If you have not done it before, uploading a file here is not as simple as it should be. Here are some notes on it:
attachments : https://excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2345-Appendix-Thread-(-Codes-for-other-Threads-HTML-Tables-etc-)?p=11279&viewfull=1#post11279