View Full Version : Task Tracker_Copy & Paste the selected Process in Excel

09-26-2018, 02:37 PM
Hi excelfox experts,

Note: Have also posted the same thread to another forum but I haven't heard from them yet. Here's the link: https://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1246864-task-tracker_copy-and-paste-the-selected-process-in-excel.html#post4980368

I tried creating a task tracker to monitor the time spent on each workout using Userform but I am having a hard time incorporating additional macro codes to do the following procedures:

1.) After clicking the "Start" button, the userform named "Select Process" will appear. (Have already assigned codes for this.)
2.) I have to select a process from the dropdown list and a sub-process subsequently then click "OK" button to start the process. (I hope I can incorporate the vbCritical function if no data selected from either process and sub-process category. Please help me on this part).
3.) After clicking the "OK" button, the selected process and sub-process should be pasted on the "Process" and "Sub-Process" column in the attached workbook respectively. It's in the cell "A6" and "B6".
4.) The time on the "Start Timer" column should also be running at this point until I clicked the "End" button which will automatically stop the time running on the "End Timer" column.
5.) The same process will apply until I have a full records of all the activities and the time spent I made.

My main concern here is the pasting of the selected activity from the userform and the running time for it. I am wondering if there could be someone with brilliant mind that could help me with this.

Have attached the spreadsheet that I am working on for your reference. Please let me know if you need additional details or clarifications. Thanks a lot!

Best regards,